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Don’t want no short short man.


5'5 (167cm) and I live in the Netherlands.

Guess I just gotta play the hand I was dealt, but those cards aren't great.

I was in Amsterdam last year and was shocked to find everyone to be tall as fuck. I never felt so short in my life lol (no offense)
But I also remember when I took acid I suddenly didn't feel short anymore, I was tripping hard and walking alongside tall people during the peak of my trip, and I felt as tall as the giants nearby lol


No real Hygiene, just use enough AXE to appear to be clean.

I never use deo. Not neccessary in my case.

Only in the morning I have a faint manly musky aroma.

(Although that hasn't been the case in some phases to be honost)
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Golden Boy
I am 183cm which is exactly 6 feet apparently.
Never understood why this is such a thing in the US that everyone needs to hit that magic number.
Girls nowadays are shallow it seems.


As someone recently divorced (bit over a year), who is legit 5'9, I check just about every other box I have been taught women are looking for in my age range (30 - 45). Online has been awful.

When I was younger (and far less accomplished), I had zero issue meeting women out and about, from friends, etc. But now, at 43, with few of my friends being out much, online is my vector...and it's just depressing, off-putting, and completely counter-productive IMO. I guess 5'9 fucks me and there is nothing I can do about it.

What is really depressing is, if I set a filter for college/grad degree, fit (skip curvy, it's a trap), and having a job somewhere decent...my matches drop to an abysmal low number of women. Don't even get me started at the absolute disgust I am pummeled with as I flip through (and actually read) peoples profiles.
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I was in Amsterdam last year and was shocked to find everyone to be tall as fuck. I never felt so short in my life lol (no offense)
But I also remember when I took acid I suddenly didn't feel short anymore, I was tripping hard and walking alongside tall people during the peak of my trip, and I felt as tall as the giants nearby lol


Quite the giant trip i'd say

I personally consider anyone 6.2 or above tall.

There are a lot of "short" guys in The Netherlands. In my experience they act seemingly not bothered by it.

But.. I've seen my share of those that compensate that with posture/behavior. It's very obvious to spot. Oh well.
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I am 183cm which is exactly 6 feet apparently.
Never understood why this is such a thing in the US that everyone needs to hit that magic number.
Girls nowadays are shallow it seems.

My little brother is 185cm.

I guess it's a deeply ingrained primal concept seeing how longer/bigger the man the more protection they can offer.

That's my bet. Then again what do I know.


Finally someone acknowledged guys do this shit too.

Maybe nobody says it on Gaf (or at least admits it), but on gamefaqs if a “who would you like to date?” type of topic comes up, plenty of guys draw an extreme “if she’s taller than me, I will not date her!” line. Now, it’s possible (and likely) some/most these are ignorant incels who if an attractive woman who just happened to be taller approached one of them and asked them out, they’d say yes instantly. But regardless, the close-mindedness regarding height is still present in both genders.

But yeah, plenty of people are close-minded about specifics like this (I’m not talking preferences, that’s normal, I mean instant “no” if they just happen to be outside of those preferences). You got those people who refuse to give certain races/ethnicities a chance, a tattoo of any kind anywhere or a piercing anywhere besides the ear is a no, of course height difference as we’ve discussed, the other person isn’t allowed to be smarter and/or have a better job, etc. Again, having a preference(s) is fine, but it just seems shallow to me to instantly rule out everyone who falls into any category. Judge a person by their individuality as a whole, and don’t let one single aspect define them. Sadly, tons of men and women are guilty of doing the latter, and even some lack the tact to not tell someone it’s the reason they’re not interested if asked out (I know I’ve heard that on dating apps that black and Asian guys in particular were shocked how many people openly turned down them by admitting they wouldn’t ever date someone of their race. Black women got hit with this to a degree as well. It’s like, okay, if you’re going to be close-minded about it, whatever, but who the fuck casually tells the other person that’s the reason? Just say you’re not interested and move on, is a little fucking classy behavior so much to ask for?)

Regardless, to all the men and women here who have ever rejected by someone openly admitting it was due to something you have no control over and absolutely refusing to see the other things that make you awesome, stay strong, you’re likely better off without someone who thinks like that. Hang in there, you’ll find someone who is smart enough to appreciate you.

Believe Jason Sudeikis GIF by Apple TV+
Its been my experience that guys may run their mouth about "who they would date" if they fall in the 5-7 range of attractiveness (all things included), they are happy to throw those rules away. Women, I have found, seem to be less inclined to do so.

