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Dragon Age: Origins |OT| Letting The Fade fade out of memory

Question regarding stats-- just did the Mage Ally stuff and am level 14.

So when I went through the Fade I got a huge amount of random permanent bonuses to attributes. So now...

I've currently got about 40 strength as a warrior and 26 dex, which I took for the shield skill prereqs. How high should you be taking your main attribute? I can now wear blood dragon armor. Looking at the magic skills, a mage shouldn't need to go over 40ish to get all the major spells, so should I assume 40 is around where things start to top out? I haven't seen any armor/weapon that requires a skill of over 38 yet. Guess I'll see what the prereqs are on the armor I have a guy in the capital making when he's done.

Basically, not sure if I should keep working on strength for future weapons/armor or if I should really start shoring up some of my lower skills. While My willpower's respectable, with the armor I'm wearing I'd really like it to be higher than 20. Constitution could also use some boost. But Maker my potions suck because I'm only 11 in magic.

Any advice would be awesome.


Neo Member
Is there a max level...? If so what is that level? I just loaded the game up last night and was acquiring all of the DLC. Will not play until tomorrow.

Are you able to farm for weapons, items...or grind levels?


Loudninja said:
Hey what is the level cap?

Some have said there technically isn't one but that it becames nearly impossible to continue leveling at one point, I think around level 26 or so. Not positive though.


Himuro said:
On the contrary. I learn what spells to use by effectiveness. I don't fling around spells wildly.
It's obvious we're looking for different experiences. I want to be able to know without a shadow of a doubt, what the statistically "correct" move is. Relying on past "effectiveness" is subject to being skewed by small sample sizes, by atypical resist/dodge/block/armor ratings on the mobs where the effectiveness was tested, and by all sorts of cross-contamination from stacking effects from other party members.

What I'm trying to say is that you can't test these things in a vacuum unless you want to do a hell of a lot of F5/F9ing. And if you're not testing in a vacuum with controlled variables, then your results could very well be incorrect.


epmode said:
Everyone gains full experience. This includes incapacitated characters as well as those not actually in your party.

great, now i dont need to worry about my party members getting knocked out if i'm close to finishing off a boss. woot. every RPG needs to do this.


erotic butter maelstrom
I'm still early in the game, but I love the banter between my party (Morrigan & Alistar) and the dialogue choices. The last Bioware game that I played was Mass Effect, I loved it, but most of the dialogue choices came down to good cop/bad cop, if you were to stick with paragon or renegade you didn't really have that many choices. Dragon Age seems to have a lot more options and it makes the conversation feel natural.
I tried my hardest to make Morrigan's mum like me, I only got a few sassy responses from her.


Zeliard said:
Some have said there technically isn't one but that it becames nearly impossible to continue leveling at one point, I think around level 26 or so. Not positive though.

In the manual it says there is no hard cap, so you mean impossible as in the amount of xp you need to earn is insurmountable?


Doytch said:
It's obvious we're looking for different experiences. I want to be able to know without a shadow of a doubt, what the statistically "correct" move is. Relying on past "effectiveness" is subject to being skewed by small sample sizes, by atypical resist/dodge/block/armor ratings on the mobs where the effectiveness was tested, and by all sorts of cross-contamination from stacking effects from other party members.

What I'm trying to say is that you can't test these things in a vacuum unless you want to do a hell of a lot of F5/F9ing. And if you're not testing in a vacuum with controlled variables, then your results could very well be incorrect.

I fear your porn folder is filled with dirty, dirty little excel files


Zeliard said:
Some have said there technically isn't one but that it becames nearly impossible to continue leveling at one point, I think around level 26 or so. Not positive though.

Thanks,sounds good.


LiK said:
great, now i dont need to worry about my part members getting knocked out if i'm close to finishing off a boss. woot. every RPG needs to do this.

Party members who get knocked out not getting EXP is okay by me, but I've always been annoyed when party members I don't use don't get EXP (or get a gimped amount), since that only makes it less and less likely that I'll use them the more I progress through the game.

