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DUKE NUKEM FOREVER |OT| Spank One For The Good Guys


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Neuromancer said:
There's a lot of Negative Nancying going on in this thread. What would Duke say if he could see you guys whining?

That he's not a minuteman and can't release when we ask him to.

Then he'd press E to pick up a new weapon since his pstiol was out of ammo and drop the pistol because he can no longer carry a small army in terms of guns. Then hide behind cover because his vision was blurred by red strawberry jam until his vision cleared.


DryvBy2 said:
I got a question after reading some of the complaints about the demo... have you guys ever played a demo, thought it was the most boring and horrible thing, but when the final game came out, it was incredible? This happens too often for me, especially this generation. It's almost like they put year old demos out that are unfinished at best, but the final product is hardly a reflection of the demo.

Just a thought..
It's happened several times for me. Hitman: Blood Money demo was the first time I played anything of the series, and I thought it was terrible. A friend had to convince me to try the full game, and I became hooked.

Bioshock demo disappointed me too. I was hyped for the game, but the demo was disappointing since it was so linear and scripted. Fortunately full game ended being much more open ended.

And in general, most demos are way too short for you to be able to properly judge them.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
DryvBy2 said:
I got a question after reading some of the complaints about the demo... have you guys ever played a demo, thought it was the most boring and horrible thing, but when the final game came out, it was incredible? This happens too often for me, especially this generation. It's almost like they put year old demos out that are unfinished at best, but the final product is hardly a reflection of the demo.

Just a thought..
It's definitely happened before.

The most striking example is System Shock 2. One of my favorite games of all time, but I didn't really enjoy the demo much at all.

Bioshock demos disappointed me too. I was hyped for the game, but the demo was a bit disappointing since it was so linear and scripted. Fortunately full game ended being much more open ended.
Wow, really? I thought the original Bioshock made an incredibly strong impression.
Random Duke Musings:

1 - Why is everyone moaning about the graphics? I played both the PS3 and PC versions and neither looked terrible. Probably the worst thing about the graphics was the water effects that just looked like blocks of white / blue when you used the water fountain.... apart from that, I don't see a great difference from the last FPS games I played - Bulletstorm on the PS3 and Crysis on PC. Bottom line, I think it looks way better than Source in Portal 2. I hope they optimise the engine a bit more though - I'm chugging with everything turned on at 1920 res with 2 x SLId GTS 450s

2 - Wouldn't any gamer who has the most remote interest in Duke buy the BOS edition even if they hate the game? At this stage, it's not about the game, it's about the event, and that collectors edition looks great, it has a ton of Duke stuff that I'd get use out of - the game is almost a bonus :) Plus, it'll increase in value as a piece of gaming history won't it?

3 - What is the deal with Broussard? When all the original 3DRealms stuff was going down, he didn't reference it at all on twitter, instead he just kept tweeting about how much he was winning at poker etc etc. Is he not just a teensy weensy bit POd about the way this has ended for him? Someone stole his baby, and not only is he apparently quite placid about the situation, but also promoting it by actively giving away Xbox 360 Duke3D codes and early access codes over his Twitter. Also, one minute he tweets about the game as if he is just a regular GAF member who doesn't really know what to expect, and the other he speaks as if he has a bunch of insider knowledge about details of the game and how great it is going to be.... wouldn't he at least have access to builds through "industry friends" at Gearbox? Yanno, the same place he's getting all his early access codes he's giving away? But mostly - Broussard: What, why, How, who, and is he even still working on games?

4 - I would pay double the price of the collectors edition if it came with a DVD that contained all the WIP builds of DNF. I feel like I'm playing one interation of the game, but not the 3 or 4 games that were in various states of completion. I'd love to see the 2001 demo build, the early unreal builds and the quake 3 builds too. I (like I imagine most are) will be justifying this purchase as an item of curiosity and historical value - a disc illustrating exactly how we got to this point would be the cherry on the top of the icing on the cake....


