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DUKE NUKEM FOREVER |OT| Spank One For The Good Guys


jgminto said:
It's actually suprisingly hard for what people were expecting.

I did found it challenging and it was great. Not trying to sound all IM GOOD AT IT and stuff with the previous post, i nearly got killed a bunch of times, 20 tries just seemed way too much lol. Good challenge.
Shiggy said:
Why don't they release the beta versions to compare?

Any Quake and Unreal Engine assets from ’98 and ’01 respectively? Did you receive old builds in the transition from 3DR? Will you ever release them like LameDuke?

Yes, we have access to previous builds of Duke Nukem Forever, but it’s important to note that these are incomplete versions of the game that may not even run on current systems. As such, it’s unlikely they will ever be released publicly. That said, these builds are an important part of the game’s history, and we are looking into ways to share that history with everyone.


So I'm
at the level after you beat the Battlelord on top of the dam
, which I believe is somewhat close to the end of the game, but it's really starting to strike me how much influence Half-Life 2 has had over the design of the game. Other than the two weapon/regen health thing, the game is entirely "George Broussard Presents: B-Movie Half-Life 2 Featuring Duke Nukem".

I only really find that interesting because of the linearity of the game (compared to the mini-sandboxes that make up the maps of the original DN3D), it's not so much "that's how stupid modern FPS are", more that Broussard seems to really have loved Half-Life 2 to the point where he wanted his own game to be just like it. Right down to the random breaks in the action to do a little physics-based puzzle (some of which I'm sure would have been great in 2004, nowadays not so interesting).

It makes me wonder what the game was like before Half-Life 2, was the level design closer to how DN3D was? If the game even actually had anything resembling levels at that point. I really hope Gearbox come up with some way to show us how the game really looked at different points in time.
jmdajr said:
so is the game really that offensive, or are we just a little sensitive these days?
i don't know. i don't think it's that offensive. i mean, it got released uncut in australia. it's childish and silly, but i don't see how it's offensive.

i thought that outdated attitudes *were* the joke? i don't see what more they need to be other than outdated to pass as humour. it's like some teenagers wet dream from the mid nineties.

Duke's world really does revolve around him, but it does so in the most immature way possible. that's funny to me in the same way that reading 'mary sue' fan fiction is funny... and i honestly think that it's intentional here given what was being said in interviews about who Duke is.

seriously, look at those pictures on the wall in his apartment. look at Duke Burger and all the various statues of him. it's part of the joke, i'm sure of it.


jmdajr said:
so is the game really that offensive, or are we just a little sensitive these days?
Not so much offensive (it's barely even close to the average episode of Family Guy in that regard), more that it's crude.

It's a video game with boobs in it so it draws more attention than most. Even though there's a joke in there ripped straight from Total Recall
("you make me wish I had three guns" when you run into the boss with the 3 breasts, a riff on "you make me wish I had three hands" - actually the only part of the entire game so far that actually made me laugh)
, and you don't see many people in this day and age that would consider Total Recall to be offensive.

I think the "Duke is a walking deity" thing is supposed to be another Half-Life 2 reference, by the way. It's the cheesy Duke version of how everyone worships Gordon Freeman for no apparent reason.


jmdajr said:
so is the game really that offensive, or are we just a little sensitive these days?

Weirdly, I never recall finding the original Duke 3D particularly offensive or crude. Yeah, there's a few boobs here and there, but that's about as bad as it gets. That's speaking from a European mindset, mind you, which may be a factor.

From what I've heard about Forever - I've not played it - it does sound like I'd find that significantly more offensive than the original. I'm fully aware that my viewpoint isn't particularly educated, though; I'll take some time to find out from a few friends who have what they think about it.


AlimNassor said:
So, it seems most gamers like DNF, while the reviewers hate it. Seems odd.

I still remember that some review thought God Hand was offensive because of the spanking.

