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Drudge: Tom Cruise "Goes Wild" at WOTW premiere

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I posted because of these sweet pictures:




Hollywood Square

So we can now commence with the Cruise-hatin'!


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated

"Ted's new avatar is so awesome, I think I'll shit my pants right now! Unrrggg...SCIENTOLOGY!"
Christ, I'm sick of hearing about this guy and that chick he's dating. Ugh!

I'm skipping WOTW just because I've had my fill of Cruise lately. I can't skip Batman though, even though Katie Holmes is on overdose as well. She's got a small part in the movie, and well..uh...you know..it's Batman.


Hollywood Square
I find it hilarious that in every interview I see, Christian Bale praises the entire cast of Batman Begins -- except Katie Holmes. I get the feeling that Warner Bros. and the rest of the cast are kind of annoyed with her and Tom Cruise as well.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
I just noticed, he's looking alot like Mark Cuban in that second picture...
All the talk about her and Cruise dating as a publicity stunt is total nonsense. He obviously has a big budget film to promote this Summer, and she happens to be in a big budget film this Summer. But her part is small, and how many times do you see her in any of the Batman commercials? Hell, you don't even see her name mentioned in the ads for the film. She can't compete with likes of Bale, and especially Neeson, Freeman or Oldman, no matter who she is dating.

You have to give her props though. She went from being B-actress eye candy to an A-list celeb in a few short months just by getting her claws into Cruise.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Willco said:
I find it hilarious that in every interview I see, Christian Bale praises the entire cast of Batman Begins -- except Katie Holmes. I get the feeling that Warner Bros. and the rest of the cast are kind of annoyed with her and Tom Cruise as well.

No Scientology-funded massages for him! Why on earth they cast her in this role I'll never know. It's like they had to throw in at least one crap actress to throw off what was otherwise a great cast...


Hollywood Square
tedtropy said:
No Scientology-funded massages for him! Why on earth they cast her in this role I'll never know. It's like they had to throw in at least one crap actress to throw off what was otherwise a great cast...

While her part doesn't carry the film or anything, she was actually decent in the movie and never brought it down. I could've done without her not because of her acting chops (or lack thereof), but because this whole Tom Cruise/Scientology bullshit has overshadowed what is a terrific movie.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Kung Fu Jedi said:
Hell, you don't even see her name mentioned in the ads for the film. She can't compete with likes of Bale, and especially Neeson, Freeman or Oldman, no matter who she is dating.

You have to give her props though. She went from being B-actress eye candy to an A-list celeb in a few short months just by getting her claws into Cruise.

exactly why people think its a publicity stunt.
quadriplegicjon said:
exactly why people think its a publicity stunt.

How exactly would this relationship be a publicity stunt when she isn't even advertised as being in the movie? The only way you know is from all the talk show gossip saying "Hey, Tom Cruise is in War of the Worlds, and his new girlfriend is in Batman!"
Kung Fu Jedi said:
How exactly would this relationship be a publicity stunt when she isn't even advertised as being in the movie? The only way you know is from all the talk show gossip saying "Hey, Tom Cruise is in War of the Worlds, and his new girlfriend is in Batman!"

Dude, its a huge publicity stunt. Ever notice that this shit happens to celebrities EVERY time something of theirs is about to be released? It is orchestrated and frankly getting very tiring. Have you ever noticed Tom act this way before in "real life"? No. Why is that? Because he is acting the part.


Banstick Emeritus
I wake up every day and bound out of bed with a smile, eager to see what wondrous new things Tom has engaged in. I'm actually feeling better about this whole Scientology nutcase act - it's like he's freed himself from the shackles of conformity and said, "I can do whatever the hell I want - I'M RICH, BITCH" :)

Nothing more empowering than having hundreds of millions of fuck-you money.


bishoptl said:
I wake up every day and bound out of bed with a smile, eager to see what wondrous new things Tom has engaged in.

And the best thing is--he's delivering the goods every single day.


Who could have guessed that the young man who played Jack the Jungle Boy in Legend would become the Tom Cruise we know today?


Hell, you don't even see her name mentioned in the ads for the film. She can't compete with likes of Bale, and especially Neeson, Freeman or Oldman, no matter who she is dating.
In all the TV ads I've seen they don't even have a cast list in them at all, and Katie Holmes is listed on the top billing line for all the posters.


At this point I'm starting to wonder if Tom hasn't just embraced his recent descent into madness and isn't playing it up a bit. I'm sure he's really fucking lost it, and I'd say his Oprah 'sode was a legit mini-breakdown of the sort you see when flaky ppl go 60 hours without sleep, but now that his goofy act looks a bit calculated. Like he flipped out on Oprah and liked the feeling of being a total batshit loose cannon so now he's going to jump on couches wherever he goes.

