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Dragonball GT: different cover



I wonder if the disc has different art also?


I have the original domestic, so I'm glad to see there's some difference between old and new. Either way though, it's really pretty terrible.
Back when I worked at FuncoLand, this tripe sold for about $150, but someone came to ask for it at least 2-3 times a week. We were even asked about it by two guys who then had a friend walk in the door with a gun and hold the store up with them.

Of course, the one copy we had when one of the stores opened up is all we ever got, but no one believed us when we told them that it was one of the worst PSX games available and it was for the better that it was sold out.

The next closest game for several months was Chrono Trigger at $90, until the Chronicles release made it easily available.


It became a quest for me, simply because I couldn't find it. I once had it in my hand at a TRU, but I put it back because I heard it sucked. Then I decided I could find it in used bins... two years with no luck, driving all over So Cal, and I finally nabbed it at a Funco.

It sucks, just like the people say, but it was worth spending the money on it just so I could finally end the hunt. No other game has been that hard to find outside of a C64 version of Pirates! in a specific box, which I eventually found for $30. :)



woot. the original is better. neither is exactly exciting.

i haven't played this game in years but i remember it being terrible, too.

though i almost shit when i played the preview copy of UB22 that atari sent me when it was finally coming out here. mannnnnnnnnn. that shit would've made a mediocre launch game.
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