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Doom Game Informer Details

Some new info from the article:

  • BFG and Chainsaw aren't on the weapon wheel since they're used in specific scenarios, Chainsaw is on D-Pad down and BFG is on X. Seems like they're treating the BFG as a panic button.
  • Weapons have mods you can find, ex. a remote detonation mod for the rocket launcher
  • Plot premise seems similar to Doom 3. A character named Dr. Olivia Pierce appears on a video suggesting she unleashed the demons as some kind of religious cult thing.
  • On-screen enemy count isn't numbered but described as "a demon avalanche", "bloodbath"
  • Chainsaw is a one hit kill on most enemies, multiple on bigger enemies like the Mancubus, power cells are limited
  • Colored keycards and backtracking for secrets. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Some locations: Lazarus Facility, Martian surface, Titan's Realm (as seen on the cover)
  • Permanent character upgrades that allow you to swap weapons and mantle more quickly, increase ammo and health capacity
  • Swappable perk "runes", ex. one gives you a stackable temp speed boost after melee kills
  • Hell is more vertical than the UAC facility
  • Enemies have weak point, ex. the pinky demon is armored in front and soft in the butt
  • An enemy type only described as "a summoner"
  • As suspected, idTech 6 appears to be very similar to idTech 5 but with a completely new PBR renderer
  • Plans to offer "sliders and multi-sampling options" for PC players. Only time in the article PC is mentioned specifically.
  • Multiplayer mode called Warpath, an domination style mode where the control area drifts around the map
  • Clan Arena mode, this is just team Last Man Standing.
  • Swappable "hack modules" are earned through MP progression, ex. Supply Timer that shows spawn timers for pickups on screen. Apparently none of them throw off the competitive balance.
  • Apparently multiplayer has more guns than single player, including a "lightning gun", this might be GI assuming based on what was offered in the demo portions though.
  • Namedrops of old Doom WADs followed by statement implying that they won't be releasing mod tools outside of SnapMap because of accessibility
    . seems like kind of a big fuck you.
  • Examples of modes made in SnapMap: tower defense, moddy single-player missions, VIP escorts, racing challenges
  • Moddable enemy AI to some extent
  • SnapMap stuff is all shared on SmartHub, categories like top rated and most played, user profiles, seems a lot like Mario Maker
  • All SnapMap creations are small instruction files, you can probably forget about custom textures and rooms and whatnot
  • Still spring release date

  • Another named section/level of UAC, Resource Operations
  • An alternate version of the Mancubus was described, this one with flamethrowers. Assuming this in addition to the plasma shooting one as seen in the E3 footage
  • Possessed Engineer enemy type, a former human with an explosive fuel pack that causes chain reactions
  • Reiterating that there are a lot of small secret areas
  • The Baron of Hell is another playable demon in multiplayer, joining the Revenant. He has a melee swipe and an AOE ground pound
  • SnapMap inspired by Garage Band, more stupid shit about not wanting to do mods traditionally
  • Lots of SnapMap tutorials included
  • Monster AI can be assigned to teams in SnapMap, can fight along side player

Info from the beginning of this GameInformer video, courtesy of poster Ixion

  • Everyone Most people at iD play DOOM with a controller
  • The story is told as you're playing, and he used Dead Space as a comparison
  • The glory kills work well because they give the player brief reprieves amid large, chaotic battles
  • Blue/yellow/red keycards and doors are used throughout the levels, but they're more spaced out than the original games. The game is not a "keycard simulator" like the original games, but they're definitly used to either progress to the next area or backtrack and find secrets

  • Sounds like the pistol isn't a glorified pea shooter
  • You can mash X to open broken doors hell yeah!!
  • Imps will sometimes charge their fireballs before shooting
  • Big meaty old hellblobs called Gore Nests appear in levels, destroying them leads a large horde of demons to its location
  • New enemy type, a security guard that carries a shotgun and an energy shield


I have a feeling they are going to nail it. It's not going to change the world but everything shown about the game looks solid.


Junior Member
Chainsaw being context sensitive in cqc I understand. I want to whip out my bfg early and often though.

patiently waits for based mods
I'm anxious that Doom 4 will be more similar to Doom and Doom 2 instead of Doom 3 (my favorite by a landslide) and this new information didn't do much to calm my fears. Oh well!


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
I'm anxious that Doom 4 will be more similar to Doom and Doom 2 instead of Doom 3 (my favorite by a landslide) and this new information didn't do much to calm my fears. Oh well!

