Gold Member
Well, turns out, Capcom's got the answer—the NPCs were thinking too hard. That's as per a Famitsu interview in the wake of a recent patch, which tidied up some performance woes (thanks, Automaton, for the translation):
"In Dragon’s Dogma 2, CPU power is allocated to process the thoughts of each NPC as well as the effect on character physics. Therefore, in scenes where many NPCs appear at once, like in towns, the CPU load would get extremely high, which in some cases affected the frame rate."
Which means that, yes—the psychic noise of the game's NPCs going about their daily lives was the culprit. While it was known that these NPCs were the root cause, as Capcom told IGN back in March, the idea that it was rich internal lives causing a hiccup seems to be new information.
The team says it's been "reworking how NPCs’ thoughts are processed and making small tweaks, including changing the order in which processes are executed" to help tamp things down, which is a small mercy.