G2 as well.
G2 as well.
Slacks said they hadn't been practicing which leads mo to believe they might already have the kyiv invite.They might not always win, but DC is one of the most entertaining teams to watch.
I switched contracting companies to one that's a better fit and I have more opportunities. Still doing the same job, just under a different company and working on another project in addition to the one I was already on (but just splitting time).
Anyway I found out about my vacation time: It's better than the old company, and I'll have enough by late July/August, SO I'M GOING TO TI7!
Wings' player is called iceice, iceiceice is the player on Faceless. I think there's a 3rd player that's just ice on another Chinese team too, if that wasn't confusing enough.
If ur playing offlane against a weak lane you can kinda go to fucking town once you get 6 and phase boots
Edit: talking about my man abaddong
what's the excuse now for the Chinese team, same as Shanghai major Chinese new year hangover?
Yeah sorry i jumped the gun too far there, I mean I haven't been impressed by Chinese teams these past few months other than wings and newbee."the chinese team"? there are 2 still in
Yeah sorry i jumped the gun too far there, I mean I haven't been impressed by Chinese teams these past few months other than wings and newbee.
?????????????????????if igv can't even beat tnc they might as well disband
dc will probably beat vgj
name a region with like 3+ top tier teams
NA : EG, DC, NP,... colname a region with like 3+ top tier teams
Raven on the Slark though. Holy shit what a performance. Him and PLD were MVPs of that entire series.
PLD deserves better than Secret.
I totally degree. He is easily one of the best supports going right now and he is stuck in a mediocre ass team. I wonder how much he is being paid/how serious the threats of violence from Puppey are for him to stay in Secret.