I would hope so. Doom 3 wasn't really Doom. Some corridor horror with over-contrasting light effects that happened to have Doom written on the box.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
so with doom coming in may etc we can probs guess targets for beth, fallout expansion in fall, and early next year, wolfie new order 2 may next year and maybe a doom expansion, and elder scrolls year after


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
This is one of those games I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel about it. I love the old Doom games and even those like Doom 64 but was not a big fan of Doom 3. I really enjoyed the gory horror atmosphere combined with ass kicking action and the puzzle like layouts of the original games levels.

The new game seems like it will be a lot of fun and has some interesting ideas though I havent touched or seen much of the alpha multiplayer.

That said I think the art style is pretty lame, some of the environments and enemies look ok, but a ton of them look like something I'd find in a lot of other generic sci fi style games.

Everything on the demons looks so sleak and well put together. I loved how in the original games and even Doom 3, it often looked like the cybernetic parts of demons were crudely grafted onto their bodies or in some cases, just rammed into a stump or something. None of it looked clean or well thought out, it looked like chaotic hell demons who just got access to our universe and tech and were just going crazy with it to destroy humanity and take over the world.
Yeah. I actually like Doom 3 for what it is, but I like everything I'm hearing about this one

Loved DOOM 3 myself too.

Happy to see DOOM rebooted in this way as well though. Love all the DOOM series games really, all have great things about them.

Really glad that id went back to the drawing board with to end up with this showing. A bad game is bad forever, a delayed game might turn out good, and this certainly looks like it's going to turn out good.
BFG and Chainsaw aren't on the weapon wheel since they're used in specific scenarios, Chainsaw is on D-Pad down and BFG is on X. Seems like they're treating the BFG as a panic button.

WTH are they doing with the BFG?!


Biggest issue for me so far is the canned melee animations. But then I also remember having no idea what to think of Wolfenstein TNO before it came out and loving it, so I'm cautiously optimistic.


I'm anxious that Doom 4 will be more similar to Doom and Doom 2 instead of Doom 3 (my favorite by a landslide) and this new information didn't do much to calm my fears. Oh well!

Steer clear of this game. They got slammed by Doom fans for Doom 3 not feeling like a Doom game. Sorry if that's your favorite, but Doom 3 is something they're trying to steer as far from as possible.
So is this just like a different story of Doom 3?

They should have made this a sequel to Doom 3 but on Earth like how Doom1>Doom2 goes
"Permanent character upgrades that allow you to swap weapons and mantle more quickly, increase ammo and health capacity

Swappable perk "runes", ex. one gives you a stackable temp speed boost after melee kills"

Barf. No thanks. I don't want to be slugging through slow-ass menus when stuff like that could just be either a Backpack pickup found in secret areas or simply there from the beginning (combo system that grants a speed boost etc). Boring and uninspired "me too" game design is not what I want from this game. Rest sounds fine I guess.
Unless the map tools are like WorldEdit for Warcraft 3, it will never compare to mod tools.

If it's comparable to any existing thing, it's like the map editor from Timesplitters with an admittedly great looking node-based visual scripting tool. So while you can probably do some crazy stuff with it it'll all take place in the rooms that ship with the editor. No custom geometry editor in sight.


BFG and Chainsaw aren't on the weapon wheel since they're used in specific scenarios, Chainsaw is on D-Pad down and BFG is on X. Seems like they're treating the BFG as a panic button.

"We make a doom game with panic buttons!"


Namedrops of old Doom WADs followed by statement implying that they won't be releasing mod tools outside of SnapMap because of accessibility consoles. seems like kind of a big fuck you.

Good job on killing a community that is keeping doom 1 and 2 alive for 20+ years id.

If it's comparable to any existing thing, it's like the map editor from Timesplitters with an admittedly great looking node-based visual scripting tool. So while you can probably do some crazy stuff with it it'll all take place in the rooms that ship with the editor. No custom geometry editor in sight.

Yup. They also mentioned in another interview about not having any exterior environments in SnapMap. All of them will be interior. It really sucks.


All sounds solid, except for this. Can't wait til Spring

  • BFG and Chainsaw aren't on the weapon wheel since they're used in specific scenarios, Chainsaw is on D-Pad down and BFG is on X. Seems like they're treating the BFG as a panic button.


Biggest issue for me so far is the canned melee animations. But then I also remember having no idea what to think of Wolfenstein TNO before it came out and loving it, so I'm cautiously optimistic.

Man. It still has those long melee animations that slow down the pacing? Ugh...
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