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Donald Trump sends 'hate group' to a UN conference on women's rights

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Two groups who have advocated against expanding rights and funding for women and the LGBTIQ community are attending a United Nations meeting on women’s rights, on behalf of the US.

Both groups were named by the State Department as part of the US delegation to the 61st annual United Nations Commission on the Status of Women taking place in New York this month.

The Center for Family and Human Rights (C-FAM) is a think tank that has been labelled as a “hate group” for their international anti-LGBTQI advocacy work and violent rhetoric by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a legal advocacy organisation which specialises in protection of civil rights.

C-FAM’s aim is “discrediting socially radical policies” at the UN, as outlined in their mission statement. They have referred to gay marriage and adoption as “truly harmful” to society and “public health".

The Heritage Foundation does not advocate violence nor are they called a 'hate group'. They are often referred to as right-wing and have published researched reports citing the UN’s “misguided women’s agenda” and how UN conventions on women “undermine family, religion, and sovereignty".

They have also called for deep cuts in Mr Trump’s upcoming proposed federal budget to programmes meant to combat violence against women, according to a statement from OutRight Action International, international human rights advocacy group.

The Heritage Foundation wrote that funding those programmes in their recent “Blueprint to Balance” report on the federal budget as a “misuse of federal resources and a distraction from concerns that are truly the province of the federal government.”

Jessica Stern, the Executive Director of OutRight Action International, told The Independent that Vice President Pence may have been the “driver” behind the groups’ placement on the US delegation.

Though none of the final documents produced from the two-week UN conference will be legally binding, member countries take the opportunity to outline their commitment to gender equality and human rights.

Ms Stern explained that C-FAM and the Heritage Foundation are going to "quite literally be in the room where governments negotiate” the outcome document.

US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley will serve as the Head of Delegation for the US at the meeting and will likely interact with both groups’ members. The US Mission to UN could not be reached for comment.

“They will be there as advisors to and direct pressure on the US delegation” and will have unfettered access to other country delegations as well, said Ms Stern.

Most of the 8,000 registered non-governmental organisation representatives attending the conference are not on country delegations and thus kept out of negotiating rooms.

What has Ms Stern and other CSW attendees particularly perturbed by the decision to include the groups is that both Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Ms Haley upheld "the right to be free from discrimination as an American value” during their respective Senate confirmation hearings, Ms Stern said.

"Many Americans have recently asked themselves, what does foreign policy matter to human rights at home? Now, we have our answer,” she added.

Richard Gowan, a non-resident fellow at New York University’s Center on International Cooperation and extensive researcher of the UN, told The Independent that “to date, Nikki Haley has projected a very moderate persona at the UN, reassuring other diplomats that she won't force a strong right-wing agenda on the organisation".

Mr Gowan noted that this may be a play to domestic political interest.

Ms Haley “does need to reassure the Republican base that she will stand up for their values in New York too," he said. "Gestures like this will play very well with Congress and the GOP, even if they irritate UN fans."


Trump on Women's issues

Abortion: “I didn’t mean punishment for women like prison. I’m saying women punish themselves."

Paid Family Leave: "I think we have to keep our country very competitive, so you have to be careful of it.”

Child Care: "You need one person or two people, and you need some blocks and you need some swings and some toys. You know, surely, it's not expensive. It's not an expensive thing."

Equal Pay: "You’re gonna make the same if you do as good a job.”



I just fucking can't anymore.
Until we overpower the right-wing in all branches of government and start acting like modern, sensible human beings, America will continue to drag ass. This is just another example. Conservative ideology towards women is disgusting and primitive, and the ideology as a whole needs to be purged from all facets of society if that society is going to progress.


Reading the agenda of these organizations alone makes me angry. Reading the US sends them as official representation at the UN? Oooh boy...


Homeland Security Fail
Pretty sure nobody has more respect for women (and the LGBT community). Nobody.

I heard it from Trump, so it must be true.


Y'know, if there wasn't enough resentment towards the white Christian majority before duder got elected, he's doing his damndest to create it


Lets go look at some articles on this C-FAM site.

Best moments of the year for trampling on human rights.

Worst moments of the year for trampling on human rights.

Some choice quotes:

Dark naked figures dancing around a fire and a powerful Greek god presided over the unveiling of six explicit UN postage stamps to promote homosexuality, transexuality, and gay parenting at UN headquarters this year.

While we celebrate the defeat of “comprehensive sexuality education” at the General Assembly we lament the beginning of a UN system wide campaign to promote anti-bullying policy in school systems around the world that was launched this year by the General Assembly. Everyone knows this campaign has nothing to do with protecting children from bullying and everything to do with promoting homosexuality among children in schools.


But he hasn't literally murdered a gay man live on TV while under oath, so he's actually supportive of LGBT! He held a FLAG!!

God I wish that meme would die already.
No other country should ever look at the US as the leader of the free world ever again. We've lost that right. Treat us like North Korea at this point for all I fucking care.


That's what can be done.

Also donate to advocacy groups and join protests.

Spread the activism!

A drop in the ocean, and 2 years to go before even some semblance of change. GOP's positions in all branches are the strongest they've been in a hundred years. Racists who are literally fans of genocide rule the country. And the best we can do is either a ten minute phone call to our reps (so long as they're not in safe seats and/or ardent supporters of Trump) who don't know us from adam and won't do anything even if they had the power to, or hope there's a protest nearby that might get 15 seconds of footage broadcast on the evening news with someone talking over it. Unless of course someone smashes a window then the whole thing is written off as proof that protesting is wrong.


There's really just nothing to say about this that hasn't already been said about all the other bullshit Trump and his league of villains have done so far.

All I can muster is "Disgusting" because there really isn't anything else to say
Seriously. Shit is soul crushing at times when thinking about how and why it happened the way it did.

During election night coverage there was a couple (of Hillary voters) who had let their young daughter stay up with them so she could see the process in action. When the result came in they were basically crying, having to tell their daughter that the arrogant man from TV who advocated sexually assaulting women was their new president. How many times did that happen across the country? This whole administration is an afront to the human rights of women and my heart goes out to America.


Felium Defensor
During election night coverage there was a couple (of Hillary voters) who had let their young daughter stay up with them so she could see the process in action. When the result came in they were basically crying, having to tell their daughter that the arrogant man from TV who advocated sexually assaulting women was their new president. How many times did that happen across the country? This whole administration is an afront to the human rights of women and my heart goes out to America.
The nation is hurting and hurting bad. I can feel it and see it in the eyes of my fellow citizens. All we can do now is keep being active locally and keep spreading/upholding basic fundamental human rights by being the example and change we want to see in the world. Seems like very dark times especially when many are already suffering with sickness/mental disorders/depression/etc...
These are major trials and tribulations in our life times I feel. There are days where the weight/responsibility seems like the entire weight of the world is on my shoulders, but I'd be damned if I let it crush me or my fellow human beings. I have failed my existence if I give in.
We can't just sit and wait for change in 8 years.

People need to get out and vote.
If dems have lots of wins in midterms then the 2 years that follow would be much more bearable and then people need to get out and vote in 2020 and make sure something like this doesn't happen again.
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