If any of you go to see the firewatch movie I'll be taking names.
playing WoW in 2016 LUL
I was gonna play some Battlerite but then, did I see this right, it costs money? USD? That's unfortunate, isn't it a multiplayer game with a niche audience at best, you'd think they'd want a playerbase.
Best game gets turned into best movieIf any of you go to see the firewatch movie I'll be taking names.
I tried Support PA. I can totally see how effective that hero is. Dagger Spam + Blight Stone + Orb of Venom = triggered and close to death supports.
Great fun.
If any of you go to see the firewatch movie I'll be taking names.
early access costs $$
f2p once it releases
Ur a markAh ok, thank you for clearing up my ignorance. I look forward to sampling it and deeming it inferior to Dota after it becomes an actual video game.
I can't believe Firewatch has sold a million copies. Gamers are such marks.
Ah ok, thank you for clearing up my ignorance. I look forward to sampling it and deeming it inferior to Dota after it becomes an actual video game.
I can't believe Firewatch has sold a million copies. Gamers are such marks.
Ah ok, thank you for clearing up my ignorance. I look forward to sampling it and deeming it inferior to Dota after it becomes an actual video game.
I can't believe Firewatch has sold a million copies. Gamers are such marks.
If any of you go to see the firewatch movie I'll be taking names.
What's a mark?
Why do people actually want Razor to be played?
Looks like Team Canada IS playing tonight: https://www.twitch.tv/beyondthesummit2
Did you just finish watching OreImo Shira?
I think TNNT is picking a support PA vs Team Canada![]()
What's a mark?
How do teams work for this tournament? Why is Moon playing on the same team as EE and Aui, and who is futzeh?
I can't believe Firewatch has sold a million copies. Gamers are such marks.
Ugh [Puzzle and Dragons] sucks
Yeah I maxed him but I don't have the team to get him anywhere near first or second turn usable by myself. The guy that joined my room didn't have a single evolved or awakened card and with my SB alone my Anji was like 8 turns away from active at the start.
Random question:
Does the Monday legendary dungeon have any preemptives or anything else that would mess with my Ronove sweep team? I've grown out of being able to spam expert solo and rank up infinitely
Seriously, it's so tempting to drop stones on all these emerald and SKC since I need millions and millions of green exp but I'm resisting. Got about 25 levels on my Ronove at least and he's just about maxed out. Got a couple hours to save up stamina for emeralds part 2.
So far out of the evo carnival pal machine I've pulled 4 gold keepers, 1 of each tri fruit, multiple angel/devilits, 3 or 4 assorted jewels, but no sacred masks.
It's almost starting to feel weird on weekends when there isn't a PPV.
I think I kinda like Dota again.
I've somehow found myself back in the royal arena without even really trying (on an 8 win streak due to a couple fortuitous disconnects from opponents). Honestly thinking about just retiring and signing in a couple times a day to donate and open free chests. The stress of having to play to open crown chests and have a constant stream of regular chests working has been eating at me and I think I'd like to take a break on my own terms instead of rage quitting like so many people do. Unfortunate that the chances of unboxing a legendary is so slim I'm not holding out I'll miraculously snag one out of a free chest while on hiatus, but at least being in royal arena give me a minuscule chance that if I do it'll be a princess.
Gamers are such marks.
.Just fill a bathtub up with caramelized onions and melted swiss and let me drown in it.
Envy losing to a leeg team.
Envy losing to a leeg team.
Fucking Battlerite added US SouthEast servers for us rednecks.
What's Valve's excuse?
Is there any offlaners that do well vs AM?
I feel like he's really obnoxious to lane against and I don't know what I'm supposed to pick vs him
Is there any offlaners that do well vs AM?
I feel like he's really obnoxious to lane against and I don't know what I'm supposed to pick vs him
I haven't had any trouble against him as Timber. Keep a spare mango and you can timberchain away if needed. AM's pretty fragile against Timber's pure burst as well. 3 levels in reactive armor and provided he doesn't get something like an early claymore he can't force you out of lane. Once you have soul ring and arcanes you can use some of that burst mana to shred him down to sizeIs there any offlaners that do well vs AM?
I feel like he's really obnoxious to lane against and I don't know what I'm supposed to pick vs him
It was such a circus there were even elephants and donkeys there.That debate was a great comedy show.
friend got mad that I called battlerite a moba
Who is everyone tipping for MDL? Seeing as there are new rosters it might be tough to pick a clear favourite.
My tip : Newbee