Could someone take a look at this match and tell me where I went wrong with itemization? It ended up 4v5 and we still couldn't win. Everyone left on their team felt basically unkillable but I died in 4-5 hits from every one of them. I think it was an itemizing problem because we did really well in the early game but just couldn't get anything done later.
I was the AM.
Match is
Not sure why you bought the helm of the dominator? It doesn't really help with farming since you're gonna outpace the creep with blink. Should have completed your yasha into manta. Not only because it helps vs drow silence but also your mana drain spikes up. Its just a really good item.
Bkb is fine imo, could have gone aghs or linken's. Wouldn't have worked if it was venge swap if aghs, but it would have helped vs dk stun or reflect an abyssal or venge stun.
Also grab an abyssal. Can't really ignore that item on AM. Good lockdown, would take it over maelstrom.
I was the Necro in this game, can someone please let me know which items I could've got to help our team win?
I rushed radiance and it was a great help vs Naga and Weaver especially, but then I went for blademail which was seemingly completely useless.
We were miles ahead at the 35 minute mark but really struggled to deal with their Wraith King and Weaver. Maybe I could've got something like Scythe of Vyse?
Dunno about radiance. Shiva's guard would have been useful not only because of the dmg vs illusions but also for armor and attack speed slow.
If you wanted to go blademail, then the next item that helps would have been octarine since it would heal you and all your abilities and radiance would heal you as well and 25% lower cd for all abilities and items.
Problem is jakiro got pipe so your radiance's dmg is mostly negated.
Dagon is a good item when you want to solo kill people. Dagon 3's cd is the same as aghs with your level 3 ult.