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DUKE NUKEM FOREVER |OT| Spank One For The Good Guys

I've got balls of steel


B-b-balls of steel
Nocebo said:
If it was a 14 year old game it wouldn't have regenerating health and a 2 weapon limit. :(

Sadly true :(

People are whining about the game feeling "outdated" (pppffffttttt), but it's missing stuff that would define it as old school. For no apparent reason.


Buckethead said:
Supposedly, that wasn't an engine and they built specific demo maps just to make a trailer.

I don't know who to believe on that one.

lol I still wish it was a real game!
Just finished reading the "about the game" section. Good stuff. I know it's been said before but I would pay good money for a book or documentary about everything that went down along the way. I think I remember George Broussard on Giant Bomb's TNT one time calling in for an interview, he said he wouldn't have a problem putting some of that information out there after the game finally releases.


Can someone explain to me why THE Duke can't hold his liquor!? Why does he get all woozy after just one can of beer? Is the beer drinking mechanic supposed to be useful in anyway or is it just a useless novelty? Maybe it's cause of my hardware but I couldn't aim right after drinking beer cause of the extreme blurryness etc. also I didn't seem significantly stronger...
First Access Club preorder customers get the first DLC for free. They haven't announced a date but it goes through all preorders up until launch.
Buying this day one. Hell I'm buying this game just to troll one of my friends who kept saying the game will never come out. That alone is a great reason to buy it.


Teknoman said:
Still have my fingers crossed that the retail version is megaton quality.

Indeed please be better than the demo!

And what if the multi player is good? mind blown? yes!


man so much negativity from the demo, but i kinda feel like i need to play this just because it finally came out.

note, i bought and enjoyed GnR's Chinese Democracy.


FunBoy said:
Indeed please be better than the demo!
I don't understand why they chose a desert and some caves to show off their game :\
The first part with the stadium was kind of nice though.


You know, after playing the demo twice this weekend, I was thinking about DNF while driving into work this morning. And one thought was persistent throughout the whole drive;

By the end of next week, no one will even remember Daikatana. Forever will have taken that crown.

That demo has just ruined any faith I have in this being anywhere close to decent. I was a supporter of Duke for so long. I believed Duke would be a return to the old school style of shooter; fast paced, plenty of variety, huge open levels and fun mechanics. Duke would have been worth the wait. But I now believe we stand on the precipice of the biggest gaming trainwreck ever.

Seriously, that demo was just awful. Everyone's focusing on the two weapon limit, which is the tip of the iceberg of what's wrong with this game, in my opinion. True, having that limit is stupid and is completely counter to how they're marketing the game; fun old school, but I believe that adding the ability to carry all weapons can't save what's here now.

You also have the awfully linear levels, which are bare and overly scripted. The way those little wood cabins and cacti were placed and their destructibility was laughable in the second part of the demo. I couldn’t believe it when that “Use explosives on the dropship” message appeared on screen. I was even further shocked when I saw how the ship crashed to create a bridge for the played. Christ, that was about the jankiest thing I’ve seen in a game for years.

Even the core mechanics feel broken. Like gunplay, for example, is flat and uninteresting. Every weapon feels dull, there’s no weight to them and they don’t feel powerful at all. And due to the two weapon restriction, there’s constantly weapons inexplicably just lying around. That happens in all shooters, but here, it’s so noticeable thanks to the bare as fuck levels.

Even the Duke character is pretty shameful now. I thought Duke was amazing when I was playing D3D as a kid. But so much has happened between these two games in regards to pop culture and what people generally find funny. We have Bulletstorm, which allows you to set fire to a guys asshole or whatever the fuck. That is to games now what D3D was then, in my opinion. A dude ripping off lines from John Carpenter movies and the Evil Dead and saying how much he loves tits and swearing just doesn’t cut it anymore.

If this game doesn’t get ripped to shreds by reviews and players, then I will be shocked. I just can’t imagine Broussard right now. He’s spent millions on this game, and it’s taken up 14 years of his life, and he’s about to become the biggest joke in gaming. Gearbox is in the perfect position here, too. They get the praise for finally releasing the game, but they can just push the blame on the game being bad to 3D Realms, as they were just finishing up their work.

I just, I don’t know. I have my copy pre-ordered on Steam and I’ll be playing it through on Friday for sure, so the jokes on me at the end of the day. Sorry for the long post, just had to clear my head.

I just wish I could bet on Duke. Time to fire up D3D and weep.


Gold Member
diddles said:
note, i bought and enjoyed GnR's Chinese Democracy.

