Paging all resident Drow players (or anyone really). What else did I need here? Did I need Aghs sooner or something else entirely? I figured after we lost two rax, the only way out of this would be Aghs after all the other stuff I had.
Chen kind of started tilting hard, and I never did, but I was kind of irritated that we lost this at the end. As much as the XP graph makes it looked like we were getting stomped, we really weren't at all and were fairly even most of the game, but a series of unfortunate deaths ended up in us losing. Chen was quick to blame Windrunner and Clock, but I don't really agree with that.
Regardless, what should I have done here instead?
Personally I would keep helm of dominator and use the upgrade money to buy maelstorm and/or manta instead to help farming. Unholy Rage and extra hp aren't much useful when they have necro and lion, and you already have bkb anyway.