In the end though, you are right about individuality and what the internet strips away. It strips away chemistry. Some of my more interesting and fun relationships have been with women that are far different from what I would put on a form as an "ideal women for me." In the end, you absolutely never know how a person may click with another. It cant be alogorithmed.
It’s weird to me that this is an issue today. Being 6ft I tower over most women I encounter (especially with shoes on bumping me up to almost 6’2). I’ve seen guys at 5’7 get all the girls by being confident, polite, and taking care of themselves. Maybe times have changed but it could all be internet bs.. Be your best self and you’ll find what you’re looking for! 😎


It’s weird to me that this is an issue today. Being 6ft I tower over most women I encounter (especially with shoes on bumping me up to almost 6’2). I’ve seen guys at 5’7 get all the girls by being confident, polite, and taking care of themselves. Maybe times have changed but it could all be internet bs.. Be your best self and you’ll find what you’re looking for! 😎

Imagine the Dating Site experience IRL. Stating your personality, your "demands" etc sans the carefully taken pictures and description of your life etc. Would be weird AF.


A contributing factor is also perceived height versus actual height. People can either roughly gauge someone's height +/- a few inches or be way off base. It starts to get warped when there is a taller person beside them. It's why you always see people shocked to know their favorite actor/actress is shorter than they appear in person. The same goes for athletes too. Usually once you get around the 6'2+ or so range, those people will usually tower over the majority of the people or stand out in a way that is quite noticeable in a public space.

Typically you'll get measured at your doctor's office during a physical (they'll stop doing that once you are in your 20's since you likely reached your max height), but it is still crazy how many people don't know their actual height. Throw this into the mix of traits that others may judge you on, it'll either boost your confidence or make you insecure. People either lie about their heights due to not actually knowing how tall they are or they nudge it due to a social stigma as mentioned here. Folks can usually get away with boosting a few inches in most cases. Although, don't be surprised if someone calls you out on it at some point or if the person you are talking to can actually tell the difference lol.

Both sexes are free to have whatever traits they are looking for in a companion/hookup, including height (non-controllable). However, the arbitrary 6' marker in guys is odd for sure. While guys may have height requirements (min/max) for women too, I don't think many women are directly impacted by the same filter being used on them. I would assume women in the limited 6'+ range are also looking for guys in the same range or taller (or they like short kings too). It would be interesting to see stats related to women's height and whether guys filter on them as much.

Gauging dick size is also in that area too. IMO, unless you are noticeably small, your GF/Wife/Etc. likely sized you up bigger than you actually are (or took your word for it). Can be a good or bad thing too lol


Of they polled number percent of men would they prefer a double D rack in sure 90% would say that too.

We just incentivize attractive qualities I guess, but those can be overcome with other good qualities.

Online dating is arguably an unnatural intrusion of our natural dating style anyway, and thus the pool of users and the interactions must be skewed away from how it normally works.. we haven't fully explored that difference between the two but it is certainly there.

I have no interest in dating online personally, too parasocial.


I am 183cm which is exactly 6 feet apparently.
Never understood why this is such a thing in the US that everyone needs to hit that magic number.
Girls nowadays are shallow it seems.

Everyone is shallow. Women just have more power in the dating scene. This became a thing in online dating because its harder to confirm a person's height in pics. But it's not just height, lets see what does some ugly ass tall guy pulls lol

Its absolutely idiotic that men would get shit if they publicly displayed similar sentiment, but at the same time its perfectly understandable women exerting their power.
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Gauging dick size is also in that area too. IMO, unless you are noticeably small, your GF/Wife/Etc. likely sized you up bigger than you actually are (or took your word for it). Can be a good or bad thing too lol

I've had (not bragging just saying) heard I have a perfect/awesome/delicious dick from many woman and yes, I still think it's to "small." Maybe because I'm an extreme grower? And certainly insecurity in general I reckon.


Being tall relative to my height seems more like an inconvenience regarding some aspects.

Height in general is also inherent to legs > torso proportions.

Offtopic: just saw a wasp that flew in my kitchen. He's on the window. First wasp I've seen in quite some time... Hmm seems he's gone now.


I feel being tall also comes with the expectation you must have a big dick. It must feel like shit to be tall and have a small dick though, in that case your height even makes your small dick even more noticeable, yikes
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Please tell us. Are you afraid she will leave you at any second, or that she won't be able to find you in a crowd?