I'm just glad I didn't pay attention to the 3.0 review. For it's genre, a beat em up, it's probably one of the best I have ever played.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
B_Rik_Schitthaus said:
Hope they make a run though of what they can, the 98 looks like the best version by far.
Seriously? The 98 version? It looks absolutely horrible compared to similar games of that time and was definitely the worst looking version of the game they had shown. The 2001 footage was the best the game ever looked (taken in line with the standards of its day).
stuminus3 said:
I think the "Duke is a walking deity" thing is supposed to be another Half-Life 2 reference, by the way. It's the cheesy Duke version of how everyone worships Gordon Freeman for no apparent reason.
could be. even if it isn't a direct nod to Half Life 2, it's definately spoofing something pretty endemic to the genre. the world revolves around you in a single player first person shooter, even when the games pretend that it doesn't.

Duke takes it to a ludicrous extreme instead.

i'll admit, i laughed at the fanboy early on who passes out in your presence.
quinntendopower said:
so i tried starting a game on "damn i'm good" off a "bet" from a friend. if i get a platinum on this shit game (my only other platinums are yakuza 3 and 4 haha), he will get a platinum on darksiders, a game we both agree is a piece of shit and would be awful completing 100%

i got to the mothership boss. one hit kills from the drop ship lasers! i gave it a good 20 tries and realized it's completely ridiculous and i am tapping out. you can barely kill one ship before the next one shows up. then the fucking triple ships!

no more! to the guy who got the platinum, kudos to you! holy shit i had no idea it would be so awfully brutal.

if you want to get the pinball 1,000,000 do the following
get the ball on the top left pin, and tap the pin so it hits the key targets, if the ball bounces too far just tilt left and it will catch on the pin if you are holding it. just keep catching and lobbing the ball up hitting the 3 tiles and it will happen. it's still a janky piece of shit pinball machine though.

Why thank you ;D

Gloating aside (because playing through the shitstain that is DNF for a platinum is nothing to gloat about), by my reckoning if you can get the platinum for Yakuza 3, you can get it for DNF. Yakuza 3 is a bastard of a game to platinum, so you're obviously not lacking in skill. There's a method for all the difficulty spikes and I can offer the following advice...

For the turret sections like the mothership battle and Crash Course section, turn your sensitivity level all the way down to 1. You won't believe how much of a difference this makes; it makes your aim so much more accurate.

For the Octaking battle, make sure you get the Shrink Ray in the previous chapter Forkstop. It's in the secret room unlocked by the companion barrel. Keep hold of it all the way to the boss battle (it's not far) and you can shrink all those Octabrain enemies and make short work of them with the Devestator. With infinite ammo at your disposal, you're laughing.


Man I just got to the part with the babes -guess I better spoil tag this--

Bummer. All those babes getting impregnated by alien jerks and then I can finish them off? And what the hell is up with the big dong thing grabbing and doing the one girl-- nastee sh--.

Those aliens are gonna pay.


butthurt Heat fan
I'm still waiting on my X360 Balls of Steel Edition to show up.

Are there going to be patches to fix all the technical issues people are talking about?


ChackanKun said:
Ok, too many pages to read.

General consensus please: is the game good or not?
Eh, yes and no. It would be amazing if this was 2005. It's certainly not the travesty some reviewers have made it out to be, I mean, it's not Turok: Evolution bad. (For reference, I punched myself in the balls just for typing "Turok: Evolution". Ah shit, now I have to do it again).

I think the most important point I'd like to make to anyone who's a huge fan of DN3D is that it's nothing like DN3D. At all. It shares the same weapons and enemies, it's full of silly little things to interact with, and of course, it has Jon St. John's Duke. But as far as game design goes, it has about as much right to be called a "sequel" to DN3D as Zero Hour or Manhatten Project did, that's how different from DN3D it is. As I mentioned earlier, it's more like Half-Life 2.

