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Don't die on me now baby


Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this problem. While playing GTA:SA, i get this clicking noise from my PS2 every 6 seconds or so. Doesnt really affect the game in terms of sound skipping, disk read error or such. I'm darn afraid that my PS2 is going to give way any time soon.... when tons of good games are about to be released. Is this clicking noise normal for the rest of you guys?


demi said:
That's why we wait for the more superior xbox version. We have pacemakers!

more superior?

"You have cancer you say? here you go, the cure."
"An injection? no thanks I'll wait for the Flintstones Chewable Cure."
"It will be more better."


Gibbo said:
While playing GTA:SA, i get this clicking noise from my PS2 every 6 seconds or so.

had that happen to me once, people told me that the clicking noise was laser lens hitting the disc, running the diagnostic fixed it for me


Link316 said:
had that happen to me once, people told me that the clicking noise was laser lens hitting the disc, running the diagnostic fixed it for me

How does this diagnostic feature work? Do i have to run it everytime i play the game? or is the problem fixed after just one time
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