OG, Secret, and EG all backed out, since its just before the Boston major group group stages.what happened ?
OG, Secret, and EG all backed out, since its just before the Boston major group group stages.what happened ?
Well, what do you expect from "nobody is boss 'round here" company
LD said they knew for about 5 weeks that the Major might fall on the same weekend as The Summit, and they have been working on alternatives since then.At the very latest whoever was in charge of booking the venue and choosing the date should have said something to major tournament organizers.
I approve Fortress Centaur after giving it a try on a smurf made specifically for the occasion. 30 games, most of which in Normal Skill. Feeding a lot, trying lots of stupid plays, which resulted in even more feeds, tanking towers until I am 1 hit to die, but still 73% winrate in the end.
The Radiance is good but hard to pull off.
I love the additional movement speed of Tranquil Boots. I like to buy the wind lace for even more speed.
Somehow, my winrate is higher with brown boots.
I would add Batrider to the list of counters. The sticky napalm is a freaking nightmare.
Late tonight, most likely Tomorrow.Haikyuu S3 Crunchyroll when?
Dunno how I manage to keep my head above 3k when I cs like a 1k.
Of my 1500 matches I've played probably 2/3 of them as a starved support. My carry play is easily a full grand below my rating. It's an awful gaping hole in my skill.Real 2k scrubs watch JoJo's.
I had a game where I ended up picking a jungler and somehow I ended up 3 levels ahead of even the mid players by mid game.
That was a great game.
Usually I support and try to scrape whatever farm together I can.
I wish somebody at Valve would work on ability draft for a little bit. I understand it's a niche mode but it's unique. The BS astral spirit combos are still in I believe, Silencer stealing INT when he doesn't have a single silencer ability, the completely random hero picker that allows a team of 5 melee heroes to be possible, and a few abilities that straight up do not work unless you pick the hero it was made for.
Love the 5 year old boy rhetoric of "I'm only doing what the other boys also did". Wrong is wrong period. Just because some instance of wrongdoing slipped through the cracks in the past doesn't mean someone shouldn't take action against it now.
Some might say what's happening right now is even more predatory simply because a digital store enables it to be so.
I wish somebody at Valve would work on ability draft for a little bit. I understand it's a niche mode but it's unique. The BS astral spirit combos are still in I believe, Silencer stealing INT when he doesn't have a single silencer ability, the completely random hero picker that allows a team of 5 melee heroes to be possible, and a few abilities that straight up do not work unless you pick the hero it was made for.
I wish somebody at Valve would work on ability draft for a little bit. I understand it's a niche mode but it's unique. The BS astral spirit combos are still in I believe, Silencer stealing INT when he doesn't have a single silencer ability, the completely random hero picker that allows a team of 5 melee heroes to be possible, and a few abilities that straight up do not work unless you pick the hero it was made for.
Only some rain m8stay safe east coast GAF
Only some rain m8
why wont my carries build bkb vs od ffs
"I want an eye of skadi!! I want bloodthorn!!!" -__-
Yes but that item costs 7k gold compared and only affects OD compared to 4k for BKB which affects everyone on the enemy team.Bloodthorn stops OD's orb right?
3. How come you don't go Treads at all? I can see not getting BoTs since everytime it looks like you might want it you've already taken a set of barracks, but are the stats from Treads not worth the delay for Radiance?
wings picked treant :O
I played it quite a bit for a few month when it got released, but yeah ultimately the fact that the hero side of the pick is actually what is really unbalanced in ability draft killed my interest.I wish somebody at Valve would work on ability draft for a little bit. I understand it's a niche mode but it's unique. The BS astral spirit combos are still in I believe, Silencer stealing INT when he doesn't have a single silencer ability, the completely random hero picker that allows a team of 5 melee heroes to be possible, and a few abilities that straight up do not work unless you pick the hero it was made for.
I played it quite a bit for a few month when it got released, but yeah ultimately the fact that the hero side of the pick is actually what is really unbalanced in ability draft killed my interest.
They either need to make people also pick their hero ( last to pick his skill is first to pick his hero ), or do what random OMG does in dota IMBA and make every player have the same hero.
It really doesn't need too much work to be a pretty great mod. And sadly no arcade mods could really replace it since arcade ultimately mean no real matchmaking and people leaving 2 minutes into a game.
Didn't know about Arc Warden or even Astral spririt, but yeah I agree with everything there. I remember forgetting about the skill range thing quite a few time, it does lead to pretty disapointing builds.Basically, AD needs just a few things to be truly great again:
1. Unintended behavior of spells/heroes needs to be fixed.
Intended: Faceless Void, and any other hero that takes Chronosphere aren't stopped by it. We know Faceless Void is innately NOT stopped by any Chronosphere, this is explicitly mentioned in a patch, and I'm pretty sure in the alt text it says so too.
We also know the Int Steal on Silencer is an innate part of the hero, as it was reworked to be this way in a patch.
Definitely unintended: Arc Warden's ult. I'm still salty about this, but one time I did a build and picked Arc Warden's ult, and a teammate was already calling me an idiot saying it was a "shit pick" so I asked why, he just says "you'll see" and won't tell me what it is. I hit level 6 and find out that the double gets NOTHING unless you have Arc Warden's skills in the right slots, not even passives work. It's a creep with items.
The Astral Spirit is also a huge unintended bug, and I'm not even sure of the programmatic explanation for it. It's still the same skill ET has, but yet it works this way on other heroes and not ET. If for whatever reason, they can't fix the bug of being stuck with the return skill, at least make it where the return skill doesn't trigger passives like Aftershocks/Static Field/Overload/etc.
2. This one is more about making skills viable. A change in the game made it where melee attacks over a certain range (300 I think) automatically missed. The effect this has on AD is taking orbs such as Searing Arrows on melee heroes. You just miss unless you're right in their face. MKB mitigates this, but still you have to get there first. It really ruins a lot of the fun of grabbing these skills on melee heroes.
3. Having at least some kind of fairness in what heroes you get in this mode. Whether it smartly creates teams of heroes that benefit more from passives and have low mana pools as well as heroes with good mana pools. If you go into an AD game and see you have Troll Warlord, you're probably going to have a bad time.
It's really the important part. Sure the mod will never be really balanced, I'd say it need to make sense ( with the way skill/hero are working ) and to be fair ( not feeling like the game will be shit because you lost the hero lottery ).AD isn't going to be balanced, but I think eliminating the moments of "that makes no sense" will go a long way to make it fun.
Didn't know about Arc Warden or even Astral spririt, but yeah I agree with everything there. I remember forgetting about the skill range thing quite a few time, it does lead to pretty disapointing builds.
It's really the important part. Sure the mod will never be really balanced, I'd say it need to make sense ( with the way skill/hero are working ) and to be fair ( not feeling like the game will be shit because you lost the hero lottery ).
My boy EE gonnawinsecure another 2nd place lan
Told you fam.