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Drawn Together

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I forgot to watch this and South Park, not that i'd want to watch that Drawn Together shit ever again.

Are they repeating it?


I've only seen two episodes, including tonight's. It could grow on me, assuming that the writing is stronger in other episodes.

Ling Ling's pretty funny. A bit too cliche, but funny.


xsarien said:
I've only seen two episodes, including tonight's. It could grow on me, assuming that the writing is stronger in other episodes.

Ling Ling's pretty funny. A bit too cliche, but funny.

Ling Ling is my least favorite character.

EDIT: I take it back. It's that yellow thing.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
I only caught the end, but it seemed pretty funny. I'll try to catch the replay later tonight, assuming there is one.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I sat through it, mostly because I watched South Park and wanted to catch The Daily Show but didn't feel like leaving my couch, and nothing else was on.

Fucking awful show. It's just so annoying and crass. At the top of my complaints: this isn't making fun of reality shows. It is a reality show. There's no parody or satire here about the genre. Instead we're forcefed this awful format just so they can do the same one-note jokes about the same characters over and over again. Foxy is black, we get it already! The princess is ignorant, duh!

I don't think I'll be giving this another shot.


needs to show more effort.
the super hero dude is kinda amusing and ling ling is funny... I dun like most of the other characters especially the pig and toot. But I keep watching it.

the onyl really funny part thus far was the fisrt episode when ling ling was building up for his fight and then completely mauls toot. I only wish she would have stayed dead =\


The fact that they included the rude internet cartoon pig rocks. Adam's delivery is great. I have only seen 1.1 shows, though. Some of the moments kinda remind me of Clerks, but a lot (LOT) less funn. Like the time when the black chick got them all booze and the pig was taking a dump in a cantalope with a lamp on his head, but it turns out he wasn't drunk and they were barely coming in with the booze.


I love this show, I don't see what's so horribly bad about it. This show is no where near as bad as Kid Notorious so I definitely can't complain too much. I thought this and last weeks episodes were pretty damn hilarious.

Foxy and that Princess girls relationship is as hilarious as it is hot! Makes me wish we had american style animation porn. :D


I missed last nights, but loved the first one. Show is fukken awesome. I just DON'T get the hate this show brings out.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
The show is funny to me. I like it.

That's Cree Summers doing Foxxy's voice right?
The thing that annoys me about parody humor is that's its so easy and transparent, yet people eat it up because it makes them feel proud of themselves like "yeah, I got that joke, cuz I'm in the know, I'm connected!!!" Like getting stupid references to reality television and Anime is anything to feel proud of.


FortNinety said:
The thing that annoys me about parody humor is that's its so easy and transparent, yet people eat it up because it makes them feel proud of themselves like "yeah, I got that joke, cuz I'm in the know, I'm connected!!!" Like getting stupid references to reality television and Anime is anything to feel proud of.

Well, there's certainly been better parody out there, and God knows that the reality show genre is ripe for it. But I think the pretty decent caricatures outweigh the tangents into straight parody. It's certainly no Dr. Katz, definitely no Futurama, but it's also not shooting for goals it can't possibly reach, like The Brak Show.
Fuck the haters. The spot-on Disney-flick-song-parody "Some Black Chick's Tongue" had me in tears. This show is going to be really good.


FortNinety said:
The thing that annoys me about parody humor is that's its so easy and transparent, yet people eat it up because it makes them feel proud of themselves like "yeah, I got that joke, cuz I'm in the know, I'm connected!!!" Like getting stupid references to reality television and Anime is anything to feel proud of.

:lol I watched it with these video game freaks and I kinda got that feeling.

But even though I've never played a RPG, that one guys cracks me up because I can just imagine it. (how he does that double spin in the air to that sound effect :lol)
"The thing that annoys me about parody humor is that's its so easy and transparent, yet people eat it up because it makes them feel proud of themselves like "yeah, I got that joke, cuz I'm in the know, I'm connected!!!" Like getting stupid references to reality television and Anime is anything to feel proud of."

I think you're analyzing TV a bit too much.


Bah! I missed the last episode even though I watched South Park and everything... totally slipped my mind. First episode was hilarious though.

FortNinety said:
The thing that annoys me about parody humor is that's its so easy and transparent, yet people eat it up because it makes them feel proud of themselves like "yeah, I got that joke, cuz I'm in the know, I'm connected!!!" Like getting stupid references to reality television and Anime is anything to feel proud of.

A more fitting avatar there never was.....
I think it's a funny, if completely insane show.

The joke that the guys had to kiss the Princess's MONSTROUS KOOCH had me rolling. :lol :lol :lol
Perhaps I should clarify myself. I'm not opposed to humor that's driven by pop culture references pre say (hell when it's done good, like Futurama or the Critic, it's good) but nowadays, most examples is pretty piss poor, and Drawn Badly is a prime example.

And in reference to what I said before...

DJ Demon J said:
The spot-on Disney-flick-song-parody "Some Black Chick's Tongue" had me in tears.