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
1 - Why is everyone moaning about the graphics? I played both the PS3 and PC versions and neither looked terrible. Probably the worst thing about the graphics was the water effects that just looked like blocks of white / blue when you used the water fountain.... apart from that, I don't see a great difference from the last FPS games I played - Bulletstorm on the PS3 and Crysis on PC. Bottom line, I think it looks way better than Source in Portal 2. I hope they optimise the engine a bit more though - I'm chugging with everything turned on at 1920 res with 2 x SLId GTS 450s
Seriously? Bulletstorm and Crysis 2 are so far beyond Duke visually it's not even worth making the comparisons.


dark10x said:
I do kind of agree. The level where you fetch the gas, for instance, is actually very 90s. No direct indication of what you are supposed to do, no way point, just a large open area with a few possible unclear possibilities. You stumble around in the same way you might have in games from that era.

Everything I've seen makes it seem like a game from the 90s, but from that weird period in the 90s between D3D/Quake and HL2, where devs didn't know exactly what to do with the genre and were experimenting, and a lot of those experiments turned out underwhelming.


kurtrussell said:
1 - Why is everyone moaning about the graphics? I played both the PS3 and PC versions and neither looked terrible. Probably the worst thing about the graphics was the water effects that just looked like blocks of white / blue when you used the water fountain.... apart from that, I don't see a great difference from the last FPS games I played - Bulletstorm on the PS3 and Crysis on PC. Bottom line, I think it looks way better than Source in Portal 2. I hope they optimise the engine a bit more though - I'm chugging with everything turned on at 1920 res with 2 x SLId GTS 450s

Oh come off it.

The game looks like ass in the demo even on PC. Bullestorm and Crysis are leagues ahead.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
kurtrussell said:
2 - Wouldn't any gamer who has the most remote interest in Duke buy the BOS edition even if they hate the game? At this stage, it's not about the game, it's about the event,

A fool and his money are soon parted. The gameplay matters more than the extras.

and that collectors edition looks great, it has a ton of Duke stuff that I'd get use out of - the game is almost a bonus :)

Sad. Given the game is a mess of 13 years.

Plus, it'll increase in value as a piece of gaming history won't it?

Sure, on "how not to do a game."

3 - What is the deal with Broussard? When all the original 3DRealms stuff was going down, he didn't reference it at all on twitter, instead he just kept tweeting about how much he was winning at poker etc etc. Is he not just a teensy weensy bit POd about the way this has ended for him? Someone stole his baby, and not only is he apparently quite placid about the situation, but also promoting it by actively giving away Xbox 360 Duke3D codes and early access codes over his Twitter. Also, one minute he tweets about the game as if he is just a regular GAF member who doesn't really know what to expect, and the other he speaks as if he has a bunch of insider knowledge about details of the game and how great it is going to be.... wouldn't he at least have access to builds through "industry friends" at Gearbox? Yanno, the same place he's getting all his early access codes he's giving away? But mostly - Broussard: What, why, How, who, and is he even still working on games?

Who cares? Broussard is the reason the game was delayed for 13 years. I hope he never works in the industry again. His "we gotta make the best game ever!" reasoning was the downfall for the development of this game. He is not fit to be in a position of creating games on time.


I played the game maxed out completely, FXAA included and it did indeed look like ass.

It's kinda funny people regard this as some sort of massive gaming event. It's infamous for incompetent developers ( Some may agree / disagree on the specifics of that ), then it's shrugged off to other developers to finish it off in a few months. It'll be forgotten in no time and mentioned whenever someone needs to mock another game for long development times.


dark10x said:
Wow, really? I thought the original Bioshock made an incredibly strong impression.
It's certainly a fancy opening sequence, but the demo showed none of the exploration which was the primary thing I was hyped about.


kurtrussell said:
Random Duke Musings:

1 - Why is everyone moaning about the graphics? I played both the PS3 and PC versions and neither looked terrible. Probably the worst thing about the graphics was the water effects that just looked like blocks of white / blue when you used the water fountain.... apart from that, I don't see a great difference from the last FPS games I played - Bulletstorm on the PS3 and Crysis on PC. Bottom line, I think it looks way better than Source in Portal 2. I hope they optimise the engine a bit more though - I'm chugging with everything turned on at 1920 res with 2 x SLId GTS 450s

2 - Wouldn't any gamer who has the most remote interest in Duke buy the BOS edition even if they hate the game? At this stage, it's not about the game, it's about the event, and that collectors edition looks great, it has a ton of Duke stuff that I'd get use out of - the game is almost a bonus :) Plus, it'll increase in value as a piece of gaming history won't it?

3 - What is the deal with Broussard? When all the original 3DRealms stuff was going down, he didn't reference it at all on twitter, instead he just kept tweeting about how much he was winning at poker etc etc. Is he not just a teensy weensy bit POd about the way this has ended for him? Someone stole his baby, and not only is he apparently quite placid about the situation, but also promoting it by actively giving away Xbox 360 Duke3D codes and early access codes over his Twitter. Also, one minute he tweets about the game as if he is just a regular GAF member who doesn't really know what to expect, and the other he speaks as if he has a bunch of insider knowledge about details of the game and how great it is going to be.... wouldn't he at least have access to builds through "industry friends" at Gearbox? Yanno, the same place he's getting all his early access codes he's giving away? But mostly - Broussard: What, why, How, who, and is he even still working on games?

4 - I would pay double the price of the collectors edition if it came with a DVD that contained all the WIP builds of DNF. I feel like I'm playing one interation of the game, but not the 3 or 4 games that were in various states of completion. I'd love to see the 2001 demo build, the early unreal builds and the quake 3 builds too. I (like I imagine most are) will be justifying this purchase as an item of curiosity and historical value - a disc illustrating exactly how we got to this point would be the cherry on the top of the icing on the cake....

1. The game doesn't look horrible but also not great. It's average looking. The water is shit though. Like horrible. I had everything max at 1680x1050 on a GTX285 and everything was smooth. I do think Portal 2 looks loooooooooooooads better than this.

2. I decided against the Balls of Steel edition as while the bust is pretty cool, it comes with stuff I don't really want. Like cards and dice and poker chips. I'd have rather they had a making of DVD and book or something.

4. Yes. Agree 100%. I would love to own all the iterations of DNF, or at least a playable section from each iteration.


DryvBy2 said:
I got a question after reading some of the complaints about the demo... have you guys ever played a demo, thought it was the most boring and horrible thing, but when the final game came out, it was incredible? This happens too often for me, especially this generation. It's almost like they put year old demos out that are unfinished at best, but the final product is hardly a reflection of the demo.

Just a thought..
I hated the Infamous demo so much that I was thinking about not getting it. I'm glad I bought the game cause it was awesome; However, I don't see how certain things from the DNF demo can be fixed. The two weapon limit and the poor map design. Also the shrink ray seems pointless, even if you shrink enemies they still do normal damage. What's the point of using it? Since there is a weapon limit, why use the shrink ray? It's things like that what really bothers me. It's just something about it that doesn't give me hope for the full game. I will wait till the full game is released to really judge it but I'm not getting the game at release.
Hazanko said:
Also the shrink ray seems pointless, even if you shrink enemies they still do normal damage. What's the point of using it? Since there is a weapon limit, why use the shrink ray?

That is actually a really good point! Something tells me that the Shrink Ray in it's current state would most likely carve it's niche in multiplayer.....

Thinking about it - they should have just released the DNF demo as a duke multiplayer deathmatch around a level, a bit like the old Return to Castle Wolfenstein demo. That would have given more lifespan, and the opportunity to properly explore a map without all the distractions. Also, the weapons limit and mediocre-ish graphics wouldn't have been so much of a big deal either....


It sounds like the shrink ray inadequacies could be partially remedied by allowing the player to equip more than two weapons simultaneously. When you are limited to two firearms, you only keep the two most useful pieces of equipment at any given time. If the level design isn't forcing it's use upon players then no one will use it at all. At least with a full selection of weapons you could whip it out when you're bored.