That's what's disappointed me the most, personally. Of course, there are only like 3 games in history that are anything like DN3D (and they're all Build engine games - the others being Blood and Shadow Warrior). Anything other than that, I'll let others discuss.
stuminus3 said:
So I'm
at the level after you beat the Battlelord on top of the dam
, which I believe is somewhat close to the end of the game, but it's really starting to strike me how much influence Half-Life 2 has had over the design of the game. Other than the two weapon/regen health thing, the game is entirely "George Broussard Presents: B-Movie Half-Life 2 Featuring Duke Nukem".

"I hate valve puzzles."


bunbun777 said:
Bummer. All those babes getting impregnated by alien jerks and then I can finish them off? And what the hell is up with the big dong thing grabbing and doing the one girl-- nastee sh--.
The game really goes this far? Jesus Christ.
animlboogy said:
Ha, I noticed that too but I wasn't sure if it was because I had just finished HL2 a couple days before DNF came out and I was reading into things too much.

That actually has a semblance of wit to it. You probably get treated like a king many more times in HL2 than you do in DNF.

How many giant Gordon Freeman stautes are there in Half-Life 2? I'm not seeing the parallel at all.


Combichristoffersen said:
It's no different from Duke 3D, so unless you thought Duke 3D was offensive, this shouldn't be particularly offensive ether

I am not personally offended(I don't think I can be lol), but there's is a major difference as far as presentation goes.


tiff said:
The game really goes this far? Jesus Christ.
Yeah, but this sort of thing was in DN3D too (albeit in a far more pixelated way). It was actually always 3D Realms just ripping off the concept of Alien, even way back then.

OmniAvenger said:
How many giant Gordon Freeman stautes are there in Half-Life 2? I'm not seeing the parallel at all.
I think you're being a little bit too literal. I mean, Duke is in Las Vegas, not City 17.
dark10x said:
Seriously? The 98 version? It looks absolutely horrible compared to similar games of that time and was definitely the worst looking version of the game they had shown. The 2001 footage was the best the game ever looked (taken in line with the standards of its day).
I just went back to look at a 98' trailer and I still think it looks like the best.
Duke running after a woman who keeps laying traps is a cute idea that would have saved the game from running Dukes persona into the ground, it had many new enemy types, the main ones seeming to be humans with a testicle protruding from the neck, the levels don't look amazing but comparied to DNF 11' they look at least on par.
While graphicly the best of all the versions 01' looked to use the same story and places from 11', the whole idea of chasing a woman who hated Duke had been got rid of.


ChackanKun said:
Ok, too many pages to read.

General consensus please: is the game good or not?

It's about as mediocre as a shooter can get gameplay wise, but the Duke things raise it above pure mediocrity.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Riposte said:
I am not personally offended(I don't think I can be lol), but there's is a major difference as far as presentation goes.

Eh, personally I think the only real difference is that the graphics in DNF are better than in Duke 3D, allowing for better looking virtual tits :p I actually think there was more blood and gibs flying around if you blew up the women in Duke 3D than it is in DNF
stuminus3 said:
I think you're being a little bit too literal. I mean, Duke is in Las Vegas, not City 17.

I think you'll need to clarify this for me. I just don't "get" it. (I'm one of those clueless reviewers.)


OmniAvenger said:
I think you'll need to clarify this for me. I just don't "get" it. (I'm one of those clueless reviewers.)
It's just a parody. To this day it has never really been explained why Gordon Freeman wakes up in City 17 and everything treats him like he's the second coming of Jesus. The same thing is applied to Duke, in the words of Nigel Tufnel, "one louder". It's just presented in a way that plays up Duke's narcissism.

I think the parallel is clearer after the first level or two (which are way too blunt with it), where the NPCs seem to be running on literally the same script as Half-Life 2, with the word "Duke" replacing "Gordon Freeman".