Given how awful that pile of dung was, DNF will be a breath of fresh air for you.

Narag said:
Daikatana will never be forgotten by virtue of its marketing alone.

Daikatana's first level is so bad that I simply can't and never will forget that smoldering shitheap.
randomwab said:
You know, after playing the demo twice this weekend, I was thinking about DNF while driving into work this morning. And one thought was persistent throughout the whole drive;

By the end of next week, no one will even remember Daikatana. Forever will have taken that crown.

That demo has just ruined any faith I have in this being anywhere close to decent. I was a supporter of Duke for so long. I believed Duke would be a return to the old school style of shooter; fast paced, plenty of variety, huge open levels and fun mechanics. Duke would have been worth the wait. But I now believe we stand on the precipice of the biggest gaming trainwreck ever.

Seriously, that demo was just awful. Everyone's focusing on the two weapon limit, which is the tip of the iceberg of what's wrong with this game, in my opinion. True, having that limit is stupid and is completely counter to how they're marketing the game; fun old school, but I believe that adding the ability to carry all weapons can't save what's here now.

You also have the awfully linear levels, which are bare and overly scripted. The way those little wood cabins and cacti were placed and their destructibility was laughable in the second part of the demo. I couldn’t believe it when that “Use explosives on the dropship” message appeared on screen. I was even further shocked when I saw how the ship crashed to create a bridge for the played. Christ, that was about the jankiest thing I’ve seen in a game for years.

Even the core mechanics feel broken. Like gunplay, for example, is flat and uninteresting. Every weapon feels dull, there’s no weight to them and they don’t feel powerful at all. And due to the two weapon restriction, there’s constantly weapons inexplicably just lying around. That happens in all shooters, but here, it’s so noticeable thanks to the bare as fuck levels.

Even the Duke character is pretty shameful now. I thought Duke was amazing when I was playing D3D as a kid. But so much has happened between these two games in regards to pop culture and what people generally find funny. We have Bulletstorm, which allows you to set fire to a guys asshole or whatever the fuck. That is to games now what D3D was then, in my opinion. A dude ripping off lines from John Carpenter movies and the Evil Dead and saying how much he loves tits and swearing just doesn’t cut it anymore.

If this game doesn’t get ripped to shreds by reviews and players, then I will be shocked. I just can’t imagine Broussard right now. He’s spent millions on this game, and it’s taken up 14 years of his life, and he’s about to become the biggest joke in gaming. Gearbox is in the perfect position here, too. They get the praise for finally releasing the game, but they can just push the blame on the game being bad to 3D Realms, as they were just finishing up their work.

I just, I don’t know. I have my copy pre-ordered on Steam and I’ll be playing it through on Friday for sure, so the jokes on me at the end of the day. Sorry for the long post, just had to clear my head.

I just wish I could bet on Duke. Time to fire up D3D and weep.

Exactly right. It's tragic really.


Chiggs said:
Daikatana's first level is so bad that I can and never will forget that smoldering shitheap.

Woot or something had a random boxed $2 PC game for sale a few years back. People were expecting shovelware or hunting games. I received Daikatana. :(


Gold Member
Narag said:
Woot or something had a random boxed $2 PC game for sale a few years back. People were expecting shovelware or hunting games. I received Daikatana. :(

Probably the only time in your life you regretted not being able to play Deer Hunter.

randomwab said:
I just can’t imagine Broussard right now. He’s spent millions on this game, and it’s taken up 14 years of his life, and he’s about to become the biggest joke in gaming

To be fair, he's been the biggest joke in gaming for quite some time now.


I'd love it if they hadn't scrapped any content from the 14 years of development and the final game is just a complete messy mix of everything they had developed.

The first level is the same one as in the demo, and then the next level switches to the Quake 2 engine and you play through the content they created in 1998 where you follow the babe around and shoot down ufos and whatnot. After that, it switches to the first unreal engine and you go through the casinos as shown in the 2001 trailer, using the exact same assets as they made back in 2001.

If they created that, even though it would be a huge buggy bloated mess, I'd buy 10 copies instead the single one I'm buying now.

By the way, I don't think this was included in the OP, the 1998 trailer for the game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omOPjBoClw0

Also, one thing to point out in the 2001 trailer. Pause it at 0:32, and then look at this (which is from a place in the demo, although you can only no-clip to it): http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/541770095328784472/6A6308882BCBBD68695CAF084AD9F92171836C7B/

It looks like the same place. I wonder if the overall story and level selection is still the same as they had planned back in 2001.
Got the demo and my buddy and I played it and enjoyed the hell out of it, we're old school fans too of Duke3d. Really, the demo's actual gunplay lasts about 5 minutes- but it was enough for me to know that Duke was fucking back and still a blast to play. The interactivity was already good too, took me way back to where I would waste hours on just using the toilets and flicking the lights, playing pool, etc...

