More disables are never a bad thing. The 20 deaths on Jugg along with him having the lowest gpm on the team definitely didn't help.
The only bkb in the entire game was on WK. A bkb on any Dire hero blocks nearly everything meaningful from Radiant, from Naga's song to every single stun they had (except Naga's net, which isn't a stun).
Imo if you were helping support, Mekansm/Greaves are super good on Necro and I would have gotten them over phase > blademail.
Thanks! Yeah you're right, we had a few stuns/disables in our team (windranger, techies, treant) but weren't able to utilise the last two most of the time due to positioning, so something like a sheep stick could've been perfect vs weaver in particular.
I didn't even consider BKB but you're right that it would've been great up against their lineup. I usually play support Necro and always get Mek/Greaves, you're right that it would've been a much better option. I was playing super greedy and carrying hard (I think at one point 14-2) but it was a mistake going into late game like that. I was hoping it wouldn't have got that far
Dunno about radiance. Shiva's guard would have been useful not only because of the dmg vs illusions but also for armor and attack speed slow.
If you wanted to go blademail, then the next item that helps would have been octarine since it would heal you and all your abilities and radiance would heal you as well and 25% lower cd for all abilities and items.
Problem is jakiro got pipe so your radiance's dmg is mostly negated.
Dagon is a good item when you want to solo kill people. Dagon 3's cd is the same as aghs with your level 3 ult.
Thanks, that's a great shout about Shiva's - the extra armour and attack speed slow would've been very useful, and would've benefited the team also. Radiance was great against Naga and Weaver in particular, but as the game went on it became more and more useless (as you mentioned that was probably due to Jakiro getting a pipe). I definitely should've gone for Octarine, I ended up with so many items by the 32 minute point that I didn't even know what to get next. Possibly I should've sold Blademail even to get Octarine.
Edit: I can't believe we lost with a 15k gold and a 15k experience lead