Without spoiling anything, is it worth going through all the K levels? Is whatever you get out of it a good payoff?
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Without spoiling anything, is it worth going through all the K levels? Is whatever you get out of it a good payoff?
Without spoiling anything, is it worth going through all the K levels? Is whatever you get out of it a good payoff?
World 2-K.
Those got damnwould do me in every fukken timeflying penguin snowmads right at the end
Amazing game... then they hit you with the water levels. Now its terrible and I have no desire to play it anymore.
I was trying to play the water levels like Rayman, but he doesn't move like him despite appearances, all slithering through tight spaces quickly and such. You pull back the stick for quick stops and 180s, and you gotta mash jump for normal swimming instead of slightly out of control bursts of attacks.
I actually think they're the strongest set of water levels in the series.
I actually think they're the strongest set of water levels in the series.
But they'd be better if they had water a buddy like the sword fish ={I actually think they're the strongest set of water levels in the series.
Only had a chance to play the first three levels so far. Will play more tonight, but the game will probably take me months to "finish" because of my ridiculous work schedule. Hardcore Returns vet here, got 200% and all Shiny Golds in the original, etc. but it's too early to tell how I feel about the game. Just a little comment about the OST so far...
The music was something I was looking forward to the most in this game, but the first couple tracks aren't doing much for me. I'm really hoping there's some more serious/darker tunes in the pipeline. The tropical/upbeat stuff in the first few levels are nice/good, but not my particular cup of tea, or at least, not the kind of stuff I wanted to hear from Wise. I really want more stuff equivalent to some of my favorites DKC2 tracks (like the lava stage music, a particular swamp track, and that one really amazing honey comb tune, lol!). I'm sure people know what I'm talking about though. Oh, I didn't expect some of those aquatic ambiance tunes to blast me right at the start of the game, so weird. It's neat that the underwater music is dynamic though.
Also, I tried the first stage over and over again to get a Shiny Gold medal, but I can't tell if there is one or not. I feel like the leaderboards show a slightly lustier/shinier Gold icon for the top players, but I can't confirm. Anyone know? I know there's a no damage heart now though.
C) The incentive for continued playing is, almost exclusively, the opportunity to play the next level. There were no extra "just-for-fun" stages, or a boss-rush mode, or characters to unlock, or much beyond art and music (which are still kind of cool). I think I would have liked to see more incentive for continued play.
Yes, there is shiny gold. I think you get it with less than 1:40.00.
There are 3 secret levels after beating the game. You must beat all the temple levels (K levels) first though. In addition that, if you beat those three levels, you unlock hard mode, which gives you no partner characters, one heart, and no checkpoints. And then there are the time attacks.
I just wanted to share this feel with you guys.
Because we all know this feel.
Cranky is useful on 1-1 because if you land a rolling jump with the cane, you get a fast high jump that makes a few parts of the stage easier. There are good records with all characters though, it just depends on the stage.Ah, I see. Fart, I'm so close too on the first stage then. At the rate I play games these days, I'll have 'em all in a year. Ain't got time/willpower to powerhouse shit like this anymore. Good luck/enjoy to those who get them all first. It was fun to be one of the first guys to do it back on the original, but those days are long gone. I've noticed some buddies make it (easier?) to get through the stages so I wonder if you're supposed to experiment with each partner to find the best time/route. Seems like a lot of top players use Cranky on the first stage. Will be interesting to see if people get Shiny/top scores with a solo Donkey Kong. Also, there's a Hard mode, right? Is that accessed by starting a new game or is it something you can apply to your current save? Will that have its own Time Attack leaderboard and such? Can you imagine Shiny Golds on Hard with No Damage Heart clears? =/
Just checking in. Near the end of World 5 now. Been playing the whole game co-op with a friend. It's an absolute blast to play with a friend. Tons of hilarious and frustrating moments. We weren't huge fans of the water worlds, but still lots of cool stuff going on.
Consider yourself checked.
I'm excited for any writeup you have time for on the co-op.
I think that they're among the best water levels in any platformer, except maybe rayman.
How do I make it to the secret entrance in Twilight Terror(3-5)?
Which one?
The first needs Cranky, the second needs Dixie
I finally beat 2-K.
My thumb is killing me.
You would think but this hasn't been the case for me.
I just got done beating it and I am left here knowing that the controls were more of an obstacle for me than the level design.
Cranky is useful on 1-1 because if you land a rolling jump with the cane, you get a fast high jump that makes a few parts of the stage easier. There are good records with all characters though, it just depends on the stage.
I think I ended that level standing up out of my chair for the last twenty minutes and shouting repeatedly at the screen "THIS IS THE WORRRRST!!!"
Feels good when it's over, though.
Mmm hmm, great I've got to follow this and I had the game first!Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
*self indulgent impressions*
They added quite a bit when you think about it, I mean the changes aren't really big so they sort of fall under the radar but it's not like any less added than say Retro's own Metroid Prime 2. The only new change I don't like too much is secret exits, gives me that SMW annoyance where I just want to play my new stages but have to run back through old ones and do one thing different near the end to do so instead of just opening the lock with a brief trip to Cranky's Cabin like in Returns, Puzzle Pieces are secret enough for me here.I need to write a review up but this game is pretty much 10/10 for me. I can understand JC's thoughts about familiarity but there are a few reasons why it doesn't bother me:
1. Large scale big budget 2D platformers are very uncommon today, so I think it gives each similar release an automatic dose of freshness...if that makes sense
2. It's been almost 3.5 years since Returns was released. I was hungry for more of the same (but better), regardless. If this was an annualized or semi annualized franchise, the lack of huge innovations would probably annoy me.
3. I actually felt like enough new stuff was sprinkled throughout TF to spice up the formula. Swimming alone was a huge gamble but I think it really payed off. Zip lines and the occasional dynamic camera mechanic were rare, but I think it dramatically increased their impact when they did show up. Wing Ding, High Tide Ride and Reckless Ride are all fucking amazing and extremely unique. Secret exits were also fun to find. Maybe it's just me, but you throw in all new level themes, the amazing Snowmads, and arguably the best soundtrack to a game ever (will talk about this later -on my phone now :3) and I think TF feels not just better than Returns, but better in a profound way. It goes far beyond the basic mechanics and design. Gamers slammed Returns for its lackluster presentation do Retro responded by making a game that can arguably get by on its presentation alone, despite having absolute best in class design. WOW
Will post more later, but yeah. Thanks for the Review JC.
This point in particular I'm really on board with, while perhaps EAD's take on DK in Jungle Beat was the most primal gorilla like of them all Retro's hits this great middle ground between heavy ape and satisfying platforming character control which just feels so right.I do not really want to put all my feelings down into writing because I think i'll contort what I'm thinking, but let me just say the following now that I've completed the game.
1. Donkey Kong is the most enjoyable platforming character to control ever, in my opinion. I can see myself going back to TF and Returns for the rest of my life simply to BE DK. This is because of the following: a) the animations when he's walking, galloping, or running; 2) the way he dives into the water; 3) his incredible noises for the different tasks - they are ape grunts and they fit every feeling; 4) it's the way he lands with a thump after a long fall; 5) it's the incredible range of jumping you can accomplish - from short hops to desperate leaps - and when you add in a far-off grab, it REALLY looks desperate. 6) It's because he's a fucking ape and he's running around in beautiful environments.
Not too hard a category to win if I'm honest.I actually think they're the strongest set of water levels in the series.
Having to hold ZR for grabbing vines is really unintuitive
You're using the default analogue controls for a 2D platformer, aren't you?
Switch to the dpad controls, holding vines/running is X/Y. ZL/ZR are ground pound.