I wear clogs with lifts in, and I'll report her to the immigration authorities if she tries to leave me. Ha!

not really she has wicked sharp elbows im always scared help


I've had (not bragging just saying) heard I have a perfect/awesome/delicious dick from many woman and yes, I still think it's to "small." Maybe because I'm an extreme grower? And certainly insecurity in general I reckon.
Porn is awful for this. The industry is full of guys who are 5'7" and weigh 130 lbs with slightly above average wangs having sex with women who are 4'11" and 90 lbs. And they film the scene with a wide-angle lens. So that 6.5"er looks enormous.

Obviously there are some huge dongs in porn, but most of them aren't that much bigger than the average guy's. But when you get exposed to that stuff at a young age, it definitely warps your perception and your expectation of what women want/need.


Porn is awful for this. The industry is full of guys who are 5'7" and weigh 130 lbs with slightly above average wangs having sex with women who are 4'11" and 90 lbs. And they film the scene with a wide-angle lens. So that 6.5"er looks enormous.

Obviously there are some huge dongs in porn, but most of them aren't that much bigger than the average guy's. But when you get exposed to that stuff at a young age, it definitely warps your perception and your expectation of what women want/need.

Thanks for saying what I thought about saying but in a more eloquent manner.

Hard agree.

Yep Reaction GIF by C H A R L Ö T T E


I've never considered myself short at 5'11, but fuck man I guess I am. I'm extremely thankful that I'm not dating, not that marriage is always peachy and those who have been here for a while know that my marriage has gotten extremely rocky at times and almost ended, but Christ man I gotta try to keep this thing going as long as I can, as I simply refuse to deal with today's rigoddamndiculous females and their insane expectations of men. The modern woman occupies a fairy tale space, and the unfortunate reality is that most things in their life reinforce this ridiculous fantasy, so there's no reason to stop believing it. Need money? Strip down and jiggle on a kick or twitch steam and you're set, or hell just sell pics of your feet to freaks online. Need sex? If a woman's above a 4 in appearance they can literally walk into the middle of a four way intersection and scream "fuck me", and you can guarantee there will be at least 12 dudes ready to go immediately. Need someone to parent your children? Hop online, tons of lonely dudes will be the father to your children that your baby daddy refused to be after you irresponsibly had unprotected sex. Want some drinks? Just head to a bar and smile at any dude, ask him if he's alone, and he'll have you covered for the night. I don't even blame women for somehow all coming to the conclusion that they're "queens", I mean how could they not think that in today's society?


Being 6'5" hasn't helped me with the dames in the USA (plenty of action when I was in China tho). But it's definitely helped at least talking to people I'm sure.


I've never considered myself short at 5'11, but fuck man I guess I am. I'm extremely thankful that I'm not dating, not that marriage is always peachy and those who have been here for a while know that my marriage has gotten extremely rocky at times and almost ended, but Christ man I gotta try to keep this thing going as long as I can, as I simply refuse to deal with today's rigoddamndiculous females and their insane expectations of men. The modern woman occupies a fairy tale space, and the unfortunate reality is that most things in their life reinforce this ridiculous fantasy, so there's no reason to stop believing it. Need money? Strip down and jiggle on a kick or twitch steam and you're set, or hell just sell pics of your feet to freaks online. Need sex? If a woman's above a 4 in appearance they can literally walk into the middle of a four way intersection and scream "fuck me", and you can guarantee there will be at least 12 dudes ready to go immediately. Need someone to parent your children? Hop online, tons of lonely dudes will be the father to your children that your baby daddy refused to be after you irresponsibly had unprotected sex. Want some drinks? Just head to a bar and smile at any dude, ask him if he's alone, and he'll have you covered for the night. I don't even blame women for somehow all coming to the conclusion that they're "queens", I mean how could they not think that in today's society?
My college gf and I used to read personal ads on craigslist for fun. Missed connections and the sex ads in particular. One Friday night I convinced her to create a W4M ad using a sexy (but fully clothed) selfie she had taken a few years prior just to see what would happen. Her email inbox instantly exploded with emails. I think she had over 100 within about 30 minutes, and then the ad got reported and deleted. It was absolutely insane to see firsthand as a guy.

