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Duke Nukem Forever has been leaked!

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OMG and it's fukkin rockin take that hataz!.... it totally blows away homo 2 and barf-life 2 and lame theft lame: fagtown USA... like, I started it, and first off, DUke says COME GET SOME and then a stripper comes out and shows her boobbs and their like 400,0000 polys each and have gravity but not like that volleyball game which i didn't like because when i wuz watching my sister play volleyball with her friends i got this feeling like climbing the rope in gym class but then the stripper says I WANT YOU DUKE and duke says HAIL TO THE KING BAbY and then shoots the stripper but really shes an alien stripper with 5 BOOBS and they start attacking you and duke whips out 3 guns that's right broussard took my suggestions which I posted on the dnf boards and Duke can shoot three guns at once, one in each hand and one in his mouth and the gun covers up part of your visions because that's what a gun would do but you can't put the shrink ray in your mouth which is kinda lame because it could shrink itself down to fit in your mouth but anyway Duke can still do the boot stomp on the aline stripper and then he gets in a jet and kills Iran and France and that's jsut in the first 2 minutes.

also, to prove I have it here's a screenshot of the first boss, Duke fights jesus but jesus has lasers that shoot out of his eyes and a jetpack! Also, it's funshaded but not lame like that kiddie game on the nintendo which suxxxxxors, DUKE IS A MAN. TAKE THAT JESUS


Oh c'mon, it was kinda funny. :D Has this forum no sense of humor? Lock it if you must, but why ban the guy on a first offense?
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