Sectus said:
I guess I'm in the minority, but I think the game looks great graphically. I got the demo some hours later so I read everybody saying it looked like shit. Then I played the demo and I got this:

Looks good to me.

While I'm not sure it looks "great" People who are like OMG THIS LOOKS LIKE COMPLETE AND UTTER SHIT....what? Average but not shit imo.

I agree the weird blurring is very awkward though.


Sethos said:
It's kinda funny people regard this as some sort of massive gaming event. It's infamous for incompetent developers ( Some may agree / disagree on the specifics of that ), then it's shrugged off to other developers to finish it off in a few months. It'll be forgotten in no time and mentioned whenever someone needs to mock another game for long development times.
HAHAHAHHAA You're right it's so funny. Wait what part is funny?

The pc was finished by Triptych from their homes. Gearbox came in to get it ported to consoles. Can we move on to mocking Episode 3 now?
You know, I can understand the graphics complaints because I guess some people really like their graphics, but Gearbox didn't really make DNF. I can't see why people expect it to look like Bulletstorm.

Also, did someone just imply they expected DNF's graphics to rival Crysis's? Huh...

Hazanko said:
Also the shrink ray seems pointless, even if you shrink enemies they still do normal damage. What's the point of using it? Since there is a weapon limit, why use the shrink ray?
Yeah, that sounds short sighted. But sadly, that's 3D Realms to blame.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Sectus said:
I guess I'm in the minority, but I think the game looks great graphically. I got the demo some hours later so I read everybody saying it looked like shit. Then I played the demo and I got this:

Looks good to me.
You don't even GET that second shot unless you immediately use a cheat code so most probably haven't seen it.


For prospective PC buyers:

Keep in mind you can order off D2D with a friend referral code for an additional 15% off, bringing the price down to around $37.

Either have a friend send you a referral code, or feel free to use mine:


Use it on checkout. Sinc the game is Steamworks, it will be activatable on Steam.

Disclaimer: this is my personal referral link. This code gives you 15% off your purchase, and supposedly gives me a coupon at the end of the month for 20% off. I really couldn't care less about the additional 5% off, so feel free to send yourself a referral link or get your friends to send one to you. I'm just posting it here for convenience.

You can do this for any D2D game, btw.


dark10x said:
You don't even GET that second shot unless you immediately use a cheat code so most probably haven't seen it.
All the more reason to show it then considering some people are convinced the game looks like crap.


Nice op, can't wait for the game personally. You just have to know what you're in for and I like what I've seen and played. I'll admit the demo area wasn't too hot, but the Las Vegas levels should be a blast.


I'll wait for some review / impression of the full game. If the level design is Half Life / CoD style (linear corridors and scripted events), it'll be the nail in the coffin for DNF.


Can we have a separate thread of speculationon how this game is awful and give people their own special soapbox to shit on DNF elsewhere? Oh wait there is the demo thread.

I'm looking fondly forward to next week to play this day one, for a single player FPS romp of wacky tabacky beefjerky explosion tits of flames. Demo be damned and damn the hate.


Sectus said:
I guess I'm in the minority, but I think the game looks great graphically. I got the demo some hours later so I read everybody saying it looked like shit. Then I played the demo and I got this:

Looks good to me.
The first part of the demo looks pretty good with crisp textures and some nice lighting. The second part looks pretty awful, with horrible low res textures and blocky geometry. When we go inside, I think the graphics improve a bit, and there are some nice specular effects. Really it's just inconsistent: like some areas got an extra art pass and some didn't. Equally some of the effects look absolutely awful (eg. ship spontaneously morphing into wreckage), and some look just fine (eg. the rain and particle effects during the stadium battle). The game is just extremely rough around the edges.

As far as the gameplay goes, I feel like we haven't actually seen much of it, really. We've seen a few 'filler' encounters with one enemy type at a time - which could be from any FPS, but no major battles. So I don't think you can pass a definitive verdict on how the game plays yet.

