A bit late, but it should be noted that due to the perspective of VII bring different than VIII's, there are some areas that you can't turn the camera 360 degrees, or at all IIRC. This is most commonly found in dungeons.Thanks! I will get VII down the road, then!
A bit late, but it should be noted that due to the perspective of VII bring different than VIII's, there are some areas that you can't turn the camera 360 degrees, or at all IIRC. This is most commonly found in dungeons.
Actually, I have a question about alchemy in VIII--I know that there are some new recipes in the 3DS version, but does the game provide any information on them or do I just need to rely on looking at a guide for them?
Yeah, the alchemy is a huuuuge improvement over the original. I remember the original being so vague with a lot of the recipes or straight up not telling you them.Let's see if I can screw up the answer to this question too. 8D
Unlike IX, the bookshelves don't give you all the recipes. You either have to experiment to figure them out or use a guide. Experimentation is fairly easy because, when you select an ingredient, the game grays out all the ingredients which don't combine with it.
A bit late, but it should be noted that due to the perspective of VII bring different than VIII's, there are some areas that you can't turn the camera 360 degrees, or at all IIRC. This is most commonly found in dungeons.
I completely forgot about not being able to adjust the camera in areas like dungeons! Hopefully tauroxd hasn't bought the game yet. Arrrgh. Sorry about that.
with the L and R rotation/steering this is not a problem at all.
L and R won't do anything in dungeons in 7. But you can use the d-pad instead of the circle pad to move around.
Empyrea is giving me trouble
Whatre the best monsters i can get atm that i can for. A monster team with to deal with her better?
You'll want to get up at least 1 level for the hero to learn Full Heal probably.
Even then it's a tough fight
Thinking about getting this, would be my first dragon quest game.
Is it better to play this 3ds version or emulated on a PC?
3DS, easy. Way too much was added for the PS2 version to be relevant. It's prettier and the audio is a bit better but as far as the actual game, 3DS wins hands down.Thinking about getting this, would be my first dragon quest game.
Is it better to play this 3ds version or emulated on a PC?
Orchestra is nice but the 3DS version simply adds so much more. The faster battles and lack of random encounters alone make it the better experience, unless you are bothered by the midi soundtrack THAT much.I think the orchestral soundtrack is crucially important. I'm pretty sure the 3DS doesn't have it so I would recommend PC unless you're willing to patch.
Basically, get as many tokens as you can (Cash and Carrie will give you some after you do their quest, then you can just gamble + abuse quicksave for more). 18,000 is ideal, but it's okay if you have less.
1. Go to the roulette table and quicksave.
2. Place your tokens like this in stacks of 500. (If you don't have 18,000 yet, just try to spread them out as evenly as you can in this pattern)
(here's an alternate picture showing 21500 tokens, but it's a bit more risky)
3. There's a decent chance you'll get 40,000+ tokens from spinning the wheel. If so, quicksave; if not, reset.
4. Repeat steps 2-3 as needed.