I don't know much about items but I just got Cauldron of Xahrym for Lone Druid from the compendium so I want to trade it for some comparable item in value for Luna/Lion/Lich (or even other heroes if the item looks cool enough ;p)
I think this site needs more exposure because it's still missing a lot of items and sometimes has a wonky pricing for some things, but overall a very great trading site if you don't like/have time for directly wheeling and dealing with other people.
I'm confused as to the point of even having a wishlist on sites like dota-trade. Pretty much every user I got trade-matched with just uses their offers as a platform for their "1:2 random rares" shenanigans. Every message I've gotten on dota2lounge about my wishlist has been "[offering an item on my list] for [2 of my rares]".
I guess nobody on there does 1-for-1 trades of things they actually want? It's all 1 for 2 bullshit?
Have A BIT OF BOAT. Am willing to negotiate if anyone really must have this must have item. I guess keys would be the appropriate trade. I'm not sure how this works lol.