So was it the song itself that was so funny, or just the very idea that it simply made fun of Disney (which is a lame target nowadays... far too easy) that made it so good?


MIMIC said:
When Toot cut herself, I was brought to tears.

:lol And the "24" reference had me rollin, too.

Eh, the 24 thing was more of what FN's talking about. Parody in context, good; parody out of context bad.


xsarien said:
Eh, the 24 thing was more of what FN's talking about. Parody in context, good; parody out of context bad.

I noticed how I was basically the only one in the room laughing at that. :p


Hollywood Square
Yeah, this show is pretty damn funny.

When the two guys are in the limo crying after the Monster Vagina Bachleor bit, and the one guy starts unbuttoning the dude's shirt and the black guy is going, "MAKE ME FEEL GOOD!"

... I hurled and I laughed.


The only bit I laughed at last night was the Escher room.
FortNinety said:
Perhaps I should clarify myself. I'm not opposed to humor that's driven by pop culture references pre say (hell when it's done good, like Futurama or the Critic, it's good) but nowadays, most examples is pretty piss poor, and Drawn Badly is a prime example.

And in reference to what I said before...

So was it the song itself that was so funny, or just the very idea that it simply made fun of Disney (which is a lame target nowadays... far too easy) that made it so good?

Half the things I find funny are things I can relate too. Like stand-up comics and their "you might be a redneck when..." style jokes.

In this case it would be the fact that I grew up watching disney movies in which the characters would burst into a song based on what is happening to them at that point. This was the case on Drawn Together.
Also, this is an example of something I remember being sweet and innocent thats turned into something raunchy and contriversial. This=funny.

And the lyrics on their own merit were funny as hell.
If you guys want to talk about good parodies of reality television the answer would would probably have to be Joe Schmo (and maybe season 2, but I didn't see it). The show takes all the reality show "characters" and plays them up more, but at the same time you get a mix of actual reality because poor Matt didn't know shit was going on until the very end when they told him.

The show was a very successful parody of reality television in concept itself. The "players" are on a show called "Lap of Luxury." WTF is the idea behind this show? It's so many people living in a really rich house. Every week they play a retarded game and one guy wins immunity whlie one of the losers gets voted off. It's brilliant because the idea of Survivor is to survive on an island in a harsh environment for over a month. There is nothing harsh about living in a swank house for a couple weeks. It turns the whole genre on it's ear with the simple premise of it's show. Plus, the improvisational nature of the actors reacting to the "schmo" is great.

Whoever said Drawn Together is just a regular reality show with animated characters is right. There's no parody here. Sure they're overplaying the "characters" but it doesn't come off right. The characters are all animated, so we already expect them to play up certain stereotypes. There's nothing strange about them all acting so fucking crazy. The concept is really great, but their execution sucks so much. The only roll on the floor laughing moment in the entire first episode is the smurf fight, and mostly because it's more the kind of one-off out of nowhere joke Family Guy would make. The rest of Drawn Together is a pile of wasted potential.
I usually don't defend stuff like this, but when shit like Aqua Teen Hunger Force is on TV and Family Guy is not, action must be taken!
FortNinety said:
Perhaps I should clarify myself. I'm not opposed to humor that's driven by pop culture references pre say (hell when it's done good, like Futurama or the Critic, it's good) but nowadays, most examples is pretty piss poor, and Drawn Badly is a prime example.

And in reference to what I said before...

So was it the song itself that was so funny, or just the very idea that it simply made fun of Disney (which is a lame target nowadays... far too easy) that made it so good?

The song itself....oh, and please get off your high-fucking-horse. Let people enjoy what they want.


DJ Demon J said:
Hey, enjoy Nintendo all you want, that's not what I have a problem with--it's the ridiculous fanboyism and bullshit defense of mistakes made that gets my goat.

Hey, as much as I know that, it still makes me giggle.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"I love the parallels with the gay dude and Link and the annoying whatchmacallit with sponge bob."

It's not just Link. The character itself looks like the feminine/flaming Square characters in some Final Fantasy games (expecially FFX, FFXII). He also has a left metal shoulder pad just like Cloud.
DJ Demon J said:
Hey, enjoy Nintendo all you want, that's not what I have a problem with--it's the ridiculous fanboyism and bullshit defense of mistakes made that gets my goat.

:lol :lol :lol Dude, you are just too funny sometimes.
"It's not just Link. The character itself looks like the feminine/flaming Square characters in some Final Fantasy games (expecially FFX, FFXII). He also has a left metal shoulder pad just like Cloud."

Indeed! Didn't relize the Cloud reference. The flute and tornado thing seemed like a very Link thing to do.


Oh God, this show just keeps getting better and better!

The Pac-Man fruit eating joke was absoutely hilarious! Also, Ling Ling popping out the triangle Pokeball and feasting on Ash's intestines!! :lol :lol Xandir's princess sooo looked like Zelda too! This was easily the best ep so far.
Go Foxxy! It's yo birthday! Not for real, real. Just for play, play.

Loved the Ling-ling version. Also, the Glory, Glory Hallelujah hole. So horrible.
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