winter wut
but what about the best chinese player of all time, ZSMJ?New newbee:
Kpii Kaka sccc (9k mmr) Faith (won ti with ig) uuu9 (was with Faith in tongfu)
Super xiao8 and Yao joined LGD "Forever Young" lmao. Yes thats the real team name
Some dude named ghost is the new vg mid
Garder from ti5 cdec joined ehome
CDEC new team Sep June Flyby demons Shade
but what about the best chinese player of all time, ZSMJ?
I haven't kept up but is Digital Chaos still going to compete in NA? I'm assuming yes for now.
EG, NP, and DC. Complexity has a bit of an uphill battle to compete in NA region. May skip out on a few tournaments depending on how many teams get invited to any particular tournament from NA.
tbh i expect 6.89 within the next 4 weeks
This team looks pretty good! VG.J, the third vg squad with VG and VG.P
VG must be loaded to afford so many players
tbh i expect 6.89 within the next 4 weeks
time to dodo again
are there any good heroes?
im guna guess 1-2 weeks from now,around the last week of September or first week of October
Yeah, I think so too. Private Beta is also updating a good bit:
I'm thinking October 5th.
I can't fucking believe Slacks is 5k. What am I doing with my life?
I can't fucking believe Slacks is 5k. What am I doing with my life?
I just attempted to play offlane Void going Blink...I don't get it. I feel like you're more useless than you would be safelane and are just a creep running like Sonic the Hedgehog under your Chrono.
Can someone explain it to me? Because I am having a hard time seeing why any other initiator isn't better.
Name these other initiators that are 'better'. Void can scale and is meant to be quite tanky with vlads/vanguard/radiance/ with a good ult. Clock has to work off cogs and not missing his hook, Centaur is just clock but needs to have points in double edge to do damage, Slardar I could say is better compared to void, both ES's have a hard time. Void can do a lot of damage in lane and take none of it in return due to timewalk PMS gaming and just harrassment bash you back to the fountain. You get that quick diffusal blade and now you're a real threat.
I think the problem is you built treads -> maelstrom -> blink. Try getting PMS / treads -> vlads -> blink. I think that iron talon and vlads would let you farm just as effectively and be more useful at the same time.
Slacks is an honest inspiration. If he can do it, surely I can play my way up to 5k too.
Slacks is an honest inspiration. If he can do it, surely I can play my way up to 5k too.
Can someone explain it to me? Because I am having a hard time seeing why any other initiator isn't better.
is there anyone that goes up in the mmr ladder without picking obvious fotm heroes?
is there anyone that goes up in the mmr ladder without picking obvious fotm heroes?
Thanks Mob.You and your team didn't take advantage of their synergy with chrono. I watched the first 20 minutes of your game.
Your were getting safelane-esque farm on the bot lane (top net worth the first 10 minutes). However having pudge there was a net negative imo. FV needs levels like any hero in the offlane. The quicker to lvl 6, the quicker you can kill someone and get +400 gold easy.
The Maelstrom is an completely offense item which you didn't need. Your team will do the killing easily if you just land a few 2 or 3 man chronos. You landed a good one at around 15 minutes on the wisp and bounty hunter but your team didn't even get a tower out of it. Your team had like a perfect gank squad of bane+BS+pudge but elected to try and team fight when chrono was down? weird decisions
Where exactly does your damage come from? Almost entirely from your teammates? I know it can't be just purely on praying to RNGesus for a bash. In that particular game I picked up Maelstrom because I thought I needed the attack speed and AoE from the lightning to actually have an impact damage wise.
First time I've seen anything like this.
You should try fucking with him.
I think if TUSR actually causes this to happen he should just give the bot the Dragonclaw out of shameMaybe the bots have learning AI that conforms to your avatar and game selection
TUSR-senpai, give me your Dragonclaw-desu.
Typically there are 8 slots for your average LAN.
4 invited (EG, Wings, DC, Liquid)
- 1 SEA qualifier
- 1 NA qualifier
- 1 EU qualifier
- 1 CN qualifier.
time to dodo again
are there any good heroes?
vg always had cash
Maybe the bots have learning AI that conforms to your avatar and game selection
TUSR-senpai, give me your Dragonclaw-desu.
I still have yet to see anything top "many ladies".speak of the devil