Personally, I work in email marketing (specifically fundraising) and I've never found any success in applying for jobs in the Gaming industry. Even when willing to take a pay cut or relocate, I just always wonder how people manage to get their foot in the door.
Especially on cover letters, whether you want to sound *strictly* professional, whether you want to convey your passion for gaming, or just how to run the gambit on all that?
I imagine such jobs are likely few and far between -- I doubt there are really *that* many studios that can actually afford to pay people any kind of a salary -- but still, it's just something I come back to. I've always been obsessive about anything "video game" related, and after working "regular jobs" for most of my adult life, I honestly want to shift gears and work in an industry I'm *actually* passionate about.
Any tips on any of this stuff? Particularly from anyone who has worked in the industry, or even been involved in the hiring process before?
Especially on cover letters, whether you want to sound *strictly* professional, whether you want to convey your passion for gaming, or just how to run the gambit on all that?
I imagine such jobs are likely few and far between -- I doubt there are really *that* many studios that can actually afford to pay people any kind of a salary -- but still, it's just something I come back to. I've always been obsessive about anything "video game" related, and after working "regular jobs" for most of my adult life, I honestly want to shift gears and work in an industry I'm *actually* passionate about.
Any tips on any of this stuff? Particularly from anyone who has worked in the industry, or even been involved in the hiring process before?