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Dragon's Dogma 2 |OT| Pawnworld


Gold Member
Yeah, the other thing too is they’re almost all mages or sorcerers; half of those with either overlapping spells equipped or basic equipment, some with only 2 or 3 augments, and it’s later levels.

I’ve seen multiple mage pawns with 3 even 4 weapon enchantments for their spell slots…the pawn AI doesn’t enchant that regularly and can only imbue the weapons for one target, so unless the pawn is trained to do it constantly it just doesn’t work. I have played with pawns that are basically trained to imbue basically non-stop with two and it works, but most can’t…almost sure at this point the pawns have to see it in proper use themselves to deploy it in the proper situations.
You can go in depth with what skills you are looking for with each class. Look at the advanced search at the big rift stones in towns.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
90% of the pawns are pale white women with white hair.
I see lots of Frierens, Shadowhearts, Witcher characters. Saw a couple rare Gerudo characters, lithe cats. I'm thankful my Pawn is unique thus far as a hot Goblin Girl. But I imagine I'm getting more leverage out of my rewards for setting them with Thief and all the big stat boosting augments and a optimized skillset with Skullsplitter, Plunder, Implicate, Feint with Spite Daggers for the sexy Blight Proc on most enemies.

I'm not seeing many characters even attempt alt skin colors.
My save decided to skip the last 30 hours and randomly load in level 18 ( I was level 40 ). No way to retrieve the fucking save file on PS5 either.

It's a shame because I was loving the game but this means goodbye :(
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I don't want to sound racist but I regret making my arisen a beastren. I wish I could change it now. Beastren are boring.
they're also disturbingly unnatural/creepy. never really felt put off by kimahri in ffx, so maybe it's an uncanny valley thing?...

That was the screen before the post-game.
so you're saying that a 'twist' at the end of the game is that you've actually been playing 'dragon's dogma 2', all along, & not 'dragon's dogma'? or is it that the game suddenly becomes 'dragon's dogma' 2' from that point on? well, gosh, either way, they sure got me with that one, I guess...


Gold Member
P you know what, that's a smart idea, but so far all the pawns I've seen mostly just get out a shard when you complete the request, I guess I'll filter out some more and get the ones which offer cold hard Cash instead.

There's no negative to just drowning them?
The negative is you can’t reward them back unless you rehire them and then dismiss them, thing is set for 10000 for a Cyclops you can literally run out the north west entrance of Vernworth and run into one, run back dismiss then rehire.

The other part is if you do it long enough doing a search of ‘pawns your main pawn knows’ will likely net you at least a quarter of them offering 10000 gold quests or close to it (I won’t shirk an 6800 quest if you got the looks). Some are even simpler; hand the pawn a bunch of flowers and get 10k.
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Gold Member
they're also disturbingly unnatural/creepy. never really felt put off by kimahri in ffx, so maybe it's an uncanny valley thing?...

so you're saying that a 'twist' at the end of the game is that you've actually been playing 'dragon's dogma 2', all along, & not 'dragon's dogma'? or is it that the game suddenly becomes 'dragon's dogma' 2' from that point on? well, gosh, either way, they sure got me with that one, I guess...
I just hired a pawn with that name.


Gold Member
so you're saying that a 'twist' at the end of the game is that you've actually been playing 'dragon's dogma 2', all along, & not 'dragon's dogma'? or is it that the game suddenly becomes 'dragon's dogma' 2' from that point on? well, gosh, either way, they sure got me with that one, I guess...
It’s stupid, let’s just put it that way…
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I don't know most of the references these kids use in their pawns. I hired a Frieren and then saw another, so I know that's something. Now I've hired 2 Zara's. That must be something too.

I have no idea, and I have no intention of looking it up.
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Gold Member
Correct. But I think you can mitigate this with Constancy from Sorc and stacking Dwarven Smithing on all your gear.
Lol or…you know just not getting hit in the first place 🤪… by being a hobbit. My main character is Sarah Hyland and I’m pretty sure she’s actually a hobbit.…probably just like Kim Kardashian:

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I have to say fighter might be my favorite class to play so far, and I'm stuck with the first 3 skills plus the master skill. I am heading back to learn more crap. I am already rank 5.


All this game needs is to increase the number of town / village portals Ala Diablo and let us buy / find more travel tokens!

I get they are trying to tie those into DLC which is BS, but they need to make travel easier for us it's probably the biggest problem that and needing more enemy types in the wild.
I finally finished with the
“true ending” today and it was a great 82 hour hiking sim. But I enjoyed every single moment of it. In reality the game averaged ~52 enemies per hour, (yes math was done) I think that’s ok considering the downtime in towns etc.


i really tried that and it didn't work, maybe ill jump back in and try - i started a NG+

It's really a timing thing, and I have yet to figure out the perfect timing. If there are monsters attacking around the time of the comment, it's going to interfere.

