So I finally finished Origins (PC version--even though I was playing in "hard".. the final boss was a real pushover due to my lasting AoE spells) and thought I could move onto the expansion, but I am annoyed by UI/interface features of DA: Awakening...
What's up with every item pick-up leading to a "chest"/"pick what you want to loot" submenu?! It really slows down my game. Really annoying.
And mana clashing constantly crashes my game in both versions randomly (game usually crashes 1 in ever 3 battles).

I thought it might have been fixed in the expansion, but alas...
I also need the spell-shaping mod for the expansion. I kept forgetting I didn't have it and almost wiped out my party constantly in the beginning area.
And where is my DOG in the expansion?! Don't tell me those 100% loyal canines have really short lifespans or something! Of all the people to show up again...
I don't think I can continue with the expansion until there's a fan-fix/mod/patch for all of those things. It's also messed up that if you try to implement the Auto-Loot mod, you can only do it for the vanilla OR the expansion, not both.
Anyway, in celebration of the 3rd wRPG/cRPG I have ever completed (other two being Neverwinter Nights 2 and its expansion Mask of the Betrayer), here's a picture of some of the Dragon Age: Origins cast! (that's my character in the middle as an Arcane Warrior).
I totally double-crossed a bunch of people due to my indecision and curiosity, and I also pissed off a bunch of people by trying to be so diplomatic about everything... but it kind of all worked out in the end! And I hope it continues to work out! >_>