Personally speaking I think the Ripper, Shotgun and RPG are very satisfying to use, with the other weapons being less so. And I actually like the Half-Life 2 style level design, which is mostly missing from shooters today. DNF can fill a nice niche if it offers a long and very varied single player experience, broken up with 'mini puzzles' and other elements of interactivity.


I got my dispatch confirmation for my Balls of Steel edition today (GAME uk), so excited! I can't believe this moment has finally arrived, I still won't fully believe it until it's in my hands though! :p


Loves Robotech S1
Well this thread didn't take long to fall to shit.

If this game came out when it was supposed to, alongside stuff like Quake 4 and Prey, people would have considered it above average. There is no reasonable way Gearbox could have overhauled the engine and remade all of the assets in more modern standards without spending 2-3 more years on it, and that would completely defy the point of finishing this in the first place. So their only option was put together what was done and finally get it out or not release the game at all. I'm glad they did, and people who can't get over their "2011 standards" and appreciate the game for what it is are free to ignore it. This game isn't for you.

It's hardly above criticism, I hated a lot of things about the demo. The 2 weapon limit was terrible. The depth of field was annoying. Some of the animations are hilariously poor, etc.

However I loved the feel of the weapons like the Ripper and the RPG, some of the effects were actually pretty nice (like the rain drenched stadium and the caves), the one-liners are amusing, the "duke-vision" is one of the coolest NVG effects I've ever seen, things blow up and gib in a really satisfying way, and laser trip mines are a blast to play with.

It's clear this game is going to get torn to shreds in the reviews but it would be nice if people were a little more reasonable with their expectations - at least until the final game is out. The demo is nearly a year old and uses assets from, like 2003. The trailers though, look quite decent and a lot of fun.
luka said:
Well this thread didn't take long to fall to shit.

If this game came out when it was supposed to, alongside stuff like Quake 4 and Prey, people would have considered it above average. There is no reasonable way Gearbox could have overhauled the engine and remade all of the assets in more modern standards without spending 2-3 more years on it, and that would completely defy the point of finishing this in the first place. So their only option was put together what was done and finally get it out or not release the game at all. I'm glad they did, and people who can't get over their "2011 standards" and appreciate the game for what it is are free to ignore it. This game isn't for you.

It's hardly above criticism, I hated a lot of things about the demo. The 2 weapon limit was terrible. The depth of field was annoying. Some of the animations are hilariously poor, etc.

However I loved the feel of the weapons like the Ripper and the RPG, some of the effects were actually pretty nice (like the rain drenched stadium and the caves), the one-liners are amusing, the "duke-vision" is one of the coolest NVG effects I've ever seen, things blow up and gib in a really satisfying way, and laser trip mines are a blast to play with.

It's clear this game is going to get torn to shreds in the reviews but it would be nice if people were a little more reasonable with their expectations - at least until the final game is out. The demo is nearly a year old and uses assets from, like 2003. The trailers though, look quite decent and a lot of fun.

Still, the aesthetics of a certain day and age are limited to those places for a reason. They do 'grow old'.

And as for people not checking their expectations... what else would be new? :(

I am looking forward to the differences in opinions though. This game, if anything, will divide the masses.


We are preparing these items for dispatch and this portion of your order cannot be cancelled or changed.

I'm getting Duke Nukem Forever delivered to my house guys!

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
GABDEG said:
We are preparing these items for dispatch and this portion of your order cannot be cancelled or changed.

I'm getting Duke Nukem Forever delivered to my house guys!
Mine got dispatched yesterday by HMV UK. Balls Of Steel Edition too (PC). I should be playing by this evening after my work. Cannot wait, despite the slight disappointment that was the demo.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
My Kick-Ass Edition shipped yesterday. Should be here by Saturday I guess. I've been waiting 14 years for this, and now I'll finally be able to play DNF. B-b-b-b-b-balls of balls of balls of balls of steel.
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