Apparently some idiots gave Xboct like $100k to make a team for TI7.
Don't shame people's choice of charity.
Apparently some idiots gave Xboct like $100k to make a team for TI7.
I managed to get the horse I was chasing. I named it Ezalor. I like the way horses work in this game. At first I thought the horse controls were bad, then I listened to the tips on it from the stable. They explained how they follow the path, and if they freak out you have to gently steer them back and soothe. Now my horse is 90 trust and controls much better.I just spent 15 minutes chasing this pure black horse around just so i could tame her and name her nightmare...
I managed to get the horse I was chasing. I named it Ezalor. I like the way horses work in this game. At first I thought the horse controls were bad, then I listened to the tips on it from the stable. They explained how they follow the path, and if they freak out you have to gently steer them back and soothe. Now my horse is 90 trust and controls much better.
Bottom line: don't try to control horses like OoT and TP, it's nothing like those. Use gentle movements, and you seldom need to jerk the analog stick for the most part other than trying to stop.
I haven't even seen and carrots yet.You can also use LZ and strafe with the horse for more control if you get stuck. And dont forget to feed Ezalor a carrot every once in a while![]()
Zelda and Horizon are so good Kreygasm
Wanted/ppd stack disband
How good is the tutorial for this game if I want to start playing it? Should I do that first and then some bot matches?
It'll get you started with learning the map, general game flow and other things of that nature. I don't know how up to date they are. They were made pre-7.00 so I have no idea if they take things like shrines into account.How good is the tutorial for this game if I want to start playing it? Should I do that first and then some bot matches?
How good is the tutorial for this game if I want to start playing it? Should I do that first and then some bot matches?
2 Hotish takes:
Rubick is the most fun hero to watch a pro play.
This new Lone Druid goes against the very concept of the hero and I hope Icefrog reworks him.
IMO they just need to redo his talents. Remove the range one and replace it with something that is actually beneficial to the bear. The way he is played right now, he is such a Mary Sue hero. Incredibly boring.
2 Hotish takes:
Rubick is the most fun hero to watch a pro play.
This new Lone Druid goes against the very concept of the hero and I hope Icefrog reworks him.
Or just nerf the fuck out of those talents. If people want to play him like Sniper, that's fine, but he shouldn't that fucking strong.
well unless his bear counterpart's talents get massive buffs there's no way it won't be played over it.
+55 dmg on a ranged hero or +30 dmg to the bear which is really 25 dmg to heroes since the bear's dmg type does 85% dmg to heroes instead of 100%?
-40 respawn type on a carry or +12 armor on the spirit bear?
Nioh and Yakuza 0 are amazing too. Try those if you got time.
-40s respawn should just be removed from the hero. it's fucking dumb.
"esports personalities from other games who try to get into dota for a couple weeks around every major event and then burn out" should be a jeopardy category
did day9 burn out?
lul EHOME just lost in open qualifier
So at risk of getting spoiled, and the BotW thread moving too fast, I thought I might ask some questions to the people playing it here:
This is about seeing a thing at Lake Hylia:Has anyone seen the dragon? I saw it and by the time I could get over there, it already went under the water and didn't come back.
This is around Gerudo Tower:I saw another dragon similar to the Lake Hylia one, but I couldn't get to it because I hadn't tagged a shrine I could warp to up there, and the tower would have been too low to glide from. I'm willing to bet these will come up as a sidequest somehow, but I'm curious what happens if I ever get close enough to touch one.
You don't want to get spoiled about BotW in the BotW thread, so you bring that discussion into the Dota thread?
So at risk of getting spoiled, and the BotW thread moving too fast, I thought I might ask some questions to the people playing it here:
This is about seeing a thing at Lake Hylia:Has anyone seen the dragon? I saw it and by the time I could get over there, it already went under the water and didn't come back.
This is around Gerudo Tower:I saw another dragon similar to the Lake Hylia one, but I couldn't get to it because I hadn't tagged a shrine I could warp to up there, and the tower would have been too low to glide from. I'm willing to bet these will come up as a sidequest somehow, but I'm curious what happens if I ever get close enough to touch one.
Sounds reasonable to me? People have very different thresholds when it comes to spoilers.
Who's in ehomes now anyways?lul EHOME just lost in open qualifier
cty, lanm, old chicken, the other two are new member I never heard before (Sen & jdh).Who's in ehomes now anyways?
Heart, blademale, radiance, blink is good build for tanks but Don can't flash farmslahser's carry abbadon build looks pretty interesting, check it out hombres
Wait, what actually do you want to know? The fun part is figuring out what needs to be done for each one. It will be different situation for allof them.4
I have seen them, but I am not sure what they are. I would imagine some sort of world bosses? they might appear based onlike some other bosses I won't name.time of day
You just have to get to them faster really. They have a patrol area.
I, for one, enjoy having to avoid Zelda spoilers in the Dota thread.
slahser's carry abbadon build looks pretty interesting, check it out hombres