It's alright , you are not alone in this.Bought this in the summer "sale" (it was still 55 for the game + season pass lol) since I've been on such a DBZ kick lately. Enjoying it a lot but I don't get some things. Like a lot of them.
Combo varies on 2 things ( 3 but i'll be simple )Number one being the weird inconsistent combo's. For a single button combination it'll output a wildly different combo every so often. Why is this?
-Your position regarding the ennemy
-If you are using a direction in addition to the attack button
-Various conditions like stamina and timing. ( that one is advanced stuff )
You can only get some drops if you full the conditions.And the parallel quests, so you only get a few drops of the possible drops every single time? What does fullfulling the extra conditions give me?
basicly , you need to trigger the condition for the extra events( sometimes they will trigger, sometimes they won't) it's random .
THEN you need to clear those extra conditions.
During this extra time you'll have another random chance of obtaining something
Yep you're reading right , you have 2 random triggers you have to conquere before you get the super extra RARE stuff.
There is a way to force the 2nd random trigger to give something everytime but ..... i'll talk about it if you ask.
Also, how do I level up with a trainer after they've given me their first ability?
you need to:
-Use the trainer hability he give you,
-Take the trainer with you during missions
-Talk to him regulary ( in the hub )
The trainers you should clear ASAP are :
-Cell , picolo, goku , berrus , king kai
The others are ok , but those above have the most usefull sh*t