Cell was probably one of the hardest battles in the game for me until the last couple of missions in the game, it was rediculously difficult and I only just made on a whim of HP with no revivals left.Cell is kicking my ass, his AoE attack pretty much instant kills my entire party everytime he uses it. Keep failing from my party dying -.-
Also, I'm not sure how items really work. They're all one time use right? I bought Nimbus at one point but it vanished so now I'm afraid to buy anything but cards.
All I can really suggest is leveling up your partner levels by doing more missions with them and customising them with as many items as you can (and yourself) to buff up their stats, it makes a world of difference in battles like those.
Yeah it's awful that regions that didn't even get the option of being able to get them via pre-order don't get given the option to get them via PSN especially when they're in a few normal missions in the game as enemys. (excluding Naruto Goku)IIRC bandai namco said they wont put the dlc characters online. Japan just got their dlc put on the store so it just sucks even more! i want to play as vegito!