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Don't get mad, get even! Capcom ports to GCN petition - Spread the word!

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Instead of bitching and moaning, do something about it.


"To: Capcom
Dear Capcom,

The recent news of Resident Evil 4 being ported to the Playstation 2 console, while potential a good business stategy, has caused quite a stir for Gamecube owners worldwide. A lot of Gamecube owners feel "cheated" as they were constantly assured that the game would be exclusive to the Gamecube console.

This petition is not here to prevent your company from porting Resident Evil 4 to the Playstation 2 console, but rather, to ask that Capcom port a few key Playstation 2 titles to the Gamecube. It's only fair to Gamecube owners who have been cheated 3 times already out of exclusive titles by Capcom (Viewtiful Joe, Killer 7, Resident Evil 4). In Viewtiful Joe's case, the game also featured extra features on the Playstation 2 console.

Your company will also broaden your franchises appeal by bringing them to a console that has been strongly supportive of your games in the past.

The key franchises we would like to see ported on the Gamecube are:

Devil May Cry
Street Fighter

Thank you for your time


The Undersigned "

I just now created this petition, read and sign it. If they claim their reasoning to port RE4 was strong fan demand, then we should do the same.

This petition was created over at the IGNCube boards, by board member Koam. Its close to 2000 signatures and were looking for all the support we can get. Thank you for reading this, pelase sign (only once) and try to spread the word.
Dude I dont know if you actually read this or not but in the time it took you to reply you probably could have signed the petition. It doesnt take long and youd be helping Nintendo, Capcom and all of the their GameCube only fans. This petition does more good than posting something that doesnt contribute to the topic at all, at least some people are trying to make a difference. And while this may not work there is absolutely no harm in trying. That and you guys will be eating your words if this does work.


works for Gamestop (lol)

invaderflid said:
Dude I dont know if you actually read this or not but in the time it took you to reply you probably could have signed the petition. It doesnt take long and youd be helping Nintendo, Capcom and all of the their GameCube only fans.



resident evil sucks loser i hope you die ok

devil may suck but it already does therefore the name is worthless and garbage

maxiblow haha i made that up its really maximo but it sucks next

omgusha more like onimusha hahah i didn't even have to bother with that one so easy next

street handjobs lmfao what i stole that off a bottle of guiness hahah please don't tell anyone

i hate your family and i hope you die for making such a debacle of yourself hahah what

where's that gushing lad image when you need it


Spread the word!
Hell no. This is retarded.

You'd be better off spending your energies doing something with your life. You know, playing football, getting a girl, having fun. Fuck petitioning to play year-old games on the GC that nobody would play anyway.


works for Gamestop (lol)
1931. Kelly Birt I would give anything for Silent Hill series on gamecube. Please don't leave us out.



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
invaderflid said:
Dude I dont know if you actually read this or not but in the time it took you to reply you probably could have signed the petition. It doesnt take long and youd be helping Nintendo, Capcom and all of the their GameCube only fans. This petition does more good than posting something that doesnt contribute to the topic at all, at least some people are trying to make a difference. And while this may not work there is absolutely no harm in trying. That and you guys will be eating your words if this does work.

Fuck them, spend more time working and less time bitchin', then they could get a damn PS2 already. :lol


Nobody is going to change their business strategy and spend a few million to port various titles just because a few quality-game-deprived Gamecube owners decided to get together on the internet hold hands and sing "Koombyyah".

You're NOT being cheated. This isn't freakin' Julis Caesar. Et Tu, Capcom? I mean seriously! Nobody is stabbing you in the back. Capcom must do what it must to please stockholders, and it also must do what it must as a business.

You can blame Nintendo for failing to do a great job marketing its Nintendo Gamecube and its image.

How about getting a fund together for the "I'm a poor Gamecube owner and need a PS2" drive?


I'll do my part by convincing everyone to buy VJ on PS2 and wait for RE4 on PS2. Maybe i'll make up some crap about exclusive content and online play :p

"1949. Metz Please give us Katamari Damacy?

1969. ViewtifulJOE I hate you capcom...why did you betray Nintendo, first squaresoft and now you....I hate you and will never buy your games again. nintendo help you and let you develop Zelda, and this is what we get in return??? oh and street fighter sucks it always was Mortal KOMbat!!!"