I have found if I look toward the pawn talking as I hit up, I have better luck. Then sometimes nothing happens.


Gold Member
It's really a timing thing, and I have yet to figure out the perfect timing. If there are monsters attacking around the time of the comment, it's going to interfere.

I have found if I look toward the pawn talking as I hit up, I have better luck. Then sometimes nothing happens.
The main thing is ‘soft‘ target them by aiming in their direction as directed and close as you can then hit up on the dpad. They will usually continue after fights if you have it ‘active’.


Gold Member
So I barely took out the headless horseman. What the fuck is that fight lol. Took all my consumables to survive that and he blew one of my pawns off a cliff.


Gold Member
Is it possible to kill the Griffon the first time you see it outside the capital?
Maybe through a glitch, but this isn’t like From Software games, the damage calculation in this is literally just ‘attack-defence=damage’, you can literally do zero damage if your attack is under the enemies defense early on and that’s what they set it to…so in otherwords no…unless you’re overleveled.
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So I guess this Rodge kid is the secret final boss of the game eh
angry ace ventura GIF

Here's a story for y'all...I take a quest to find this kid who went out to tend to some flowers who then gets kidnapped by wolves,after talking to some concerned citizens about his whereabouts I go to the quest marker but it instead takes me to fight a Lich when i get there and a horde of skeletons at night,nice info assholes, I then press on following the flowerbeds the kid used to tend to until i lose my way, its now daytime and now I'm near some battlefield where a goddamn dragon and a cyclops are duking it out with some gryffin cassually strolling in the sky just for good measure,after the initial shock wears off,I turn back and turn to the internet to see where in the loving fuck this kid is cuz the timer is almost up and I have no idea where he is,I find that I took a wrong turn somewhere,so I double back and while I'm just about to reach the cave he's supposedly in,what do you know,another dragon just cassually walks towards me....

angry jim carrey GIF

Is this the origin story of Daimon? Now I'm stuck between fighting a dragon and potentially getting dragonplague on my pawn or giving this quest the finger and let Rodge rest in piss,direwolf piss to be more exact...

jim carrey GIF
My encounter with Rodge was also an interesting one.

Defeated the lich, saved the kid from the wolves but he got stuck behind a rock on the way back to town. I picked him up and began carrying him back to his father when he wriggled free while crossing a bridge.

He fell to his death — however, that didn't stop me from carrying his corpse home and throwing it through his shop keep father’s front window.

His father is still so kind and professional to this day. 😂
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Gold Member
Ok, just fought my second headless horseman (with minimal trash mobs around) and I obliterated him. Not as scary anymore.

My first fight had 3-4 zombies, 2-3 ghosts and an armored cyclops. That was a bit much.


Gold Member
Ok, since I beat the game all bets are off and I'm rolling with like 50 mods now. From names above important NPC's to being able to teleport to anywhere from anywhere (even caves). My camp fires are now Souls bonfires, the base armor near the beginning looks like the armor from the dragon flashback fight. My camera is pulled back enough to see wtf the harpies are doing above me and I can jump higher to get those coins easier. The two hander looks like the sword of Artorias. So good.
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Is it just me or is the game extremely repetitive? Same enemies, same environments, same three colors, the same missions and the same lines from your pawns repeated over and over again. Yeah thanks, I know I can gather resources when there are resources around.

I have a hard time immersing myself since all NPCs suffer from amateurish facial animations and extremely ugly faces as well as shit voice acting. They're all so dull and lifeless? It's not a horrible game but so far everything just seems really mediocre. I was really expecting much better in 2024.

And.. Am I missing something or is the game really encouraging me to buy the fast travel stone thingies with real money by making them super rare to find?
I don't think the value in DD2 is in the story or the characters, it's in the exploration, the survival, and the mix/match of combat abilities.

If you are more interested in fast traveling the world than traversing it and exploring it's nooks/crannies, the game is probably not for you.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I thought wasting 20K gold on buying a house to complete the side quest in the capital was a waste of gold, but the amount of quests that are asking me to come back after a few days or so, the house is paying off for itself as an immediate rest/recovery point lol.

Jesus, going full Chucky.

It's a skill which has very selective usage (only really works on downed enemies), but when it works .. it fucking works.
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I don't think the value in DD2 is in the story or the characters, it's in the exploration, the survival, and the mix/match of combat abilities.

If you are more interested in fast traveling the world than traversing it and exploring it's nooks/crannies, the game is probably not for you.
I'm absolutely not more interested in fast traveling, but every now and then I want to fast travel to town to offload som stuff that I've gathered and not being forced to fight 200 monsters on my way back.

I don't think that's unreasonable or anything. What is unreasonable, is that the developers want you to pay for the fast traveling with real money? It's painfully obvious and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. If they just wanted to discourage you from fast traveling that's fine and their design choice, but don't more or less put it behind a paywall?