Gameplay felt fine to me, graphics are definitely a step up from the original- even if they're not 10/10 jawdropping good they are when compared to the other Duke games.

Day 1 purchase, Balls of Steel edition all the way.

Basically, if you're a Duke Nukem fan the game is a godsend. If you're a true, hardcore FPS enthusiast then I guess I see how the game could be underwhelming.

Alien Bob

taken advantage of my ass
I wouldn't be surprised if Gearbox released Broussard's mess just to make the franchise relevant or at least current again so that they can do something with it which actually involves planning.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
viciouscabaret said:
graphics are definitely a step up from the original.

You comparing D3D to DNF? Or am I missing something here?
While Bulletstorm also had this shitty 2-weapon limit trend I think it was a great evolution of the dudebro shooter genre.

The Duke Nukem Forever demo made me chuckle, but it wasn't anything special. And the weapon limit hurts it quite a bit too. Will obviously still purchase it, but waiting on a sale.
I'd say it's fair, still a continuity and still a sequel, the time apart is irrelevant. Any Duke fan that has been waiting will probably appreciate it.


viciouscabaret said:
I'd say it's fair, still a continuity and still a sequel, the time apart is irrelevant. Any Duke fan that has been waiting will probably appreciate it.

No, people with a lower standard with appreciate. Just because you're a Duke fan, doesn't necessarily mean you want to suck up this abomination that doesn't hold any of the qualities Duke 3D did. Basically only has the name on the box and the cheesy one-liners, everything else just doesn't hold up for its time and the map design / feature-set just seems like a step down. Just because it's Duke Nukem, doesn't mean that's a free-pass card for the game to suck donkey balls, no idea when that idea was allowed to run wild.

Fine, some people enjoy it and take it for what it is but stop this, "Oh you need to be a Duke fan to appreciate it" and pretend the game actually holds up to any kinds of standards. It's a bad game with none of the Duke Nukem spirit.


Gold Member
Sethos said:
No, people with a lower standard with appreciate. Just because you're a Duke fan, doesn't necessarily mean you want to suck up this abomination that doesn't hold any of the qualities Duke 3D did. Basically only has the name on the box and the cheesy one-liners, everything else just doesn't hold up for its time and the map design / feature-set just seems like a step down.

I just watched the Postal III trailer and it looks like everything DNF wishes it could be. Sort of sad, isn't it?


Chiggs said:
I just watched the Postal III trailer and it looks like everything DNF wishes it could be. Sort of sad, isn't it?

Sad indeed but I honestly don't blame anyone. Gearbox just applied some gaffa tape to the broken mess they were handed and kicked it out the door, I feel it's just for show and to quickly cash in on a strong name. What does surprise me is people admit to it being bad and not really in the Duke Nukem spirit but still buys it, just because of the name ... Yeah, let us send that message to developers - Insert some roll eyes here.
Sethos said:
No, people with a lower standard with appreciate. Just because you're a Duke fan, doesn't necessarily mean you want to suck up this abomination that doesn't hold any of the qualities Duke 3D did. Basically only has the name on the box and the cheesy one-liners, everything else just doesn't hold up for its time and the map design / feature-set just seems like a step down. Just because it's Duke Nukem, doesn't mean that's a free-pass card for the game to suck donkey balls, no idea when that idea was allowed to run wild.

Fine, some people enjoy it and take it for what it is but stop this, "Oh you need to be a Duke fan to appreciate it" and pretend the game actually holds up to any kinds of standards. It's a bad game with none of the Duke Nukem spirit.
Nice edit.

Settle down. I'd the say the spirit of Duke was still there, just the beginning of the demo will go to show that...for what it is, a sequel to an FPS from the 90's and I enjoyed it. Those are the standards I held it up to, and I felt right at home playing it. Not much else to say, take the game as it is or leave it. Anyone that has even remotely followed the game's development will know what to expect, hence why I mentioned for a Duke fan that has been waiting the game will be enjoyable.


viciouscabaret said:
Settle down.

I'm collected and calm, write out a decent post and you tell me to settle down? Hmm, isn't that usually the sign of someone a bit on edge about their opinion being threatened? :)


In a perfect world, the money I used to buy Forever is going toward Gearbox's own Nukem game.