Tobor said:
In the manual it says there is no hard cap, so you mean impossible as in the amount of xp you need to earn is insurmountable?

I'm not completely sure but that's what I've been gathering.


Snuggler said:
I'm still early in the game, but I love the banter between my party (Morrigan & Alistar) and the dialogue choices. The last Bioware game that I played was Mass Effect, I loved it, but most of the dialogue choices came down to good cop/bad cop, if you were to stick with paragon or renegade you didn't really have that many choices. Dragon Age seems to have a lot more options and it makes the conversation feel natural.
I tried my hardest to make Morrigan's mum like me, I only got a few sassy responses from her.

yea, and i love talking to each member. i spent literally half and hour just listening to Morrigan tell me about herself. the voice acting in this game is FANTASTIC.

Zeliard said:
Party members who get knocked out not getting EXP is okay by me, but I've always been annoyed when party members I don't use don't get EXP (or get a gimped amount), since that only makes it less and less likely that I'll use them the more I progress through the game.

yea, i remember trying to balance out all my party members in FFXII and that took way too much grinding so i gave up and stuck to just 3 guys.


Water is not wet!
Himuro said:
On the contrary. I learn what spells to use by effectiveness. I don't fling around spells wildly.

Yes but unlike BG where you can just erase an ineffective spell from your book, its like Kotor and once you spend a point on the power its done.


Zeliard said:
Party members who get knocked out not getting EXP is okay by me, but I've always been annoyed when party members I don't use don't get EXP (or get a gimped amount), since that only makes it less and less likely that I'll use them the more I progress through the game.

I'm not completely sure but that's what I've been gathering.

Plus you get to assign 5 or 6 levels worth of skill points at once. I love that.


Doytch said:
It's obvious we're looking for different experiences. I want to be able to know without a shadow of a doubt, what the statistically "correct" move is. Relying on past "effectiveness" is subject to being skewed by small sample sizes, by atypical resist/dodge/block/armor ratings on the mobs where the effectiveness was tested, and by all sorts of cross-contamination from stacking effects from other party members.

What I'm trying to say is that you can't test these things in a vacuum unless you want to do a hell of a lot of F5/F9ing. And if you're not testing in a vacuum with controlled variables, then your results could very well be incorrect.
I would imagine someone will test all the nitty gritty details and post up a chart somewhere at some point. Don't all the mod tools expose this information for the base game anyway?


Water is not wet!
Tobor said:
In the manual it says there is no hard cap, so you mean impossible as in the amount of xp you need to earn is insurmountable?
Well i think the reason there is no cap is that Bioware has stated that they intend to release DLC for at least 2 years. Everything ranging from small quest chains to full blown expansions.


Snuggler said:
I'm still early in the game, but I love the banter between my party (Morrigan & Alistar) and the dialogue choices. The last Bioware game that I played was Mass Effect, I loved it, but most of the dialogue choices came down to good cop/bad cop, if you were to stick with paragon or renegade you didn't really have that many choices. Dragon Age seems to have a lot more options and it makes the conversation feel natural.

So true. In most RPGs of this sort I play evil partly because the good dialogue choices are so overly sincere and painfully corny, without even the slightest hint of a shade of grey. In Dragon Age my responses have been varying wildly across the board, because the options feel more naturalistic, so I just respond how I feel my character would to each specific thing.
Snuggler said:
I'm still early in the game, but I love the banter between my party (Morrigan & Alistar) and the dialogue choices. The last Bioware game that I played was Mass Effect, I loved it, but most of the dialogue choices came down to good cop/bad cop, if you were to stick with paragon or renegade you didn't really have that many choices. Dragon Age seems to have a lot more options and it makes the conversation feel natural.
I tried my hardest to make Morrigan's mum like me, I only got a few sassy responses from her.


Yea, upping your persuasive abilities in this game actually has a legitimate affect on conversations and decisions you make in the game, unlike ME which made a very shallow impact on dialogue.


