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Don't You Love When Your 11 Month Old Comes Home W/Tooth Broken?

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My mother-in-law took my 11 month old to Michigan for a week. Well, my wife went up on Saturday to pick her up... she came home Monday night.

Well, last night my baby girl smiles and a chunk of tooth is missing from her top front tooth on the right.

If it happened when I was with her, I would be OK with it. It would have been my lack of watching my daughter.

But my fucking mother-in-law somehow lost control or sight of my child and she walked and fell on her mouth... FUCK!!!

God am I pissed...

Not only is my beautiful baby girl missing part of her tooth... the 46" TV is too big for my basement, the totally re-done basement has a 5x5 foot section of soaked carpet...

I need a major heart attack quickly... get me out of here...


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
kids fall, especailly at that age, it's gonna continue on and on... you're feelings are understandable but I'd advise not expressing them much at all, and certainly not to your mother in law. She's likely gonna lose the tooth anyway in a few years.

What's with the soaked carpet? I don't get that part.


Junior Member
Sorry to hear that.


Assuming your mother-in-law is telling the truth, how would she prevent your girl from falling while walking?


No, I understand that she will grow a replacement tooth in a few years...

But now that the tooth is exposed, will the nerve or just the fact it is cracked cause future problems with the next "permanent" tooth?

I have a call to my dentist... also is she going to look like a "rat-tooth" for 5-7 years now...

I know kids fall too... but you try to lead them away from cement or hard objects...

FUCK I AM PISSED, and will NOT say anything to the mother-in-law... but FUCK...

The WATER... totally remodelled, framed, walled, painted, carpeted basement... planted new trees/shrubs in front of the house... and the side of the house that I did not dig down and waterproof... leaked fucking water in my basement...

It is clean water, just a fucking pain to get it to dry...

Now do I dig down and seal/tar that wall so I can water plants and trees... FUCK...


Sounds like something that my mother in law would let happen to my 16 month old daughter. I would be pissed too.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
My son busts hit shit on everything, every day. It's amazing he is as smart as he is, really. Having a 3 year old son opens ones eyes to just how durable the human body is.

It is clean water, just a fucking pain to get it to dry...

More importantly, is the new TV safe?


haha, this reminds me of the time my brother-in-law let my nephew play in the back of his truck while he was working out in the yard near him. Let's just say the kid couldn't fly, and his face was pretty ugly for a week or so :p


Big deal, they call that character. My son cut his face for stiches right across his cheek when he was that age. A broken babby tooth is up there with a broken nail as far as severity. If your that vain about it just take her to the dentist they'll fix her right up. If you a real tight ass hit your Mother in law up for bill.


DaCocoBrova check it out:


Until I can afford a top-of-line PLASMA to hang on the wall... I will have to wait... or if the thinner DLP sets drop in price.

They picked up the 46" and dropped of the 27"... what sucks... the size is perfect for my basement, I just can't have the set sitting 27 inches of the back wall...

It was really depressing to sit in my basement Saturday morning playing X-Box on the new TV knowing I could not enjoy it forever.

My wife came home with our baby on Monday and asked if I was sure I wanted to return it... I told her to sit on the couch and she said "OK, but are you sure"

Yeah, it loses something sitting right on the TV babe... it went back yesterday and I got my $788 credit since they dropped off the other set... AHHHH...

Not having a good last couple of days...


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
If my 1 1/2 year old daughter came home from her my mother-in-laws house with a broken tooth I would be pissed also. It mostly has to do with my mother-in-law however.


Junior Member
BojTrek said:
My wife came home with our baby on Monday and asked if I was sure I wanted to return it...

That's grammatically funny.

And I can think of worse last couple of days.


Hey Darscot... not vain... worried, an open tooth can be painful to you and me... now imagine a child that cannot describe pain tell me if this broken tooth is causing pain.

OK... just got off the phone with my dentist. He told me that the tooth might turn born and die. But it will not cause any damage to the next tooth that will replace it.

So, I will have a brown toofed girly... great... and he said trying to fix the look, it would be a nightmare trying to hold a baby that young to fix it...

im suprised you and your wife let your kid out of your sights for that long at that young an age. Most parents seem way more overprotective, especially when their babies are so young. Was it killing you, or were you guys happy for a break?


Try a different dentist. If a doctor can lop off my boys foreskin with about as much hesitation as I have buttering toast. I'm sure there are plenty of dentist out there with the skills. If it is a serious pain issue they can easily sedate your little girl. Ten minutes under is far better then 5 years of toothache.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
BojTrek said:
Hey Darscot... not vain... worried, an open tooth can be painful to you and me... now imagine a child that cannot describe pain tell me if this broken tooth is causing pain.

OK... just got off the phone with my dentist. He told me that the tooth might turn born and die. But it will not cause any damage to the next tooth that will replace it.

So, I will have a brown toofed girly... great... and he said trying to fix the look, it would be a nightmare trying to hold a baby that young to fix it...


can't be that bad, kids that age look cute with messed up mouths.

If she's not crying like she did when she was teething, I wouldn't worry about pain.

Sucks about your tv, you sure there was no other way?

edit: I don't think they like to put kids that young under for non-necessary procedures.


Did I miss her for 8 days... hell yeah, she is the first thing I enjoy in the morning and the thing I cannot wait to see after work.

But at the cottage in Michigan it was the mother-in-law, the grandpa, the sister-in-law and her two young boys, the 16 year old sister-in-law... so it was a full house and she wasn't bored...

But DAMN... I am gonna have a rat-toofed, brown-toofed baby girl...

It was a nice break to come home and work on things around the house... but we mised her big-time!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I couldn't do it for 8 days.

I went on a business trip for 5 days and could have sworn she grew a few inches when I returned.


That tooth on the left side of the screen has like a half-moon chunk off the bottom...

My little girly... yes, when I saw her she was thinner (from all the walking) and taller looking!


What do you think, is she my little clone? Old picture of me...


Here is why the screen is too big... the way the couches have to be arranged because of an angled wall and support post... I tried rearranging all Saturday morning... I need something very thin down there...

I tried... it is just too big for the location it would be at...



That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
how about placing one couch facing the tv head on between the pole and the corner of the angled wall, then the other couch perpendicular to the tv touching the other side of the poll, making an L-shape with the two couches?

ack, I know it's too late though


I was moving those two couches in so many different directions my head was pounding...

It just screws up the walk path too if it is in any other position...
BojTrek said:
That tooth on the left side of the screen has like a half-moon chunk off the bottom...

My little girly... yes, when I saw her she was thinner (from all the walking) and taller looking!


What do you think, is she my little clone? Old picture of me...


Here is why the screen is too big... the way the couches have to be arranged because of an angled wall and support post... I tried rearranging all Saturday morning... I need something very thin down there...

I tried... it is just too big for the location it would be at...


Woah...shit, you're white?


Typical Stereotyping:

Boj loves playing basketball in real-life
Boj has a wife and baby girl
Boj and wife own a house and two cars
Boj loves SEGA Sports NFL2K Series
Boj loved Resident Evil games until Ninja Gaiden killed that love
Boj owns a X-Box
Boj posts funny, thought-out posts

Boj must be black...

This happens to me all the time... it's complete BS...

I post pictures of my sausage and people think I'm... oh he's white!


Get rid of the couches and get some bean bags :) Room++

Or if you got money to spare, get some leather recliners.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
If my 11 year old son walked in the door with a broken tooth.......the broken tooth would be the least of my concerns.


No... I didn't have a large enough zoom lense... get it?

I'm white, if I did take a picture of my sausage, everyone would know I was not black...

Get it?

Sorry, bad joke...
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