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I really, really liked the Duke Burger level. Platforming in FPS games don't really gel, but the way it's in DNF is typically never really punishing or actually difficult. Just adds some more variety to what you're doing.
Finally finished the game yesterday. Overall I thought it was "okay". The boss battles were fucking awful, and the pacing of the campaign is really off at times.

But, what I liked the most about the game is identifying what scenarios were inspired by another game.. it was like a time capsule of FPS tropes, and I thought it was interesting to see how much 3D Realms took from their competitors. For example, the second third of the game has a very heavy Half-Life 2 feel, and later in the game it felt like
to me.

Anyway, I think that they should have finished and released the 2001 version of the game. It looked more fun than what we got.

Thankfully, the MP is pretty fun (if not messy) so I can see myself playing this occasionally.

EDIT: Also, does anyone know if the EGO meter and 2 weapon limit is something that Gearbox implemented or what? Because it sucks.


Combichristoffersen said:
It's no different from Duke 3D, so unless you thought Duke 3D was offensive, this shouldn't be particularly offensive ether
I don't remember how far I ever got in Duke3D, but I don't remember anything quite like that. I mean, it was the same idea and all, yeah, but I don't remember anything that went quite that far.

I'm not really offended by either game, to be clear, I'm just uncomfortable with it in a game that's supposed to be about goofy and cheap laughs outside of the shooting.
Revolutionary said:
EDIT: Also, does anyone know if the EGO meter and 2 weapon limit is something that Gearbox implemented or what? Because it sucks.
No I think those were 3D Realms decisions. I'm pretty sure the ego meter was seen in leaked images/videos of the game around the time 3D Realms went under. I agree, both were poor moves.
stuminus3 said:
Huh? It's looking pretty good on Steam...
Not in the U.S. it isn't. It's being outsold by Dungeon Siege III and FEAR 3 preorders, which probably aren't selling very much themselves.

Anyways, multiple posts from the same six or seven members of the Duke Defense Force having a circle jerk about how good the game is doesn't mean gamers like it more than reviewers.
Wow, this game quickly goes to into complete PoS status when you hit the damn. Yeah, George B. really seemed to love Half-life as this doesn't even fucking feel like a Duke Nukem game anymore 'cept when he spouts a one-liner every now and then....

lol, this game sucks =/

...oh yeah, did I mention how much the music sucks?
Neuromancer said:
No I think those were 3D Realms decisions. I'm pretty sure the ego meter was seen in leaked images/videos of the game around the time 3D Realms went under. I agree, both were poor moves.
Yep, though at one point plus Ego signs would pop up with every kill, so it looks like they took a scoring system out but kept the name for their shield mechanic.
I don't even mind the platforming and other outdated play mechanics. The shooting just feels off to me on the 360. I put the sensitivity on 10 and it still feels like it is clunky to aim.


Neuromancer said:
No I think those were 3D Realms decisions. I'm pretty sure the ego meter was seen in leaked images/videos of the game around the time 3D Realms went under. I agree, both were poor moves.
I would have like Ego more if they didn't just use it as another name for their standard rechargeable health bar.
stuminus3 said:
It's just a parody. To this day it has never really been explained why Gordon Freeman wakes up in City 17 and everything treats him like he's the second coming of Jesus. The same thing is applied to Duke, in the words of Nigel Tufnel, "one louder". It's just presented in a way that plays up Duke's narcissism.

I think the parallel is clearer after the first level or two (which are way too blunt with it), where the NPCs seem to be running on literally the same script as Half-Life 2, with the word "Duke" replacing "Gordon Freeman".

Is it really parody? I've heard this come up a number of times. (Here and elsewhere.) "Oh, it's parody!" and anyone who doesn't agree just "doesn't get it." If I remember this correctly, Freeman isn't treated as a "messianic" figure until Episode 1 and 2, after he has taken out the Citadel (though I'm pretty sure the Vortigants were already on board that Freeman was the second coming before that). Freeman earned a reputation over an entire game. Duke has the reputation because he's fucking Duke Nukem, though I do agree with you on the narcissism -- Duke's entire universe is built around that theme.