Eventually though his scientology handlers (and based on what I've read they appeal to celebs largely because of how incredibly well they kiss ass and stroke a celeb's ego) have to realize that ppl being faintly curious about Scientology because a movie star is one is good but if your average E! watcher starts associating scientology with Cruise's totally losing his fucking mind it's going to hurt them. I enjoy the whole thing in part because since Cruise lost it I've seen actual information about Scientology in my local paper - and even a marginally competent overview of the religion like you'd see an entertainment reporter slap together is enough to make it look like exactly what it is - bad scifi masquerading as a religion to make money.


I really think the guy has lost his mind... I don't think it is drug related... but I think he is being manipulated by that religion and he is probably sleep deprived...

As long as he makes good movies, I can handle his crazy side... I find it quite amusing... I think his patented smile is completely fake and BS.

He will go into some type of rehab soon... maybe alcohol...
I still don't think it's a PR stunt. She's just not promoted much for Batman, to the point that she doesn't even appear in the commercials I saw, or she appears so quickly you can't tell it's her, and the posters I saw had her down the list, behind the men that I mentioned, not at the top. Perhaps they re-issued some once their relationship broke however.

Cruise is over the top lately though, and I'm so tired of hearing about these two. But, obviously Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's rumored romance certainly didn't hurt the buzz on their film.


Has anyone ever "infiltrated" Scientology so to speak? Sort of like pretend to be all into it, go to meetings (or whatever they do) then write up an account of all the stuff they try to do to you?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Jesus, it's like he's literally gone South-Park-Mel-Gibson insane. What the fuck happened to him? Does scientology really make you lose your mind like this?


Hollywood Square
Manics said:
Has anyone ever "infiltrated" Scientology so to speak? Sort of like pretend to be all into it, go to meetings (or whatever they do) then write up an account of all the stuff they try to do to you?

Not really possible. Chances are, if they recognize that you're not susceptible to their brainwashing techniques, they'll expel you before you can learn much or they will brainwash you.


bob_arctor said:


Elements of the Xenu story appeared in Scientology before OT III. Hubbard's descriptions of extraterrestrial conflicts were put forward as early as 1952 and were enthusiastically endorsed by Scientologists, who documented their past lives on other planets (later published in book form as Have You Lived Before This Life?, 1958) — being "deceived into a love affair with a robot decked out as a beautiful red-haired girl", being run over by a Martian bishop driving a steamroller, being transformed into an intergalactic walrus which perished after falling out of a flying saucer and being "a very happy being who strayed to the planet Nostra 23,064,000,000 years ago".

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Manics said:
Has anyone ever "infiltrated" Scientology so to speak? Sort of like pretend to be all into it, go to meetings (or whatever they do) then write up an account of all the stuff they try to do to you?
Not that I know of, but there are defectors that have their own sites like this one: http://www.truthaboutscientology.com/read/forbidden_side/
Murray Luther is the pen name of a Scientologist who's been in good standing with the Church for over twenty-five years. These articles document his experiences and thoughts, offering a unique perspective from a long-time member.


Manics said:
Has anyone ever "infiltrated" Scientology so to speak? Sort of like pretend to be all into it, go to meetings (or whatever they do) then write up an account of all the stuff they try to do to you?
Yes, there have been huge exposes by former members of the Church, some people who later spilled their guts were high-ranking officials. Try Googling...


Hollywood Square
Teddman said:
Yes, there have been huge exposes by former members of the Church, some people who later spilled their guts were high-ranking officials. Try Googling...

There are people who defect or leave and denounce, but I really haven't heard of people joining Scientology under false pretenses.
Prospero said:
And the best thing is--he's delivering the goods every single day.


Who could have guessed that the young man who played Jack the Jungle Boy in Legend would become the Tom Cruise we know today?

Legend fucking rocks. Sorry, I know it's corny, but it does. Tim Curry scared and scares the shit out of me.



:lol at image of L Ron. It's like he's looking up thinking "fuck I've made a shitload of money on this thing"


goddamit, Griese!
Maynard said it best:

Fuck L Ron Hubbard and
Fuck all his clones.
Fuck all those gun-toting
Hip gangster wannabes.

Fuck retro anything.
Fuck your tattoos.
Fuck all you junkies and
Fuck your short memories.

Fuck smiley glad-hands
With hidden agendas.
Fuck these dysfunctional,
Insecure actresses.

and i always love this story:

"In May 1993, Tool performed at Scientology's Celebrity's Centre, apparently not knowing that this was the home of the cult. Once they found out, they were not taking it nicely. Between songs, Keenan, staring first at the lush grounds paid for by devoted L. Ron followers and then into the eyes of his own audience, bayed into the mic like a sheep looking for his shepherd's gate. 'Baaaaa! Baaaaa!' the singer bleated."
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