Azih said:
I would imagine someone will test all the nitty gritty details and post up a chart somewhere at some point. Don't all the mod tools expose this information for the base game anyway?
Yeah, this wiki helps greatly, but it's obviously a WIP.

Speaking of which, I just read that bows use 50%/50% Str/Dex attributes when calculating attribute modifiers. Was this listed...anywhere? I thought it was purely Dex contributing to bows, since that's what the attribute screens said.


I really just love this game. Easily the best Bioware game since Baldur's Gate 2, and the best RPG in years.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Azih said:
I would imagine someone will test all the nitty gritty details and post up a chart somewhere at some point. Don't all the mod tools expose this information for the base game anyway?
Thats why you might as well put the stats in somewhere , because the people who want them will figure them out one way or another and the people who can truly roleplay will be able to ignore the underlying statistical framework.


mentalfloss said:
Yea, upping your persuasive abilities in this game actually has a legitimate affect on conversations and decisions you make in the game, unlike ME which made a very shallow impact on dialogue.

Dialogue is modified by other things as well, not just your attributes. There's a quest in the first village you can get only if you have a poison/potion-making skill - another one only if you can make traps. I had coincidentally put a point into the poison skill recently before talking to the person who offers you that quest, so a (Poison) option came up for me, saying something like "I have... dabbled with poison."

Doytch said:
Yeah, this wiki helps greatly, but it's obviously a WIP.

Speaking of which, I just read that bows use 50%/50% Str/Dex attributes when calculating attribute modifiers. Was this listed...anywhere? I thought it was purely Dex contributing to bows, since that's what the attribute screens said.

This is the sort of thing that would be nice to have in-game.
Flib said:
I really just love this game. Easily the best Bioware game since Baldur's Gate 2, and the best RPG in years.

I have been hearing a lot about BG2(As far as i know, KOTOR was the best RPG released by BW, but everyone says otherwise).

I have been playing WRPGs that i missed and am just about to finish 'The Witcher', maybe i should pick up BG2.
So really now... is it a glitch or does the game simple not point you to the the side quests even when you mark them as the the active quests? Which would make the idea of even activating them as a active quest pretty silly. Like whats the point.
Is anyone else having a bug where screenshots you take just never show up? I've taken dozens of screenshots, but only two of them are in the "taken by user" folder. Pissed me off when I noticed it.

The screenshots the game takes for getting achievements and such work just fine...


erotic butter maelstrom
My favorite convo situation so far was with the delivery boy Elf in the first village after the origin story. I tried to trick the poor little bastard into giving me the sword, he didn't buy it, so I started to intimidate him but my conscious kicked in when I realized what a dick I was being so I let him go. Poor guy, all he wanted to do was deliver that sword.


God, Journeys is so boring. Just need to beat it with Rogue (on easy thankfully) and I'm done with Flash for life.


Anyone know if anything ultimately happens with that boy looking for his mom in the first village?

I sent him running in a certain direction for her, and then
when he didn't find her (naturally, as I had lied), I told her she was killed and he went off crying looking for her.

I am such a bastard.

LCfiner said:
I hate all of you who are playing the game now and not stuck at work.

argh, and I won't be able to get home for another 6 hours. I'm dyin' here. :lol

Same. :(


I hate all of you who are playing the game now and not stuck at work.

argh, and I won't be able to get home for another 6 hours. I'm dyin' here. :lol

Zeliard said:
Anyone know if anything ultimately happens with that boy looking for his mom in the first village?

I sent him running in a certain direction for her, and then
when he didn't find her (naturally, as I had lied), I told her she was killed and he went off crying looking for her.

I am such a bastard.

it can become a
chanter board quest to find her body and give a keepsake to the son


I don't know if this was answered in this thread.

I'm thinking of trading in my CE xbox360 version in for the PC one. If I used my codes, are they tied to EA or MS? So if I bought the PC regular editon would Shale, armour and other unocks be available to me?


