Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age Surpasses 7 Million Units Sold

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire

Via Noisy Pixel

In the official press release announcing that Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake has sold over two million units worldwide, Square Enix also announced that Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age has sold over seven million units.

The previous update for the sales of Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age was in May 2021, when 6.5 million units were confirmed to have been shipped.

These sales communicate how prominent the Dragon Quest name continues to be, making the eventual release of Dragon Quest XII a highly anticipated wait.​


So which is the definitive edition then? I hear on PC it's a port based on a 'lesser' version, graphically speaking or?


Gold Member
So which is the definitive edition then? I hear on PC it's a port based on a 'lesser' version, graphically speaking or?

Yes the original version is superior in terms of graphics. Models and graphics for the S version were made worse because every version was basically an up-res of the switch version.

If you want to pick up the original amazon are still selling codes:



I bought Vanilla and S as well. And literally yesterday I finally finished DQ11S. Everything except some of the tockington stuff which I did not care for. Just in time for Fantasian.

Branded Branded If you are playing on PC there are a lot of "project rebuild" mods where they replace the models, textures, add foliage density better liohting et cetera with the higher quality ones. Pretty easy to install, and my game ran fine for the ~130odd hours I put into it.


Hmmm perhaps the first proper reveal of DQXII is nearing.

The Game Awards might be one place to show it, or alongisde the Switch 2 reveal which sounds close.

I am banking on the latter.


Totally deserved the game is a masterpiece of what a traditional JRPG can be, the world is stunning the story is engaging and the characters are all likeable. I always had a liking for the world of DQ but after playing 11 i totally fell in love with the series, still sadly a couple i have yet to play but 12 has a stupidly high bar to overcome with 11 been as amazing as it is i hope they don't screw it up.

Plus 11 has the amazing Sylvando in all his zesty glory, so many fun moments that even in the darkest parts of the story he is a joy to have on your team.
So which is the definitive edition then? I hear on PC it's a port based on a 'lesser' version, graphically speaking or?
DQXIS on PC is definitely the one to get because modders have improved the visuals to be as good as the original release and there's also extra content added that is not present within the OG.

Here's a good starting point.
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Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
For fun, since it's a sales thread, here's Square Enix best selling JRPGs in the last decade based on shared figures:
  • Final Fantasy XV - 10 million
  • NieR Automata - 7.5 million
  • Final Fantasy VII Remake - 7 million
  • Dragon Quest XI - 7 million
  • Kingdom Hearts 3 - 6.7 million


It would be a colossal failure for Square Enix if they released Dragon Quest 12 without Nintendo Switch version.

It's important to have Switch version ready because over 4-5 million copies is guaranteed for Switch alone.


One of the green rats
Switch sales... and publishers still think bleeding edge graphics = big sales.

I'm glad all the new big games are failing we need a reset back to sensibility.


Gold Member
Hopefully it's not too long until they are ready to release 12. It has already been 7 years since XI originally came out.

Yes the original version is superior in terms of graphics. Models and graphics for the S version were made worse because every version was basically an up-res of the switch version.

If you want to pick up the original amazon are still selling codes:

It's important to keep in mind though that aside from the worse graphics the S version does have multiple improvements like better music, quality of life features, extra content, the whole 2D mode, 60fps on console and more.

And, as someone above mentioned, on PC you can use mods to fix a lot of visual downgrades.
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Boss Man

DQ11 on Switch was my first Dragon Quest game and it was so good that they’re all day one for me going forward.
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Gold Member
For the record I also own and finsihed on Series X and got a used switch copy in Japan before I realized it was only in Japanese.


Newd Member
It has some of best girls, really shame one of sisters remain like a child.
Very weird choice to not allow the ones with the original to upgrade(or downgrade) to the S version.

Mr Hyde

Well deserved. Fantastic Jrpg. My first real Dragon Quest (played Heroes before, but it's a mushu so...) and I loved it. A gripping adventure with a fantastic cast of characters and world to explore. It was so good I double dipped on Switch and PS4. Will probably pick it up for PC too. Can't wait for 12.


Game is good! I am at the last castle and promptly died(bad strategy). My issue with Dragon Quest games that they are long, lol. I like that but the result is ive never finished one.


Gold Member

Via Noisy Pixel

In the official press release announcing that Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake has sold over two million units worldwide, Square Enix also announced that Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age has sold over seven million units.

The previous update for the sales of Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age was in May 2021, when 6.5 million units were confirmed to have been shipped.

These sales communicate how prominent the Dragon Quest name continues to be, making the eventual release of Dragon Quest XII a highly anticipated wait.​
It’s a great game and if we are talking about “Return to Form” , this is the one game that fits the description. My favorite DQ since 8.

I bought 4 copies, lol. OG on PC and PS4 (this was like $20 to be fair), S physical on the Switch (for kids) and S on Steam.
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I love this game. Best RPG I've played this millennium. Would recommend the S version for the punchier flow, 2D mode, and especially the orchestral music.

Rab is the most underrated character, story wise. That old git brought out some of the most emotional moments of the game.


Didn not surpass VIII (didn't expect it) but a worthy succesor without a doubt to reintroduce DQ to Playstation. Loved it.

I hope with the succes of the remake, they'll consider a DQ VIII remake

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I can’t remember - does the pc port of S have stuttering issues? It was before the era where this was a constant problem, so I really don’t know. I really need to play this game though.
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