I also briefly dated a girl when I was 18 or so who was smoking hot. Way out of my league, and we didn't last long. But she let me see her MySpace messages one time, and holy fuck. She got absolutely bombarded with messages every day. She could refresh her page every 5 minutes and have a new message from a random guy.

I've never been a particularly jealous/possessive person, but the sex imbalance between the genders is just astounding. And really, almost all moderately attractive and up women, including those who are in long-term relationships and are even married, have at least 1-2 loyal orbiters who can swoop in at a moment's notice if things get rocky in their relationships.


My college gf and I used to read personal ads on craigslist for fun. Missed connections and the sex ads in particular. One Friday night I convinced her to create a W4M ad using a sexy (but fully clothed) selfie she had taken a few years prior just to see what would happen. Her email inbox instantly exploded with emails. I think she had over 100 within about 30 minutes, and then the ad got reported and deleted. It was absolutely insane to see firsthand as a guy.

I also briefly dated a girl when I was 18 or so who was smoking hot. Way out of my league, and we didn't last long. But she let me see her MySpace messages one time, and holy fuck. She got absolutely bombarded with messages every day. She could refresh her page every 5 minutes and have a new message from a random guy.

I've never been a particularly jealous/possessive person, but the sex imbalance between the genders is just astounding. And really, almost all moderately attractive and up women, including those who are in long-term relationships and are even married, have at least 1-2 loyal orbiters who can swoop in at a moment's notice if things get rocky in their relationships.
Yup, you nailed it there man. My wife always puts it on everything that she's married, and though we've had our problems, to her credit she's never stopped doing that even for a second. She's never been a "change status to single over a fight" type, and the only social medias she engages with are Instagram and Pinterest anyway, but what I found interesting is that when she changed her profile pic to a selfie at one point in time, she suddenly kept getting followed and friend requested by guys who apparently were born with abs instead of faces of we're going by their profile pictures. Eventually, she changed her profile pic to one of her and our daughter, and the requests slowed down but still were coming in. Eventually she changes her profile pic to some of her art, which happened to be of an attractive woman's face, and STILL, they keep coming in. Eventually she replaced profile pic with a beautiful landscape shot, the requests completely dried up immediately. It was fucking uncanny bro, just genuinely strange.


That reminds me of the time I answered "if you're 6 feet or taller" to the question "you should message me if:" on my dating profile. Got a lot of angry messages even though I was just trolling (lots of girls got the joke though, to be fair, and I got some good times out of it).


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
I'm 6'5" but sometimes feel it goes the other direction and I intimidate women.

Although that could be from the assless chaps.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Often I'm glad that I got married before dating apps were a thing

But as a 6'3" man, I also can't help but think I'd be drowning in pussy these days

as a 1.91m man

I'm 6'5" but sometimes feel it goes the other direction and I intimidate women.

Although that could be from the assless chaps.
This whole thing is just manlet seethe, I am shorter and still get that and it isn't nice feeling.


Yup, you nailed it there man. My wife always puts it on everything that she's married, and though we've had our problems, to her credit she's never stopped doing that even for a second. She's never been a "change status to single over a fight" type, and the only social medias she engages with are Instagram and Pinterest anyway, but what I found interesting is that when she changed her profile pic to a selfie at one point in time, she suddenly kept getting followed and friend requested by guys who apparently were born with abs instead of faces of we're going by their profile pictures. Eventually, she changed her profile pic to one of her and our daughter, and the requests slowed down but still were coming in. Eventually she changes her profile pic to some of her art, which happened to be of an attractive woman's face, and STILL, they keep coming in. Eventually she replaced profile pic with a beautiful landscape shot, the requests completely dried up immediately. It was fucking uncanny bro, just genuinely strange.
I'm at the point where I don't even want to know if my wife gets unsolicited DMs from people. We've been together for 12 years (married for 6), so I doubt she gets many just because people she knows are aware of her status, but I do remember her showing me a couple she got after she changed her profile pic to one I took of her on the beach in Malibu showing off her legs.

Just knowing the imbalance in sexual market value between the average man and woman keeps me on my toes with my wife. My last two long-term relationships ended because I got complacent and really started taking them for granted. Stopped putting forth effort, stopped treating them well, etc. When women have nearly infinite options, they can instantly drop a stale, boring relationship and go chase new dick/new relationship energy at the drop of a hat. And it's so easy for them.

