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DS fans: Would you change the second screen for...


I wonder if it wouldn't have been better for Nintendo to feature just one screen (with touch capability) and a bit more of power for the system.
Not to PSP levels, just something in the N64-DC level. And when I mean N64 level, I don't mean what we are currently seeing but decent graphics for 1998.
I don't think it would be a bad decision considering that most of the games suck at the 2nd screen usage.
You save money by cuting the need of a 2nd display, you also save power that can be used for a better GPU/different CPU.
Perhaps the decision behind this was to not cross the path of GBA...but hell have you seen Princess Peach DS ? It looks like a GBA game ported to DS. I am a bit afraid this doesn't become a trend and GBA users loose all the support from Nintendo.

I was a bit skeptical about 2 Screens becoming something innovative...but now I don't believe anything. One thing is that some games do something innovative but another thing is that they are only a small % of the library.
In my eyes even Virtual Boy was a better concept. I think it deserved more credit than what the DS is receiving now.
I would think about it.

Having one larger screen would be better for touch capability too. And probably better for battery life also. It could also make the form factor of the unit a bit smaller.

I think Game Boy Next will have a single touchscreen display.

Virtual Boy was friggin terrible though, the thing couldn't even display solid polygons.


Uh no.

I want a DS because I agree with Yamauchi's view that gaming can not sustain itself with just better graphics. Gaming must offer a new experience. And I am hoping that DS will bring something refreshing and exciting to a stale hobby.

Edit: But if the DS just becomes a substitute for the GBA, then I'll be mad. That wasn't its intent. GBA-like games should stay on GBA. Games that utilize 2 screens should be on the DS.


Tsubaki said:
Uh no.

I want a DS because I agree with Yamauchi's view that gaming can not sustain itself with just better graphics. Gaming must offer a new experience. And I am hoping that DS will bring something refreshing and exciting to a stale hobby.

Jesus you guys really will eat any load of bullshit nintendo throws your way. :lol :lol


I am not talking about doing a portable N64 or a PSP...I am just talking about integrating touching/playing in just a screen.
I think the system would benefit from this.
RR DS could be easily done with just one SCREEN. And the same goes for M64 DS or Metroid Hunters. IMO the 2nd screen is not crutial for the game.
Double screen offers some very interesting possibilities, wether or not developers will explore those possibilities is another thing.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I would as of now, there have been so few games that really take advantage of 2 screens so far :(


No, I would not. At its core, NDS is the concept behind connectivity condensed (and vastly expanded upon, of course) into one portable unit. The two screens are essential.


so far the second screen has just been an overhead map or extra stats you could easily have had in a mini hud or by pressing the start button.

i have not seen an innovative use of the two screens yet.

this seems like a broken innovation like the connectivity of gba to gc
Yeah I think the dual screen will benefit some types of games also.

Strategy games like WarCraft will probably do well on such a unit.

RPGs as well.

I think you'll see Final Fantasy III on the DS take good advantage of the features to make it more than just a remake.

Puzzle games also, imagine Tetris Attack where you have to keep track of two screens at once.

Virtual Boy is an idea I would buy with today's technology -- twin processor (say Dreamcast level graphics for each eye, full color), more convincing 3D effect, lighter headset.

That would be cool. Imagine a FPS on such a unit.
Razoric said:
Jesus you guys really will eat any load of bullshit nintendo throws your way. :lol :lol

LOL. Teh innovation! Not that Sony or Microsoft fans are any different, but quoting some PR release as ones personal mantra makes it all the more obvious.


Razoric said:
Jesus you guys really will eat any load of bullshit nintendo throws your way. :lol :lol

Just like how Sony claims the PSP will be the next 'Walkman.' Oops, they said the same thing about MD's.

Buggy Loop

Hmm, no. Dual screen has its advantages, for one, for thumb controlling ala mario 64, rayman's camera, metroid's stylus/thumb action or spiderman's move selection, you dont hide the screen with your thumbs since the action takes place on the one above. Plus, no matter who would say that "devs would ratio the screen to not affect the main action", thats bull, devs wouldnt bother with such things if it were a single screen, also, mini maps arent too much a problem in 3d games since we play them on the big screen, but on an handheld, that map gets really freaking tiny :p

If it wasnt for the touch screen, then i would say go for it, even though devs wouldnt bother to make a splitscreen out of one screen even if its technically possible, but with touchscreen, hell no, i dont want to hide half of what i see on the screen and get the screen all greasy and potentially scratched.
What I do think is cool about the DS is it at least forces the developer to think about how they can use these new features.

