oh shit man, it;s not that bad when i lay down
oh fucks yesaRojotube or tubeocho
nopeanyone else ifnd theyre dciks to be thinner whn drunk/semifdrunk?
oh fuck rojo=redRojotube or tubeocho
my old college ally
How drunk could I get off of a 30oz bottle of hand sanitizer?
if you want a buzz go looking for shrooms!
fuck guys i wolk up today with beer bottles all over my floor and fuck i felt like dehydrated ass.
took this photo when i was over in spain about 10 in the morning WIN/WIN
That's a nice guinness glass. And yeah, me too dehydrated as hell.
You know what you really shouldn't do? have one of these
Absolutely terrible. TEEEERIBLE.
God the nelson thread is gonna be so awesome, guys.
sobriety is the worst though, never try it
I wonder if Timedog has made a mistake like that while making pizza
Gaf I set a record, I'm Dunk, agAin, and yesterday I already drank a lot.but awell tonight I won a cap and two rings, so it's not stool wasted. Sorry if I do boot make Much sense, it's difFicult enough to say it I'm Mr native language, do in English....
white wine..
white wine...
Hey-o! Slightly drunk due to drinking most probably. Trying to play CoD but I'm doing terrible.
Anybody else drunk?
Not sure if I get it. You're drunk again and won a cap and two rings?
You..uh..drank 6 jägerbombs + lots of other drinks?
Is your liver made of steel?
Getting drunk in France, damn. Sounds so legit.Oh god, it's wonderful how a hour can make a difference drunkness-wise.
So let's recapitulate a little bit, shall we ?
Tonight I was invited by one of my best friends to go out (who happens to be female, but that's not the point) with another one. I must, at this moment, point out that the night before I went out to a college party where I drank quite a lot (and when I say a lot, it's not "springbreak'-a-lot. It's more like "polish-a-lot") and I burnt my hand quite badly.
Whatever, I decided to go out tonight. And there was a guy I knew that that was celebrating his birthday, so why not ?
Then I counted how many drinks I had tonight : one Leffe Ruby (belgian red beer, quite good I must say), 3 glasses of white vine (that was quite refreshing), 2 glasses of low-quality vodka with some orange juice, another 50 cl of red beer (Kasteel Rouge, another quite good beer), a glass of Pastis) and 6 (yes, six) glasses of Jager-bomb.
So I was quite understandably tipsy. But that night at my favourite bar was the Desperados night (tequila-flavoured beer), and there were two (hot) chicks that were giving out some goodies. So I won a sick cap (seriously, this headgear is so awesome I'll wear it regularly from now on) and two rings that flash and light.
Finally, what can I say ?
I'm happy my burnt hand doesn't hurt anymore.
I'm always happy to hang out with my friends.
I'm always happy to get free shit (seriously the cap is awesome).
I still have blue balls from thursday night (I must be wrong in the head, to not fuck a nearly-collapsed-drunk-girl, right ? What do you say GAF ? Discuss).
I'm going to bed tonight. Bless you all.
EDIT : Oh and yeah I was typing from my cellphone. That explains all the typos from my previous post.
Dr Eggman : Come to France someday. We have quite good white wine (and Chaaaaampagne).
Getting drunk in France, damn. Sounds so legit.
idk what to say about the drunk girl, if you were equally drunk then decisions have to be made.
No we weren't equally drunk. We may have drunk the same amount, but I was still Conscious enough to decide what to do whereas she was on the verge of passing out. Whatever thing I'd go that night I'd feel like I was abusing her.
That doesn't mean I didn't had blue balls though