Even if I concede that there might be parody involved, I'd never mention Half-Life and Duke's latest outing in the same breath.


OmniAvenger said:
If I remember this correctly, Freeman isn't treated as a "messianic" figure until Episode 1 and 2
No, people start screaming "Holy shit, it's Freeman!" not even halfway through 2 proper.
OmniAvenger said:
Is it really parody? I've heard this come up a number of times. (Here and elsewhere.) "Oh, it's parody!" and anyone who doesn't agree just "doesn't get it." If I remember this correctly, Freeman isn't treated as a "messianic" figure until Episode 1 and 2, after he has taken out the Citadel (though I'm pretty sure the Vortigants were already on board that Freeman was the second coming before that). Freeman earned a reputation over an entire game. Duke has the reputation because he's fucking Duke Nukem,
Nope, its cus' of the events of DN3D, the throne he takes down to the Duke cave is surrounded with models of all the things he did in that game.


OmniAvenger said:
If I remember this correctly, Freeman isn't treated as a "messianic" figure until Episode 1 and 2, after he has taken out the Citadel (though I'm pretty sure the Vortigants were already on board that Freeman was the second coming before that).
You're not remembering correctly. The regular "person in the street" NPC at the start of the game doesn't know who Freeman is, but all the resistance NPCs do, and treat him like Jesus. Breen even makes frequent comments on it throughout the game (the 'one free man' speech etc).

"Ego" was in Manhattan Project by the way, for you guys talking about it. It was just a standard health bar though, not a Halo-style rechargeable one.
tiff said:
No, people start screaming "Holy shit, it's Freeman!" not even halfway through 2 proper.

Okay, then I'm just remembering that incorrectly.

stuminus3 said:
ou're not remembering correctly. The regular "person in the street" NPC at the start of the game doesn't know who Freeman is, but all the resistance NPCs do, and treat him like Jesus. Breen even makes frequent comments on it throughout the game (the 'one free man' speech etc).

Breen only picks up on that after Freeman teleports into his office. Again, if I'm remembering correctly.

But is Duke really offering comment on "hero" video games? Is the so-called parody successful? Does it just play into a trope that is played for laughs (but fails 9 times out of 10)?


OmniAvenger said:
Breen only picks up on that after Freeman teleports into his office. Again, if I'm remembering correctly.
True, but that's near the start of the game, and Breen doesn't know Freeman is back until that point. IIRC he's NPC #5 to say "holy shit Gordon Freeman!".

OmniAvenger said:
But is Duke really offering comment on "hero" video games? Is the so-called parody successful? Does it just play into a trope that is played for laughs (but fails 9 times out of 10)?
Heh, I wouldn't say Duke is offering "comment" on anything other than "I am Duke, I am the greatest!" and "George Broussard really likes Half-Life 2!".


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
tiff said:
I don't remember how far I ever got in Duke3D, but I don't remember anything quite like that. I mean, it was the same idea and all, yeah, but I don't remember anything that went quite that far.

I'm not really offended by either game, to be clear, I'm just uncomfortable with it in a game that's supposed to be about goofy and cheap laughs outside of the shooting.

Duke 3D had those female alien kidnap victims already in the first level (and if you'd press spacebar at them they'd go 'kill meeee.....'). Either way, it's really just 3D Realms riffing on the Alien movies.

OmniAvenger said:
Freeman earned a reputation over an entire game. Duke has the reputation because he's fucking Duke Nukem, though I do agree with you on the narcissism -- Duke's entire universe is built around that theme.

Duke's had quite a few games to build his reputation though (Duke 1 and 2, Duke 3D, Time to Kill, Zero Hour, Land of the Babes and Manhattan Project). Hell, already in Duke 1 (or was it 2?) he was pimping his biography, aptly titled 'Why I'm so Great'.
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