Even if they opt to not take advantage of such features, at least it opens up that thought process, and eventually someone is going to come up with some interesting ideas.

I think Kojima for instance could do something really crazy with Boktai DS.

I think Nintendo's goal with the DS (or one of them anyway) was to break down the social stigma that non-gamers have against gaming. I think DS does that, unfourtunately, I think the potential of the hardware is running ahead of what we've seen software wise right now.

I feel pretty confident I could give a DS to my sister or someone who doesn't play games and with features like PictoChat and games like Feel The Magic or Wario Ware DS, she would end up playing it even though she's not a gameplayer.


The best use for dual screens is for an RTS, but I don't think DS has the hardware capability to even pull off a large enough battle that would put it to use.


Gold Member
This is what the DS should have been like


Buggy Loop

Insertia said:
The best use for dual screens is for an RTS, but I don't think DS has the hardware capability to even pull off a large enough battle that would put it to use.

RTS yes but FPS and point and click adventures aswell. I'll be disapointed if western developers dont pick up the DS platform and make or port their PC classics to it. DS is the perfect platform for these genres. And finally, we could go look around the map or survey an area the enemy is likely to pass nearby while another screen is focused on the base, while you're micromanaging your stuff without having to swing the camera back and forth constantly (something thats very annoying in western RTS imo).
Would you trade one nostril for a third eyeball? You'd be able to see better but your sense of smell would be decreased. WELL HUH WOULD YOU?

Ford Prefect

I would definitely be happier with just one touch screen. It's obvious that there is no huge revolution going on here with two screens. Pretty much all I've seen are just maps and crap like that. One screen would've been perfectly fine.

Buggy Loop

Ford Prefect said:
I would definitely be happier with just one touch screen. It's obvious that there is no huge revolution going on here with two screens. Pretty much all I've seen are just maps and crap like that. One screen would've been perfectly fine.

Sigh, peoples who keep saying that there's only maps used for the dual screen seriously have to do some more homework on DS before replying. And i dont think anybody talked about any "revolution", its more of a convenience in the way you control games and UI.


Kobun Heat said:
Would you trade one nostril for a third eyeball? You'd be able to see better but your sense of smell would be decreased. WELL HUH WOULD YOU?

Ten Shin Han rocks !!!!
If they make a DS Camera, that would be really cool over the WiFi.

You could play against/with friends in a game like Star Fox and be able to see their faces.

Ranger X

ourumov said:
I wonder if it wouldn't have been better for Nintendo to feature just one screen (with touch capability) and a bit more of power for the system.

Of course it would have been better. Whatever we say and hope, the two screens will never matter enough in a game to really justify them.
Some more graphical power and/or a bigger screen instead of that would have put the PSP in a born-dead status.
I still view DS as a test bed of sorts for the next true Game Boy, one with a single huge screen that has touch screen capabilities.
Wyzdom said:
Of course it would have been better. Whatever we say and hope, the two screens will never matter enough in a game to really justify them.
Some more graphical power and/or a bigger screen instead of that would have put the PSP in a born-dead status.
Two things:

Having dual screens certainly helps in games where the touch screen is used extensively, for the very basic reason that when you've got your hand in front of the touch screen you are going to have trouble seeing shit. Certain minigames in Feel The Magic demonstrate the convenience of two screens very well.

Could a bigger screen have done this? Perhaps, but

a) you wouldn't have been able to fold the system in half, and

b) it would have been way more expensive.
Game Boy Next will probably range from Dreamcast level to being GameCube level in terms of visuals.

Single screen, but with touch display being kept around.

Nintendo probably just should've gone with an ARM10 processor instead of a an ARM9. I think one of the problems is DS can do a lot of cool stuff, but it doesn't really have enough horse power to power two screens.

I mean the Arm 10 processor is a pretty big jump from the Arm 9 and it's been around for ages (since 1998 or 1999 I think).