I don't understand the NEED for Nintendo fans to have games exclusive to their system

I mean...GC is still getting the game...earlier than the PS2 even

Shit the GC already gets great games like Zelda and Metroid exclusive....
invaderflid said:
It doesnt take long and youd be helping Nintendo, Capcom and all of the their GameCube only fans.
I've already helped Nintendo and Capcom by buying the GC (& GBASP) and majority of the games offered by both companies. I'm sure as hell not going to help any dumbass fanboys who made the foolish mistake of choosing the Gamecube as their sole console for gaming.


Online petitions don't do much of anything. It is only fodder for the more immature posters here.

The idea is that PS2 owners complained that RE was now on Gamecube and wanted it on their system. They got their wish. Now Gamecube owners ask for some games on PS2 to come to Gamecube. It's not that hard to comprehend really.


Signed and not optimistic.

Seriously, Capcom should at least extend the courtesy of MegaMan X8 to GC owners, and it's a FACT MegaMan does as well on GC as the PS2.


Contest Winner


etiolate said:
Online petitions don't do much of anything. It is only fodder for the more immature posters here.

The idea is that PS2 owners complained that RE was now on Gamecube and wanted it on their system. They got their wish. Now Gamecube owners ask for some games on PS2 to come to Gamecube. It's not that hard to comprehend really.

The point is, the reason RE4 is being brought over to the PS2 is directly related to how much money it will likely make for the company. If the PS2 was in third place, and third party games almost always sell like crap, and then a Sony PS2 owner said "Please bring over RE4!", guess what's going to happen? Nothing.

You chose the system, so really if you're stuck with a GC only don't moan about it. Definitely don't write lame petitions about it.


I'll be damned if Financial reasons are being used to justify why RE4 won't be GC exclusive.

You can bleat about shitty GC sales when it's actually released.


lockii said:
I'll be damned if Financial reasons are being used to justify why RE4 won't be GC exclusive.

You can bleat about shitty GC sales when it comes out.

But, you see, Capcom has already released several other games to the GC.

Guess what.


They all did not meet expectations. Therefore Capcom, intelligently so, decided to bring their most anticipated title to a system where it is almost guaranteed to boost profits.

You think Capcom was gonna say "Let's give them one last chance! We'll do it for the fanboys!" Of course not.


Yeah, VJ totally tore up the PS2 charts, too.

The point is, whether or not Capcom's GC exclusive sold millions, you can't pre-emptively blame bad sales for RE4's port.


lockii said:
Yeah, VJ totally tore up the PS2 charts, too.

The point is, whether or not Capcom's GC exclusive sold millions, you can't pre-emptively blame bad sales for RE4's port.

Amir0x said:
You think Capcom was gonna say "Let's give them one last chance! We'll do it for the fanboys!" Of course not.
They've been saying that since the Sega Saturn days. Hell, even RE was ported there. It's about time Capcom wised up.


lockii said:
Yeah, VJ totally tore up the PS2 charts, too.

The point is, whether or not Capcom's GC exclusive sold millions, you can't pre-emptively blame bad sales for RE4's port.

No, VJ didn't tear up the PS2 charts. You're definitely right about that.

Except nobody is pre-emptively blaming bad sales for RE4's port. Capcom's shareholders basically said "I don't understand why you keep wanting to make X game exclusive for Gamecube, when the PS2 is wildly successful and is obviously a much better strategy for bringing in profits, which we need." Capcom thought about it and said "Based on previous experience, I think that it might be a good idea to move RE4 to PS2 as well."

You fail to remember Capcom is a business. This isn't about backstabbing. This isn't about shafting Gamecube owners or making sure they taste the bitterness of losing one of the few exclusives they have. It's about money, and if you can't accept that it's not their problem. Seriously, dude, move on.


I honestly don't give a crap whether or not PS2 gets RE4. I never said any backstabbing occured, nor do I 'haet capcom'.

I just wanted to move on the fact you seemed to already be blaming lack-luster sales for the port, which isn't the case. You seem to acknowledge in your latest post, though.


