15th 9k'er
I wonder why South America is the only region with no 9k MMR?
Sometimes I wonder that too...
Good to see Gorgc hit the 8k mmr, enjoyed watching those streams with him and Sing
15th 9k'er
I wonder why South America is the only region with no 9k MMR?
I'm wondering what the strategy is against a PA 1 hit 1 crit.
Hi, I'm trying to learn Shadow Demon. I usually play support so I kinda know that aspect of the game. However I can't fully grasp Soul Catcher, it's so awkward to use. I watched pro games and they seem to use it mainly when disrupted.
Also can Demonic Purge be dispelled say by spinning or BKB?
Soul Catcher is best on isolated enemies, but with some clever positioning of the targeting area you can catch enemies with the edge of it and reduce the chance/completely avoid hitting the wrong target. For instance, if you're ganking someone in lane wait until they move away from the creep wave, or are standing right on the end of it before you disrupt and Soul Catcher them, so that you can actually hit them easily. And yeah, you usually disrupt them first so that Soul Catcher is easier to land and so that they take extra damage from the illusions after they leave. And although I still think the best build is to max Disruption and Soul Catcher first, once you have a point in Shadow Poison make sure you cast it on them while they're in Disruption to deactivate a Blink Dagger if they have one.
You can avoid the damage from Demonic Purge with spell immunity, but the slow persists through magic immunity. That makes Demonic Purge amazingly good at crowd control and catching fleeing enemies.
In general SD is best against enemy ranged carries, or if you have a ranged agi carry on your own team. Then you can get up to some shenanigans. And ofc almost nothing in Dota is as fun as playing a position 5 support and the enemy carry being scared of you because you can solo kill them.
You get money in the early game from fights and pushing with Disruption illusions, not from farming (although you can always steal your carry for a while with disruption to farm camps or lane).I find Shadow Poison early game to be ineffective since it use so much mana than I can usually afford. However, without it; it's also harder to farm for other items as well.
Ganking enemy range carry is usually my main problem. I'd get hit so much before I can do anything. If I'm doing fairly well, should I get Shadow Blade just for this kinda situation?
You get money in the early game from fights and pushing with Disruption illusions, not from farming (although you can always steal your carry for a while with disruption to farm camps or lane).
Also while you can often kill the enemy carry you don't want to be roaming the map looking for them after laning, because you're also a very good defensive support and push enabler. You should have a Blink Dagger for catching enemies and initiation though, not a Shadow Blade. I usually go something like Blink > Force Staff -> Eul's (if they have a silence or your team needs more control), or Aghs if you don't need Eul's.
If you're anticipating that a fight will happen you should be far enough away that your Blink won't be turned off anyway, letting you Blink into range and disrupt your carry if you need to (or disrupt their initiator if it's someone like Axe). I almost always take the + cast range talent too.I'll give that build a shot. I have tendency to get Force before Blink in order to save our carry. Gonna try to see if Blink first has better result with SD because I can Disrupt any way.
Cancel out, 747 in.
Got into my first 70 minute game in a long time.
FPS dropped down to 10-20ish. Even screen scrolling was delayed. That's over 100 frames dropped from my usual play since this new patch and I am using the absolute minimum settings.
It's been months. Why has this not been fixed yet.
Yeah I guessIs this the DVa of Paragon?
Got into my first 70 minute game in a long time.
FPS dropped down to 10-20ish. Even screen scrolling was delayed. That's over 100 frames dropped from my usual play since this new patch and I am using the absolute minimum settings.
It's been months. Why has this not been fixed yet.
ew noYeah I guess
But then againDotaevery good game needs to have a DVa clone ( ̄^ ̄ゞ
Sniped by merlini stack feels bad
I just started playing competitive in Overwatch tonight, after not having played competitive since the one match I played when competitive hit the game. I got stuck with three teams in a row that refused to work together...what the hell.
Anyone want to take a crack at the top 8 teams in the world apart from EG and OG?We present to you The Masters, a Dota 2 tournament that will gather only the best in the world.
So if we want to take them at their word:
Anyone want to take a crack at the top 8 teams in the world apart from EG and OG?
daaamn dat buuuuuuuurn39:11
Tidehunter: u lost to battle tide son
Chaos Knight: oh no
Chaos Knight: What will i do
Tidehunter: go back to walmart
I'm convinced that the competetive overwatch community is the worst gaming community by far.
siege is very fun, ranked is hard af
So if we want to take them at their word:
Anyone want to take a crack at the top 8 teams in the world apart from EG and OG?
If they got everyone they want I imagine its
EG, OG, DC, Liquid, Wings, Newbee, iGV.. Faceless?
im trash now
just less trash