Lol this. Wtf is happeningnotail carry visage? the fuck?
Lol this. Wtf is happeningnotail carry visage? the fuck?
Arteeshit useless Ismail probably has to carry this team if they want to win ti
EG got dumpstered hard by carry visage
LGD up 1-0
I wonder if artour will be working on a visage or visage counter - gotta watch nofails VOD
Peru dotkaFinal Match Day 2 of 3: 3UB2LB
Format: Two groups of four play Bo1 Round Robin, top two UB, bottom two LB, UB is double elimination, LB1-LB3 is Bo1, everything else is Bo3 except Bo5 GF
Today: three UB Bo3 and two LB Bo1 elimination
Upper Bracket (Bo3)
1. SG vs Ewolves
followed by
2. [A] vs MVPR
followed by
3. Winner 1 vs Winner 2
followed by
Lower Bracket (Bo1 elimination)
4. Spirit vs Infamous
followed by
5. Thunder vs Midas
This TI is going to be the craziest one yet imo. Nobody, not even OG, have really been consistently on top or getting great results in the run up.
This weekend one of my fiance's friends came to town and is sleeping in the office (where my PC) is, so last night I decided to try a little experiment. I played a few games of Dota using Steam in-home streaming to my laptop. The results? Surprisingly excellent! I didn't feel and lag and the image and framerate were just like looking at it on my PC in person. The only thing was I was not completely used to playing Dota with the laptop keyboard and mouse I was using, so I definitely had some discomfort there, but that just takes time.
Bottom line: Dota over Steam in-home streaming, even wirelessly (I do have a really good router) worked really well. I also played some PUBG after and that worked like a charm too.
I fully expect some Chinese team to own the whole thing.
Guess not, because it felt like playing on the host machine, and it definitely had to go through a few walls.I assumed there would be huge lag. I can play turn based RPG's in-home streaming but there is noticeable 20-50ms lag
Maybe your walls aren't lead plated
Infamous lost to Alliance, I don't have high hopes for them. It really is too bad Smash et al, didn't wait till Valve started giving SA major/minor slots
Bottom line: Dota over Steam in-home streaming, even wirelessly (I do have a really good router) worked really well. I also played some PUBG after and that worked like a charm too.
I was last hitting pretty well once I switched to a better mouse, even with Gyro early game. I think that is quite testament to how the lag was for me.I've tried streaming my games to my TV but there's always been perceptible lag :/ I really can't stand it when I press a button to jump and my character doesn't jump immediately.
Guess not, because it felt like playing on the host machine, and it definitely had to go through a few walls.
I fully expect some Chinese team to own the whole thing.
If Peru ever gets a major or like EG, shit will be crazier than the Philippines x10Get on this Final Match LAN game. Really fun, back and forth and its 70 mins in.
BTS Twitch.
they have been very inconsistent this year tho. like IG.
they have been very inconsistent this year tho. like IG.
MDL is 3 hours later than usual for the last dayMDL Day 5 of 5: 1LB1UB
Today one Bo3, one Bo5, both elimination
1. LGD vs NB
followed by
2. Winner 1 vs FY
lijke we were fucking crushing them at 20 minutes i was a casual 8/0/2 as mid pl and svens obviously has to stop to farm? the jungle? for his 3rd item? satanic?
i out tower damaged sven, and also my team was incapable of stopping a shadowblade juggernaut who single handedly did 22k tower damage??? aaaaaaaaaaaa
Game 5 boys
Morphling winning
Brood winning