In this game, Duke is an aging dudebro who won't let the world forget how awesome he once was and how he saved all our babes. Except the world has forgotten and he's a broke bum. He's a mess; beard, long hair and trampy clothes. Then the aliens show up again and he thinks this is his time to reclaim his glory. Cut to montage of him cleaning himself up and walking out looking like classic Duke, followed by people asking "What the fuck do you look like, dude?"

Throughout the game, Duke keeps running into the EDF, who I imagine are typical modern day Gears/Bulletstorm dudebros and are actually winning the fight against the aliens. Duke, however, keeps shitting on their efforts and attempting to show them up, failing each time. I want this to be that whole "Snake is outdated" thing from Metal Gear Solid 4, but applied to Duke Nukem with the best parody ever.

In a perfect world though. Like the one that has a good Duke Nukem Forever.


People remembered Duke cause it was a good game. A Sequel had to live up to that, not the swearing or 'attitude' or the tits. And this one has plenty of the latter, none of the former.

Also they own Duke now dont they? Why do they want to release a half assed product?

I could make a bad cake, no matter how long I cook it for, it wont turn into a better cake. At a certain point, ya gotta start over, or just buy some cake from a cake shop.
Chiggs said:
I just watched the Postal III trailer and it looks like everything DNF wishes it could be. Sort of sad, isn't it?
I watched a 20 min presentation on postal 3 back in August and it looked lots of fun within a crazy world! :D

OT: even though it will never life up to anything ever, still going to buy it just to have this memory of the games industry.


randomwab said:
In a perfect world, the money I used to buy Forever is going toward Gearbox's own Nukem game.

In this game, Duke is an aging dudebro who won't let the world forget how awesome he once was and how he saved all our babes. Except the world has forgotten and he's a broke bum. He's a mess; beard, long hair and trampy clothes. Then the aliens show up again and he thinks this is his time to reclaim his glory. Cut to montage of him cleaning himself up and walking out looking like classic Duke, followed by people asking "What the fuck do you look like, dude?"

Throughout the game, Duke keeps running into the EDF, who I imagine are typical modern day Gears/Bulletstorm dudebros and are actually winning the fight against the aliens. Duke, however, keeps shitting on their efforts and attempting to show them up, failing each time. I want this to be that whole "Snake is outdated" thing from Metal Gear Solid 4, but applied to Duke Nukem with the best parody ever.

In a perfect world though. Like the one that has a good Duke Nukem Forever.

Haha, loving the posts randomwab, very spot-on.
Sethos said:
I'm collected and calm, write out a decent post and you tell me to settle down? Hmm, isn't that usually the sign of someone a bit on edge about their opinion being threatened? :)
Nah, I'm doing just fine. Perhaps you're the one on edge, saying people only with low standards will enjoy DOF and saying the game "sucks donkey balls" based on a 7 minute demo?


What else can we base our expectations on? All we have is a demo. And unless you are the worst company in the world, youd want a demo to be a reasonable taster of the full product.
viciouscabaret said:
Got the demo and my buddy and I played it and enjoyed the hell out of it, we're old school fans too of Duke3d. Really, the demo's actual gunplay lasts about 5 minutes- but it was enough for me to know that Duke was fucking back and still a blast to play. The interactivity was already good too, took me way back to where I would waste hours on just using the toilets and flicking the lights, playing pool, etc...

Gameplay felt fine to me, graphics are definitely a step up from the original- even if they're not 10/10 jawdropping good they are when compared to the other Duke games.

Day 1 purchase, Balls of Steel edition all the way.

Basically, if you're a Duke Nukem fan the game is a godsend. If you're a true, hardcore FPS enthusiast then I guess I see how the game could be underwhelming.

Duke Nukem 3D is the better looking game, without a doubt. Just because DNF's tech is more modern doesn't automatically mean it's better looking.

Also, especially when you're a 'hardcore FPS enthusiast' and a 'Duke Nukem fan' you should be able to recognize the difference between quality and a complete trainwreck like DNF from which literally nothing worth of note can be salvaged.

viciouscabaret said:
Nah, I'm doing just fine. Perhaps you're the one on edge, saying people only with low standards will enjoy DOF and saying the game "sucks donkey balls" based on a 7 minute demo?

And the 'bu, bu, bu, it was just the demo, I'm sure the retail version will magically be a hundred times better' excuse is the most tired argument ever. Also, it makes no sense at all.
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