ridiculously dumb take. many times in the past it was proven that companies will sell dangerous products if regulators didn't intervene.
there is a reason EVERY SINGLE product on the market in any western country needs to pass certain tests.
Consumers have no real choice. first a new type of device class was sold.
the device class proved to be popular and quickly took over the market to the point where almost everyone had one.
then manufacturers at large changed how they make this class of device.
they made them with cheap glue instead of using metal screws, which lead to basically no repairability, no user serviceable parts that would help reduce waste.
due to the fact basically every brand now operates that way customers DON'T have a choice.
they either buy the device class that became almost a necessity, or they don't. that's the choice the customer has.
phones with removable batteries are almost always low end products or straight up oldschool flip phones that don't have the necessary features that many people need in their day to day lifes, often even for their job.
so the only "choice" people have is Super Low End products with replaceable batteries, or Mid Range to High End without replaceable batteries.
guess which one of these 3 has a replaceable battery, and is actually often seen as one of the best phones you can get with a replaceable battery!?
aside from the performance issue, the battery in that thing is TINY and it charges so slowly that it's almost impossible to actually use it throughout the day without it dying on you.
Basically it'll take like 4h to change as it only supports 5 watts charging.
these phones also don't get any OS updates and at best maybe 1 to 2 years of security updates.
and the only other alternative to these shitty phones that you got is phones designed for construction workers, these are usually bulky, at best middle class in performance, and not that easy to get.
getting a Samsung Xcover 6 Pro in Germany for example is only really possible by either importing it from the US, looking for second hand ones, or using unknown/dubious looking online shops.
imagine if Car manufacturers started to make it so you can't change your tires on all car models except extremely cheap 2 seater hatchbacks and heavy duty pickup trucks.
how exactly is the consumer meant to "vote with their wallets"?
"I need a car that's big enough for my family and which fits in my garage, but all of those have non-replaceable tires... well fuck my family! I'll get a small car with 2 seats to show those car companies that I want replaceable tires!"

what you're proposing here.
any decent phone on the market has a glued on backplate, the ones that don't are low end phones that can barely open your email app without crashing due to the lack of RAM, or hard to find professional/heavy duty phones for builders.
you would have a point if Samsung had a big competitor that sold the same performance and form factor, that are easy to obtain... which doesn't exist.
you can't get a Samsung A54 equivalent phone with a replaceable battery.