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DS fans: Would you change the second screen for...


The DS is full of features and stuff we may think that could really make the difference but it facts, it's not going much things. And it's hell no revolution either. What's more, one bigger screen surely not cost the same as two screens. 2 screens games don't need 2 seperate screens anyway.

Sorry, but you have no facts, only your opinion like everyone here. If there is a revolution, it will come from the software, but it´s certain that the games you will see on DS will have a gameplay very different than the ones of PSP, that is the encouraging part.

. 2 screens may not stay.

Just to reinforce my idea, hardware is unimportant, what makes it necesary or important is how the software use it. If the next big thing is a game that use two screen, touch pannel and microphone, well, it would be revolutionary (there is no game that uses all that things)
How could you play a game and seriously watch TV at the same time though?

Unless it's a really slow paced game like Mah-Jong or something.

Having a DS Camera that plugs into the GB port would be more sensible. With WiFi you could see your friend's face on the bottom screen and see the action on the top screen. In a game like Star Fox or a Star Wars Rogue Squadron type game, your friends could issue voice commands or call for help for instance.


I don't mind the second screen either. Even if its used only for Hud Displays. Game menus, Options, Mapping system etc. I mean it allows for a constant clutter free game world on the top screen which will never be a bad thing. Convenient if nothing else. Even if someone ports a GBA game to DS and adds nothing but a mapping system, thats better than that same game with no mapping system at all.

If you think about it the second screen is really the PC equivalent of a mouse mat. Nintendo would have had to put a mouse mat somewhere on the system to work your stylus with. So why not make it a visual animated mouse mat.

Sure they could have made just one screen, and made that screen the touch area, but in PC terms that would be like having to use a mouse over your monitor screen. Blocking out the game world with a stylus could get annoying depending on the type of game it is.


IMO, the DS could have been better in only one screen, larger AND touch.

The original concept came from the dual screen portable, the idea has its origin in that concept. Seriously, there is not a "better" concept of DS right now as far as the real one has to prove its potential. Let´s wait and play the games it has to offer, and then we can judge if the actual model is a proper one or not. At least I see it that way.


Nope. I'd most certainly keep the two screens. With one screen, your hand would cover way too much of the onscreen action. Also, it would screw up first person shooters on the system (or my vision of what they should play like)


Eh. I don't anticipate much fun in straining your eyes by playing an RTS on a 3" screen.

But to answer the question, I'd sacrifce the 2nd screen for analog control and more power.

Kon Tiki

So you just want a PSP? Nothing wrong with the PSP, I plan on getting one for launch, but why do you want 2 systems that are similar?
I'm getting both. I think they're both terrific products.

I would not be surprised if touchscreen is a staple for future handheld machines either.

Game Boy Next I think will probably have it, further revisions of the PSP may have it, if MS ever makes a portable, it would almost definitely have this feature (giving it PDA like functionality with a Windows OS).

The problem with Nintendo is their higher ups say one thing (innovation! innovation! innovation!) and fair enough, the DS does legitimately bring new things to the table.

I think the conflict is that Nintendo's sales division says "well you have to have Mario, Kirby, Donkey Kong, etc." and that invariably leads to ... ports/quickie sequels.

Don't get me wrong. I want Mario 64 DS, Advance Wars DS, and Mario Kart DS as much as anyone else, but Nintendo is recycling the same 6 or 7 character properties onto every freaking game.

And it does end up limiting the gameplay IMO. If they used that cell-shaded engine for an entirely new game other than Zelda, I think they could have used such a style more effectively.


soundwave05 said:
Don't get me wrong. I want Mario 64 DS, Advance Wars DS, and Mario Kart DS as much as anyone else, but Nintendo is recycling the same 6 or 7 character properties onto every freaking game.

Oh boy... run, run for the hills...



Absolutely. The two screens have been a failure so far. Nintendo really fucked this one up, by driving the cost up of the DS by introducing such a worthless feature. "Dual screens" is the next connectivity.

I mean, really, what can you do with two screens that you can't with one slightly larger one? Touch screen is a decent idea (even if even Nintendo itself doesn't seem to be able to make a half-decent use of it), but dual screens...it was just a short-sighted mistake on Nintendo's part, and I expect we won't see it in another system.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Floyd has some good points...

I think the most likely reason the DS has two screens is because work began on a new portable and an effort was made to retain the clamshell design... and if you're going to make a portable which is physically larger, why waste all that space in a clamshell?

I doubt that the single screen folks in this thread would be happy if the DS were released with ONE screen of the same size and capabilities of the lower screen.
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