Winter Wyvern and Mirana (Ultra Rare)
I hear two of the collector's cache sets are Anuxi's. Anyone know which so I can go get them?

Winter Wyvern and Mirana (Ultra Rare)
I hear two of the collector's cache sets are Anuxi's. Anyone know which so I can go get them?
Winter Wyvern and Mirana (Ultra Rare)
so my international solo ranked mmr after calibration is -500 to my normal mmr ranked. MESS.
I love how people don't fucking buy dust when 3 of their heroes have built shadow blades.
Even better when they insist on continually ganking one of those people with a shadow blade without dust and complaining that nobody has vision.
Damn, forgot my mouse, only got two games in..
Which hero is the best track pad hero? LPQ here I come.
Mine is too. My last like 4 calibration matches were really bizarre--4k MMR Average (Lost), 3.7k MMR Average (Won), 3.2k MMR Average (Won Hard), 3.0k MMR Average (Blowout Win). So the more it moved me down at the end despite winning the better I did and the harder we stomped, yet for some reason it kept moving me down and I calibrated at like 3.4k when I'm normally around 3.7-3.8k.
EG's draft was basically predicated on map control and taking towers early, but that doesn't seem to have happened. I find it hard to believe they can win this game at this point unless they take like 2-3 very favorable team fights.
NP started a messy fight top lane, while Fata just ratted bottom with a DD. After EG fully committed to the fight top and lost 2 or 3 heroes, envy TPed bottom to help Fata kill bottom rax, and it just spiraled from there.WTF i went to brush my teeth when eg stole roshan and suddenly game ended?
wtf happened?
these ads are a mistake
Cause theyre the sponsor and they know everyone has adblocker anywaysBeen wondering why they're running local ads on a twitch stream myself.
Cause theyre the sponsor and they know everyone has adblocker anyways