How long until Jiren is replaced by a talented fan-animator with Superman?
Frieza probably destroyed some potentially strong races or warriors as an emperor because they pissed him off or because of the potential danger
So did Beerus since he picks due to food or giftsThat's also true. Frieza has probably snuffed out many a race due to his paranoia. I just wonder if anyone could reach the level of Goku and Co. without these prime evils pushing character's to their limits.
Except that doesn't work.
Tien said "the genkidama's power didn't work on jiren" which is completely irrelevant since what made the difference was Jiren and Goku's gap, not the power of the attack itself.
Everybody was impressed by the power of the attack. What Whis confirmed is that the genkidama boost alone was not enough to help Goku match Jiren, but that could mean ANYTHING.
Ultra Trunks was "stronger than Cell" yet he stood no chance. We have no reason to believe this isn't one of those case where the mode was needed because Jiren seems to be using something similar/ uses his ki way more efficiently / effortlessly.
I've watched these episodes a million times now but Beerus calling for Goku still gets me every time. I don't know why, maybe it's the way the line is delivered.
I've watched these episodes a million times now but Beerus calling for Goku still gets me every time. I don't know why, maybe it's the way the line is delivered.
He didnt. He just used his full power. Him growing against Vegito was just desperate just like when Cell tried it against Gohan.
The episode literally told us the Spirit Bomb couldnt beat Jiren, so Goku aborning it would make him suddenly a match. This isnt up to interpretation.
We are not getting Goku Bale at leastAs much as I love the english cast including Sean, I have a feeling he's never going to get Black right. Dreading that day kinda, lol.
How long until Jiren is replaced by a talented fan-animator with Superman?
Maybe it's because you hear this character who's always seemed in control and above everything, calling out in despair over someone who has slowly come to be his friend.
Still think he has it, man. We'll just have to wait and see. Neither you or I knows all the mechanics of this yet.
I'm not comparing the life in U7 relative to other universes. There have been multiple scourges like Buu, the Saiyans, and Frieza that have wiped out large quantities of planets and life. U7 would have more life if Shin (or Beerus for that matter) actually cut these cancers out.
Why not both?Is that character development or is he just an evil dude with bigger plans in mind.
Mario Castañeda goku black is unbelievable awesome.
Roshi was wrong here since Whis agreed with Tien that the Spirit Bomb couldnt beat Jiren even if Goku completely absorbed it. If the Spirit Bomb could overwhelm Jiren if Goku could just push it into him, it would stand to reason that Goku absorbing it along with his own reserve energy would overwhelm Jiren. Yet, Tien and Whis both said that wouldnt be the case.
Perfect Cell at his full power made everyone crap themselves, showing that Ultra Trunks wasnt stronger than Cell and would have lost even without the speed lost.
That sounds lame though. Why would that be wished on him?Not sure what's going on with Jiren, maybe he's just that fucking badass, but he has something going with him for sure. I'm honestly wondering if there was ever a time where a super dragon ball wish was used on jiren. Maybe a wish was made to make Jiren a fighter who can never lose to any opponent? Perhaps this is why Jiren seeks the super dragon balls, to wish that the outcome of his battles be determined solely based on his own strength and determination, the way it should be for true warriors. Maybe he doesn't like the fact that his fights are technically being decided based on factors far beyond his control.
Just my assumption.
Jiren doesn't need to have Ultra Instinct, but perhaps due to the fact he's surpassed a god of destruction, something like ultra instinct is sorely needed in order to compete.
He clearly did..
Just before he gets hit with his Light of Justice he even calls himself weak.
We still got people in this thread who don't see the parallels lol
Jiren literally used red eye lasers in the last episode....
Again, this is not what was said. And it contradicts what is said before, about Jiren being strong enough to push it back despite Goku having his full stamina, and the bomb scaring everyone + roshi's comment.
You also have no idea how much energy Goku was burning up, it's clear that thing didn't last long.
What made the difference is a clear "way to fight", raw power was probably not that relevant here once a certain threshold is passed.
Otherwise we're supposed to believe next time Goku goes UI he's actually stronger than Frieza Gohan and 17 COMBINED on his own.......
First of all that was a retcon, but more precisely the logic behind it still stands since it is stated both by Goku and Trunks later on, again. The point is that stronger isn't always better. The fact their opponents was stronger either way does nothing to undo that logic.
As it should be.Mario Castañeda goku black is unbelievable awesome.
Ok Jiren is a lot more terrifying nowAlso, Jiren looks a lot like the Plutonian from Irredeemable! Who is a funnily enough, a Superman analogue lol.
We still got people in this thread who don't see the parallels lol
Jiren literally used red eye lasers in the last episode....
Maybe it's because you hear this character who's always seemed in control and above everything, calling out in despair over someone who has slowly come to be his friend.
nah that's not it
Not sure what's going on with Jiren, maybe he's just that fucking badass, but he has something going with him for sure. I'm honestly wondering if there was ever a time where a super dragon ball wish was used on jiren. Maybe a wish was made to make Jiren a fighter who can never lose to any opponent? Perhaps this is why Jiren seeks the super dragon balls, to wish that the outcome of his battles be determined solely based on his own strength and determination, the way it should be for true warriors. Maybe he doesn't like the fact that his fights are technically being decided based on factors far beyond his control.
Just my assumption.
Jiren doesn't need to have Ultra Instinct, but perhaps due to the fact he's surpassed a god of destruction, something like ultra instinct is sorely needed in order to compete.
The Namekians might not be on here because they still haven't made their big debut, but where the hell is Old Kaioshin?
Also I continue to dislike this artist.
Maybe but still i doubt it would have been as awesome as Goku/Vegeta/Frieza/17/18/Piccolo and Roshi combo, the other Universes are mostly low tierFrieza probably destroyed some potentially strong races or warriors as an emperor because they pissed him off or because of the potential danger
Also I continue to dislike this artist.
This arc needs more Pilaf.
AgreedThis arc needs more Pilaf.
I'm so glad those little shits have been gone, they were such a nuisance in the Goku Black arc. WE NEED COMIC RELIEF OH NOES THIS IS SOO SERIOUS
Fuck that.
They obnoxiously overstayed their welcome. They're fine in small amounts but that arc was too much.
I don't get why Jiren is so completely ridiculously overpowered. Like, even for a Dragon Ball character it's weird and seems too much.
Sprinkles are fine unless you cover the whole goddamn cake in them
Goku needs a goal post to shoot for