I know the feeling very well, but they are tough little ones, man. It's part of their immune system development, she'll be alright.
My son had bronchitis from young age, every winter my wife and I were fearful because we knew he'd get sick and would need asthma bombs and maybe visits to the hospital, and the feeling you get seeing your kid struggle to breath at night is the worst thing ever, but as he got older he got tougher and doesn't need it anymore, and we as parents got tougher too... what I mean is, this won't be the last time your daughter get sick, but she'll get better every time, you gotta believe it and stay calm.
3 years ago my son broke his left foot playing soccer at school, he hit his head and needed stitches on his chin... the despair my wife and I felt when we got the call can't be explained, that shit was brutal, but the same goes for the pride in seeing him overcoming it as he did. They're tough little ones, they get through it. So will your daughter, she'll get better soon, man