Water is not wet!
Zeliard said:
Anyone know if anything ultimately happens with that boy looking for his mom in the first village?

I sent him running in a certain direction for her, and then
when he didn't find her (naturally, as I had lied), I told her she was killed and he went off crying looking for her.

I am such a bastard.

i havent run into the boy again but there is a quest that pops up on the post board near that one templar guy that deals with the boys mother. im assuming its refering to her since the boy doesnt give his moms name and the quest description fits.


erotic butter maelstrom
Zeliard said:
Anyone know if anything ultimately happens with that boy looking for his mom in the first village?

"She's over there" option made me chuckle, so dickish, but I just gave him a piece of silver to go away. For some reason, I got the impression he was BSing me so I'd give him money, but maybe the mom does exist.


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
Made a few mistakes with my Dwarf Noble, so I started a commoner crikey the life of a commoner ernt easy.

Anyways hear is my soon to be beserker.
Holy fucking shit. The website to confirm your DLC codes is a nightmare. I previously registered with my EA account, and now it won't let me log in with my display name. Now, every time I try to log in - it prompts me to make a new account. What the fuck?! Is anyone having the same issue as I am?


lorddarkflare said:
I have been hearing a lot about BG2(As far as i know, KOTOR was the best RPG released by BW, but everyone says otherwise).

I have been playing WRPGs that i missed and am just about to finish 'The Witcher', maybe i should pick up BG2.

I'm enjoying this more than KOTOR, which is one of my favorite games. I loved the Witcher as well, but once again, I'm enjoying this more (although Geralt is still such an awesome character). Part of it is that the combat is just so good, but this is a really well-crafted game, much moreso than the trailers would lead you to believe.


I plan to make a crit melee rogue (backstabing mostly) and i was wondering if daggers are the way to go or are swords just as good for that purpose?
Also i'm not 100% clear on dex and str for this build. If i only use daggers then i don't have to put points into strength?


Cool stuff about the boy. I was wondering if anything would come out of it or if it was basically just some one-off encounter with the illusion of being more meaningful.

I haven't been running into many of those issues, actually. While some of the dialogue choices do lead to the same basic outcomes, there are also plenty of variances there and I've been surprised on several occasions at things referenced later on that were unique to my playthrough. It's far superior to Mass Effect's dialogue tree and character choices (part of that is likely due to the main character not being voiced, leading to longer conversations and a great deal more dialogue options).


Tripwood said:
I plan to make a crit melee rogue (backstabing mostly) and i was wondering if daggers are the way to go or are swords just as good for that purpose?
Also i'm not 100% clear on dex and str for this build. If i only use daggers then i don't have to put points into strength?
Currently daggers are broken (for the better). For attr bonus calculations, you're supposed to get half from str and half from dex for daggers. Right now you get a full bonus from str. So your bonus is 1.0(str bonus) + 0.5(dex bonus) where it should be 0.5 and 0.5. This is assuming you don't take the third level rogue talent, Lethality, which makes attr bonus calculations use cunning and dex instead.


erotic butter maelstrom
U K Narayan said:
Holy fucking shit. The website to confirm your DLC codes is a nightmare. I previously registered with my EA account, and now it won't let me log in with my display name. Now, every time I try to log in - it prompts me to make a new account. What the fuck?! Is anyone having the same issue as I am?

I didn't have the exact same issue, but I never was able to get the content. My PSN ID was tied to a different EA account then the one I redeemed the code on, I had them mixed up. I still couldn't figure out how to download them anyways...the game is great but I the DLC situation is pathetic, they put us through all this shit just to force us to register for their dumb fuckin website that I couldn't care less about.
So, if I ever want to have the available DLC, I'll have to buy it. Damn it.


is there any reason theres no isometric camera view on the console versions? surely it would be beneficial due to the much worse graphics?


Here's my rogue/thief/archer/whatever character


I'm currently in town of Lothering, being sidetracked by sidequest.
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