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Donald Trump is the first Republican Candidate to openly exploit the LGBTQ community

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He said in one of the debates that he wants to rescind Roe v Wade and make it an issue decided by the states.

Are we not to believe he intends to do the same with gay marriage?
That's what he stated a few times. He's also for stuff like hb2 so long as the states decide it.


Yeah sure. I mean what other stance could he take? He has alienated so many collectives already, he doesn't need more.

Some of his shitty supporters are already hitting people and calling them faggots, is he gonna condone that?

The idea that the president of USA should be praised because he "supports" the LGBTQ community is just disgusting. Stop giving him credit for something that should be granted.


Donald Trump as a private individual probably doesn't care about the LGBTQ community. Not in a hateful way, I just don't think he thinks about it much if at all.

Donald Trump as a candidate said literally whatever he thought would stoke up support, so expressed pro-LGBTQ sentiments to hopefully pander since the country is increasingly sympathetic. He is the champion for <literally any group ever>!

Trump the politician will probably cede most of the politicking to Mike fucking Pence.

I feel like giving Trump credit for being pro-LGBTQ is like trying to pretend he really cares about the African American community. He said a bunch of shit to make him appear lesss repugnant and more worth voting for; there is zero reasons to believe this will morph into actual presidential support that would conflict with the super conservative base.
His very own VP, which will virtually be the president of the US since Trump would just fuck off the responsibilities that come with being a leader of a country, has made clear his feelings towards this group. Actions speak louder then words.



Donald Trump is full of empty gestures.

As a mexican i can assure everyone that Taco Bowls are not a thing in mexico.

But i gotta admit, it looks delicious.


Judging by the number of pictures we have seen of white people holding 'blacks for trump' signs at his rallies, I probably wouldn't take a rainbow flag held by some stranger at face value.
Why does everyone assume Trump will let Pence govern for him? He seems the type to want to control everything. And if he does want an advisor, it doesn't need to be Pence.


Did the wording in the title change or am I going crazy? I thought it said "support" last night; looks like it was changed to a more appropriate "exploit."


Why does everyone assume Trump will let Pence govern for him? He seems the type to want to control everything. And if he does want an advisor, it doesn't need to be Pence.

If you know anything about Trump, you'd know he is not equipped to handle the reality of being President. It's not Hollywood with nothing but big speeches and parades, the President's job is stressful, tedious, hard and long. It's working all day every day (and sometimes the night too) with repetitive meetings, conferences, reports, travel, signings, briefings, etc.

Trump couldn't even sit still for a single 90 minute debate with Clinton, three times. Every single speech or answer he gives is rambling nonsense. He couldn't even sit for debate prep. Can you imagine him spending hours every day in meetings and briefings, overseeing all aspects of running the country? He has zero experience in politics, only in business, it's not at all the same thing.

There's a reason presidents age so much in office, it's a hard and stressful job that's 24/7. He'll hate everything about the job other than the superficial ego boosters like sitting at the oval office desk or travelling in a motorcade.


Why does everyone assume Trump will let Pence govern for him? He seems the type to want to control everything. And if he does want an advisor, it doesn't need to be Pence.

Trump will want total control of the things that get his attention, and expect the stuff that he isn't interested in to be handled for him. He won't want to be advised at all, ever--he'll either want to dictate and have orders followed, or not be bothered about things he doesn't want to dictate. He'll obsessively micromanage things he cares about, make demands that aren't logical or even possible, and grow impatient with time spent on those he doesn't when other people could just take care of it. This isn't an issue that ranks as important to him, so it'll be free control for his underlings unless and until something happens that makes him decide it's worth his time.
We'll see what his actions show in the future. Trump is not a religious man in the slightest, so this is one of the very few areas I'd give him the benefit of the doubt. Still, we know Pence is anti-LGBT. The question that arises is did Trump willingly pick Pence knowing this.

At the very least he's the first President to claim to not be anti-LGBT to get into office, as the title suggests. Exploit is a strong word given we haven't seen the practice, but I understand the sentiment.

I'm hoping for the best here, but Trump is certainly the type of president who could dismantle that hope in a moment's notice.


Unconfirmed Member
Thank you for the title change. <3

If he truly cared in any way about the LGBT+ community, he would not have run as a Republican.

He ran as a Republican.
He chose Mike Pence as VP.
He's surrounded by anti-LGBT+ advisors.
The people he will put in charge of things are anti-LGBT+.

He mentioned the LGBT+ community a few times in an attempt to get votes, that's it.

His presidency will be ( and his election already is ) disastrous for LGBT+ people and likely set back progress a decade. Trump personally does not seem to care one way or the other, so Republicans will likely get everything they want through.

I hope I'm wrong.


Trump waves a LGBTQ flag and suddenly he supports us..... doesn't matter what party he is actually leader off or his actual views.

"But he waved a flag so he must support LGBTQ". Nah


I don't think that Trump himself is anti-LGBT, but I have no doubt that he doesn't care enough to stand up to the other republicans. He'll probably just roll over to whatever they say.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Why does everyone assume Trump will let Pence govern for him? He seems the type to want to control everything. And if he does want an advisor, it doesn't need to be Pence.
Umm, remember that we had reports of one of Trump's sons making a VP offer to Kasich's team and said Kasich could be in charge of both foreign and domestic policy while Trump would sit around "making America great again."


Interesting video at the link.


But that doesn't sound sincere at all, right? And Pence, right? He was probably just exploiting LGBTQ for votes, right?

That's the convention speech, I think. He was exploiting the Orlando club shooting, specifically, and the wording there is incredibly precise. He will protect the community from a hateful foreign ideology--i.e. He will not let Muslims into the country to terrorism; the inclusion of the word foreign there is really important because he's not promising to protect them from American bigotry.
Trump's administration picked Ken Blackwell (yes, from the outspoken and officially-designated anti-LGBTQ hate group "Family Research Council") to be in charge of domestic policy.

Trump can hold up as many rainbow flags as he wants, the truth doesn't change.


I read the topic body, had to think for almost a minute about the disconnect between the body and the title, and then realized it was a title change. Amazing change.
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