G+ is barefoot and happy
I live in California
Acrid can be the best man
Why isn't there a Myspace girl?
Noda fuck jtwo. aren't I closer to you than acrid?
I'm pretty sure ive done the bro-hand-over-opposite-shoulder bro-embrace with acrid once or twice. It wasn't out of affection either. We were the only thing holing each other up. Wenis too, but he is nowhere to be found these days.da fuck jtwo. aren't I closer to you than acrid?
I'm pretty sure ive done the bro-hand-over-opposite-shoulder bro-embrace with acrid once or twice. It wasn't out of affection either. We were the only thing holing each other up. Wenis too, but he is nowhere to be found these days.
We were about to.Is there a steam chat going on right now?
No I mean we are just waiting for Eloquent to finish a download. We can start up a chat manOh well.
I know this all too well.
Sorry tash, everyone is sleeping.
Sure. Just shoot me a request.elly will you add me on steam
Will do, not on the PC atm, but will soonSure. Just shoot me a request.
It is my personal dream to arrange a steam chat containing every DrunkGaf regular for a game of Counter Strike.
I like this, but as displayed by last night, It's hard for me to participate as it's so early in the night for you guise -_-
I don't sleep, so I am always down.
Holy shit did you make this or is it from the thread?
Dude that is fucking amazIng. I just woke up , not all hung over for once I feel great. Tomorrow I ll feel shitty again since tonight will be drink night and CSS or whatever with you guys probably, but fuck it.
You should put that in the thread dude, or I will!
I think I have pushed my limits just by posting it here. I have to let Gaf take it from here.
Why lol its not offensive. I put in the thread hope that's ok man. That cool?
Yeah no problem. I didn't draw the other characters btw, I just added GAFman