It helps that I still find my wife wildly attractive, but I definitely can't make the mistakes I made before. It seems so often, married guys completely neglect their wives for years. Meanwhile, their wives basically grieve the death of their relationships privately, drop the divorce/affair bomb out of nowhere, and make a break for it, leaving the husband panicking and groveling trying to fix years of damage.
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I'm at the point where I don't even want to know if my wife gets unsolicited DMs from people. We've been together for 12 years (married for 6), so I doubt she gets many just because people she knows are aware of her status, but I do remember her showing me a couple she got after she changed her profile pic to one I took of her on the beach in Malibu showing off her legs.

Just knowing the imbalance in sexual market value between the average man and woman keeps me on my toes with my wife. My last two long-term relationships ended because I got complacent and really started taking them for granted. Stopped putting forth effort, stopped treating them well, etc. When women have nearly infinite options, they can instantly drop a stale, boring relationship and go chase new dick/new relationship energy at the drop of a hat. And it's so easy for them.

It helps that I still find my wife wildly attractive, but I definitely can't make the mistakes I made before. It seems so often, married guys completely neglect their wives for years. Meanwhile, their wives basically grieve the death of their relationships privately, drop the divorce/affair bomb out of nowhere, and make a break for it, leaving the husband panicking and groveling trying to fix years of damage.
Christ man two for two, you get it. Without getting deep into it, you just nailed down why my wife was about to leave me, and man it came like a sucker punch in a dark alley dude. I somehow got her to stay, and I'm doing everything in my power to be the guy she wants to be with, and things are better now, even though she does struggle with some mental health issues that make patience and understanding a tough thing that I'm always struggling with, and I've taken big steps to get my anger under control, but yeah we're about to have our thirteenth anniversary here next month, and it was around two years ago that we came to a very rocky path and she really genuinely wanted to leave me. My anger has fucked me out of so many good things in my life man, and I'm not gonna let it fuck me out of being a father and husband. Calmed down a lot now, got a behavioral therapist and I do work on me now, try not to let things get to me much, and we're doing better, though she hates being in the military and she can't wait to get out, and fuck I can't wait for her to get out too as joining is really when things started to go wrong for us. It stressed her out too much and made me crazy with jealousy and distrust, I can admit it.

Long story short, relationships are fucking hard bro, and we have to work a little harder than the women sometimes to keep them together, but I guess that's just nature. They have their pick of the litter after all, ......but they're worth it, I must begrudgingly admit lol.


Gold Member
When I did match.com years back (around 2015), they had an income filter. When I left it blank, I got hits here and there. When someone views you, a little red counter shows you a number how many women looked at your profile. Googling it, they got rid of the income metric years ago.

When I decided to choose the $100,000-150,000 option, my view count literally tripled overnight. Gold diggers.

I never did a filter on my searches wanting only women who make $$$ or more money.
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
When I did match.com years back (around 2015), they had an income filter. When I left it blank, I got hits here and there. When someone views you, a little red counter shows you a number how many women looked at your profile. Googling it, they got rid of the income metric years ago.

When I decided to choose the $100,000-150,000 option, my view count literally tripled overnight. Gold diggers.

I never did a filter on my searches wanting only women who make $$$ or more money.
Women want security...and to many women money equals security. And while it isn't because it can be fleeting, but having money is more fun than not.
6'1 here, but don't consider myself to be all that tall. People never said anything about my height ever. US must have a lot of small people crawling around...


is waiting for Starfield 7
One of my hot actress friend with big tits got to know her husband on tinder. Her husband looks like shit but he's some finance guy who rakes in big bucks. Before this guy, she was dating lawyers and other guys in the finance industry all through dating apps.

I dated her for a bit but she was quite mentally unstable lol. She told me about some dark urge to kill people and I noped out. What a waste though. Pretty and really big tits.
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One of my hot actress friend with big tits got to know her husband on tinder. Her husband looks like shit but he's some finance guy who rakes in big bucks. Before this guy, she was dating lawyers and other guys in the finance industry all through dating apps.

I dated her for a bit but she was quite mentally unstable lol. She told me about some dark urge to kill people and I noped out. What a waste though. Pretty and really big tits.
“Actress friend” must be code for pornstar. What’s her name, I’ll look up her work, for research purposes of course.


is waiting for Starfield 7
“Actress friend” must be code for pornstar. What’s her name, I’ll look up her work, for research purposes of course.

We acted in a commercial together. I'm a piano teacher but I do act in independent films and musical theatre as well.
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