I don't know how Pac 'n' Roll would be possible without the second screen. Think there would have been plenty of issues with a larger sized touchscreen that wasn't using a clamshell design. Higher cost is a given, more battery power required for a precise, larger touchscreen and more prone to failure if not a clamshell design. Always thought that games that mainly use the top screen for graphics are going to be easier to view, no hand/stylus in the way of the screen.

Don't see why anyone would want two similar portables from Nintendo and Sony, if you want a PSP type device buy a PSP.
Well you never know, Nintendo might do something crazy like turning the GameCube itself into a portable.

Iwata was actually asked this by Steven Kent (MSNBC) I think and he said they might do it, but battery life and price would be the issue.

Such a move certainly would solve the problem of having to build a library to make up for the PSP's head start though.


No, I really believe that two screens encourage new designs for games that wouldn't be so clear with one screen. I know that technically you could get the same thing with one screen, but I don't think developers would care about put splitscreen to get the effect.

It's more psicologic than other thing for developers and users. I know it's more than possible to see lot of useless functions, but I believe there will be very interesting ones.

Nintendo DS/PSP=perfect mix for me, hope they sell zillion of units.


i think one of the big things with two screens is multiplayer, like four swords. you have your own private screen, and a public screen that everyone can see.

Ranger X

Kobun Heat said:
Two things:

Having dual screens certainly helps in games where the touch screen is used extensively, for the very basic reason that when you've got your hand in front of the touch screen you are going to have trouble seeing shit.

This here i can't agree for sure. When you'll be touching the bottom screen, it's at a moment you'll not loose sigh of the action on the top screen. And if the shit is going on in the bottom screen, you could still hide stuff with your hand.
And if you ever control an action-game (like the directions for a car or some characters) with the bottom screen while looking at the top screen well, i doubt the control scheme would be insteresting if it's not an extremely simple game.
The DS is full of features and stuff we may think that could really make the difference but it facts, it's not going much things. And it's hell no revolution either. What's more, one bigger screen surely not cost the same as two screens. 2 screens games don't need 2 seperate screens anyway.
I think the touchscreen will be as much of a "revolution" as a hardware addition can be.

I think it's a bigger step ahead than the analog joystick or rumble feedback were on the N64.

I really do think it will break some barriers for people who can't get into gaming. Everyone and their grandmother are taught to write and draw from a young age, and tactile ability to touch what you're seeing on a display .... it's just a very core thing for people.


Of course I wouldn't trade the double-screen idea for f.ex. better graphics. The double-screen provides much more potential when it comes to gameplay, and that's where it really counts. Whether or not the games we've seen so far realise this potential is irrelevant as long as the potential for new things is there for later games. The ones claiming that the two screens have not been used for anything revolutionary so far miss the point - it's doesn't have to be revolutionary (and what's "revolutionary" is completely subjective anyway). It's just a new tool you can use for whatever you want. In some games, the best way to use it is to plonk a map in there. In other games, there's only need for one screen. In others again, both screens are used extensively. Variety and possibilities. That's the point.

The best thing about the double-screen for me is the way it will ease the use of menus in item-heavy games. Zelda, Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon will benefit very much from this. The one major drawback for me in Zelda - Link's Awakening, which might be my favourite Zelda, was the constant need to change things in the menu. Same with the others, especially Wind Waker. Having the menu constantly at hand on the touch-screen will make the whole experience so much more pleasant and seamless. Writing letters and such, like in AC, will also be far easier and faster.

Ranger X

soundwave05 said:
I think it's a bigger step ahead than analog joystick or rumble feedback were on the N64.

Common dude, crosspads are soon to be gone and rumbling is part of every controller now and for the futur most likely. THIS was a notable change. 2 screens may not stay.
I didn't say 2 screens.

I said the ability to touch the screen. For a lot of casual people this ability is going to weild a stronger response than even the analog joystick or the rumble pak. A lot of averge joes still don't even understand the real difference between analog and digital control.

The d-pad won't be going anywhere for a long time either. You'd be surprised how many people prefer the d-pad.

Ranger X

soundwave05 said:
I didn't say 2 screens.

I said the ability to touch the screen.

The d-pad won't be going anywhere for a long time either. You'd be surprised how many people prefer the d-pad.

Touch screen is fine of course. The topic is about if we replace a screen with something better like more powerfull hardware per example. Maybe it could also be other features that we could have put instead of a second screens too you know.
IMO, the DS could have been better in only one screen, larger AND touch.
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