Dude I dont know if you actually read this or not but in the time it took you to reply you probably could have signed the petition. It doesnt take long

That's part of the problem. Online petitions are like chain-emails, low commitment. No one is going to take it seriously. Spend 34 cents and send a paper letter to Capcom. They'll probably trash it but after 2,000 of them, maybe they'll read one, laugh, and go on with their business strategy. Online petition takes one click to delete from inbox.
Didn't someone high up at Capcom say something along the lines that the company understands how some fans may be upset at RE4 being ported to PS2 but "that's their problem". Sums up Capcom's response of this petition pretty bluntly. :lol :lol


lockii said:
I honestly don't give a crap whether or not PS2 gets RE4. I never said any backstabbing occured, nor do I 'haet capcom'.

Good. Because if you did because of this, it'd be unwarranted.

lockii said:
I just wanted to move on the fact you seemed to already be blaming lack-luster sales for the port, which isn't the case, which you seem to acknowledge in your latest post.

I just want to make it clear that I was never blaming RE4s sale - I was blaming sales of every other Capcom game on GC. Which just so happens to be the truth :)


Mr_Furious said:
Didn't someone high up at Capcom say something along the lines that the company understands how some fans may be upset at RE4 being ported to PS2 but "that's their problem". Sums up Capcom's response of this petition pretty bluntly. :lol :lol
That interview was fake, IIRC. Though that probably is what Capcom thinks.
Online petitions are great fun! Remember the guys who wanted Bizarre Creations to downgrade the graphics of PGR2 in order to bring it to 60 fps and bitching around their forum telling that Polyphony >>> Bizarre? That was great fun! :lol

The sad thing about those online petitions is that there's a lot of people actually believing that online petitions are able to change something.


johnjohnson said:
The sad thing about those online petitions is that there's a lot of people actually believing that online petitions are able to change something.

My naive dreams of petitions working were shattered years ago as Nintendo continued to ignore gamers demands to bring us a new Earthbound, even after there was like a ka-trillion signatures :(


Dec. 5, 2004
Capcom USA

Dear Sony,
After seeing a petition formed online through petitiononline.com, it has come to our attention here at Capcom that fans of Nintendo's GameCube, which trails your sales substantially would rather not have gamers for other consoles experience Resident Evil 4.

Despite the fact that RE4 will run with diminished quality on your architecture, we at Capcom wanted only to expose more gamers to our product, to share our creative vision with our consumer base. Broadening our consumer base through your console seemed like a good idea.

The petition convinced us otherwise. Because of the overwhelming support of Nintendo's 145 fans (the undersigned of the petition) we can no longer bring Resident Evil 4 to the PS2.

Furthermore we are publishing a bunch of titles we've already published for you on a console with a small audience, that is notoriously unsupportive toward third party developers.

Thanks for understanding,


Amir0x said:
My naive dreams of petitions working were shattered years ago as Nintendo continued to ignore gamers demands to bring us a new Earthbound, even after there was like a ka-trillion signatures :(
Mother 3 still isn't out in Japan, so let's give NoA a little more time to fuck up.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
invaderflid said:
Instead of bitching and moaning, do something about it.


"To: Capcom
Dear Capcom,

The recent news of Resident Evil 4 being ported to the Playstation 2 console, while potential a good business stategy, has caused quite a stir for Gamecube owners worldwide. A lot of Gamecube owners feel "cheated" as they were constantly assured that the game would be exclusive to the Gamecube console.

This petition is not here to prevent your company from porting Resident Evil 4 to the Playstation 2 console, but rather, to ask that Capcom port a few key Playstation 2 titles to the Gamecube. It's only fair to Gamecube owners who have been cheated 3 times already out of exclusive titles by Capcom (Viewtiful Joe, Killer 7, Resident Evil 4). In Viewtiful Joe's case, the game also featured extra features on the Playstation 2 console.

Your company will also broaden your franchises appeal by bringing them to a console that has been strongly supportive of your games in the past.

The key franchises we would like to see ported on the Gamecube are:

Devil May Cry
Street Fighter

Thank you for your time


The Undersigned "

I just now created this petition, read and sign it. If they claim their reasoning to port RE4 was strong fan demand, then we should do the same.

This petition was created over at the IGNCube boards, by board member Koam. Its close to 2000 signatures and were looking for all the support we can get. Thank you for reading this, pelase sign (only once) and try to spread the word.
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