A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man
All the stuff in the extended edition is pretty great.
All the stuff in the extended edition is pretty great.
Angry, really? Come on, it's Dragon Ball (Z), it's a fun, gag anime with adventures and exciting battles. There is literally no need to be upset.
dbz kai toonami promo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPT8MJ7uLXY&feature=youtu.be
if funimation letting the casuals watch kai in 4:3 why they gotta cut up z
dbz kai toonami promo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPT8MJ7uLXY&feature=youtu.be
Sorry, I don't think I understand. Haven't they aired DBZ Kai since 2010?
Not on Cartoon Network/Toonami. The series previously aired on Nicktoons and The CW's Saturday morning blocks.
Wait, so Kai never aired on Toonami? How is that possible? DBZ started on Toonami.
It was on Toonami that one April Fools. It was also 16:9 and looked like shit
So I saw the movie in its entirety, finally. A few questions:
1. King Kai said Beerus is a god of destruction, opposite to a god of creation, like the Supreme Kai. Okay, but...
a) Why is there only one god of destruction as opposed to like 10 gods of creation
That's the whole point of the distinction. Gods of Creation can do things like create planets and moons, or make the strongest metal in the universe appear out of nowhere. Gods of Destruction can't create things, but have much stronger destructive abilities.b) Why is Beerus like a hundred times more powerful?
2. How was Shenron able to know the secret of the super saiyan god, yet King Kai, who presumably lived a lot longer and had been watching over the entire saiyan history not known about it?
3. And how the hell did Vegeta's anger at Bulma getting slapped make him go beyond SSJ3? That made no goddamned sense. Goku at SSJ3 didn't get a single hit on Beerus, and he wasn't even trying. Yet Vegeta for some reason gets some really solid punches in. That would mean he wasn't just stronger than SSJ3 Goku, but massively stronger. What the hell?
Has Kaiohken and Genkidama ever been useful?
2015 movie details.
Called "Resurrection of F", and it's about Frieza's henchmen bringing him back to life.
2015 movie details.
Called "Resurrection of F", and it's about Frieza's henchmen bringing him back to life.
I wonder how Beerus and Whiss are involved, and why Frieza would even be a serious villain at this point, as Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Gotenks, and Piccolo can basically one shot him.
Goku also has a new Gi.
Weird, I watched BoG for the first time a couple of days ago, and then new info comes out on the next movie, after BoG I'm pretty excited about this, and assume Freeza's become stronger than before, otherwise there'd be no point in his revival.
Edit: Krillen has no hair again, maybe it's before Cell while they were training to fight the Androids.
Edit 2: But then Beerus and Weiss are there.
Early BOG promotions showed Gohan as a SSJ, so it might just be a mistake.
Only way Frieza could be a villain is if he gets a God power-up.
Officially hyped.
Hope Gohan gets some time to shine. Show Gohan some love, Toriyama!
Who's the guy on the right? Gohan? Goten? His gi looks a bit like the one Krillin had in Battle of Gods. But then Krillin is right next to him wearing his old damn orange gi.
Totally Yamcha. Him and Krillin were wearing a similar outfit in BoG, I believe.
And agreed. Nice to see Yamcha and Krillin on the poster so they might actually do something. But with Krillin having no hair and in that orange suit... basically Kenny from South Park.
Kanzenshuu and a bunch of other fans put together a 30th anniversary fanzine: http://www.kanzenshuu.com/features/db30years/
In addition to general narration from the hosts, character dialog includes:
PICCOLO: He’s come back as a monster in a totally different league from us!
VEGETA: What’s going on?!
GOKU: Freeza!
FREEZA: Allow me to show you… my further evolution!
It may be worth noting that Freeza’s dialog here is slightly different from the similar quote printed in the recent January 2015 issue of V-Jump, where the word henshin (“transformation”was used; here, it is shinka (“evolution” or “progression”
Mezamashi TV also teased the movie earlier this year. The 2013 Dragon Ball Z film, Battle of Gods, was given similar teases on Mezamashi TV with previews and promotional videos.
The story for the movie is being crafted by original manga author Akira Toriyama, who stated he is writing it, “…as though it were a continuation of the manga when it was in serialization,” and that while it will, “…of course be a continuation of the previous Battle of Gods,” he has also, “…deliberately increased the amount of action scenes by a good deal.” Tadayoshi Yamamuro, who worked for many years as character designer and animation supervisor on the Dragon Ball franchise, will serve as the film’s director. No other movie staff have been confirmed at this time. Revival of “F” is set to bring back Freeza and will also include two new characters (Sorbet and Tagoma), feature Beerus and Whis again from Battle of Gods, and much more.
I've always wondered how DB would be post-Cell, if it followed Gohan than Goku.
I've always wondered how DB would be post-Cell, if it followed Gohan than Goku.