I haven't played the game for that long yet so maybe it gets better, but I'm having a hard time getting excited to explore every nook and cranny when everything looks the same everywhere? The same brownish green color, the same chests, same looking environments, the same comments from my pawns.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Wow, this griffon is a fucking ass. Ran into it again at a cape, when his health was in the final sliver, he flew away.

edit: resting at the nearest campfire brought it back and at the same health, yay. Bye bye griffon.

edit 2: god damn this game is amazing. The world is probably one of the best in terms of exploration. The night times are scarier than any survival horror game.
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I'm absolutely not more interested in fast traveling, but every now and then I want to fast travel to town to offload som stuff that I've gathered and not being forced to fight 200 monsters on my way back.

I don't think that's unreasonable or anything. What is unreasonable, is that the developers want you to pay for the fast traveling with real money? It's painfully obvious and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. If they just wanted to discourage you from fast traveling that's fine and their design choice, but don't more or less put it behind a paywall?

I haven't played the game for that long yet so maybe it gets better, but I'm having a hard time getting excited to explore every nook and cranny when everything looks the same everywhere? The same brownish green color, the same chests, same looking environments, the same comments from my pawns.
The devs really don't want you to fast travel. If they did, you would be able to purchase unlimited port crystals and ferry stones. I don't know how far “I haven't played for that long” is but the game greatly increases it's verticality, visual variety, rock formation types, branching paths, enemy type/placement, etc. It really shows how simplistically flat and samey most open-world fantasy games are.

Agreed on the pawn chatter. Even though their dialogue is much more robust than in the first game, there still isn't enough variety.

The series isn’t for everyone and this game is far from perfect but there is something very unique about letting exploration be your guide. You aren't supposed to pick up everything (the pawns tell you that 100,000 times) you need to actively manage your curatives, you have to plan your routes to be as efficient as possible. You have to weigh what time of day it is with how much health you have with whether or not you want to risk a detour into a a cave off the beaten path…

It’s not a hold forward Bethesda-brand walking simulator, or a fast travel all over the place and check every map icon Ubisoft-branded productivity simulator, or a combat shallow CDPR-branded story-focused epic, it's Dragons Dogma. They want you to walk and fight and climb and experiment and manage your inventory…they want you to travel throughout the night, they want you to encounter massive enemies at the most inopportune times, they want you barely survive a long journey back to town.
The devs really don't want you to fast travel. If they did, you would be able to purchase unlimited port crystals and ferry stones. I don't know how far “I haven't played for that long” is but the game greatly increases it's verticality, visual variety, rock formation types, branching paths, enemy type/placement, etc. It really shows how simplistically flat and samey most open-world fantasy games are.

Agreed on the pawn chatter. Even though their dialogue is much more robust than in the first game, there still isn't enough variety.

The series isn’t for everyone and this game is far from perfect but there is something very unique about letting exploration be your guide. You aren't supposed to pick up everything (the pawns tell you that 100,000 times) you need to actively manage your curatives, you have to plan your routes to be as efficient as possible. You have to weigh what time of day it is with how much health you have with whether or not you want to risk a detour into a a cave off the beaten path…

It’s not a hold forward Bethesda-brand walking simulator, or a fast travel all over the place and check every map icon Ubisoft-branded productivity simulator, or a combat shallow CDPR-branded story-focused epic, it's Dragons Dogma. They want you to walk and fight and climb and experiment and manage your inventory…they want you to travel throughout the night, they want you to encounter massive enemies at the most inopportune times, they want you barely survive a long journey back to town.
Fair enough, great answer! I won't give up on the game and see if it clicks for me more eventually. Sounds pretty promising from your description because I've been struggling to find what people find so appealing with it.

Like I wrote before, it's not a bad game or anything but to me it's just feels kind of mediocre and uninspired so far. I do miss locking on to enemies though.. Too used to the Souls games I guess.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Got to the desert area after what felt like 10 stealth missions which of course didnt progress the story one bit, and man the difficulty spike is real.

I had my gear upgraded at the border town but no weapon upgrade there meant i was doing virtually no damage to anyone. The desert area is also full of enemies at every turn so simply running past them is not a good idea because they chase you down no matter how far you run away. I tried it once and had an army of goblins, lizards, and thieves chasing me. Kinda cool but also very annoying because all im trying to do is get to the damn city to upgrade my weapon.

No port crystal in the city btw. So you have to put one down yourself. Then they have you travel back and forth between cities which can be a 30-45 minute trip if you dont have any ferystones which you likely wont since they cost $8k and most gear costs 25-40k before upgrades. Really obvious that they made this game for microtransactions.

Boss fights are still fun but i keep running out of healing items because these dudes do so much damage. Dragon and the stone giants go aggro towards the end and its virtually impossible to find an opening. used 5 wakestone shards in one dragon fight but couldnt make a dent after it went down to 2 health bars and went aggro.
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