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DUKE NUKEM FOREVER |OT| Spank One For The Good Guys


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Come on, anyone know how to edit resolutions for windowed mode? That mode fixes all of my issues but maxes out at 1600x900 while I need 1080p. Anyone?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Vestal said:
Im using a 7200rpm HDD for the duke install and my load times are no longer than 10 seconds at the most..

Core2Duo 8400 OCed
4gb Corsair Dominator 8500 ram
XFX5770 Crossfire
Windows 7 64-Bit
Raptor WD 74.8gb Hard drive for OS and Swap
Seagate 1TB 7200 16meg cache for non MMO installs or hard drive intensive game installs.

I'll try counting it next time, but the initial load time definitely seemed a good bit longer than 10 seconds. Loading in between levels was much shorter, though.
richisawesome said:
So far, I've found it no different to Half Life 2. And I love HL2.

There is definitely a heavy HL vibe to a lot of the sections; just finished it and had an absolute blast (pun not intended). It's not consistently polished and it's not highbrow, but it is a fucktonne of fun.

With a surprisingly good (i.e. even the orchestral pieces) soundtrack! Hope we see a release of it in some form or other.


Loves Robotech S1
Mister_Bubbles said:
There is definitely a heavy HL vibe to a lot of the sections; just finished it and had an absolute blast (pun not intended). It's not consistently polished and it's not highbrow, but it is a fucktonne of fun.

With a surprisingly good (i.e. even the orchestral pieces) soundtrack! Hope we see a release of it in some form or other.
Yeah the music (what little there was of it) is pretty damn good. Lots of throwbacks to classic DNF tunes too. I especially liked the couple of tracks that played during Ghost Town.


Zefah said:
I was playing it last night on my friend's i7 2600k and GTX 580 system, and he the load times definitely felt a little long. It wasn't anything like the 30 seconds to a minute reports I am hearing from the console crowd, but it was definitely longer than 10 seconds. I'm pretty sure my friend is just using a standard 7200rpm 32mb cache hard drive, though.

I have a i5 2500k with a GTX 570 and my loading times are shorter then 30 secs easily. Load times aren't bad at all.

Who cares about anything if the game is fun to you on a personal level. I know it is to me. Game is what it is and I am enjoying it.
It's time to get talented and draw art, and Duke's all out of talent.

dark10x said:
Who has said that?

Personally, I think it plays like a sequel to SiN more than anything (which I already felt was an unofficial sequel to Duke).
fully agreed. it plays REALLY like that SiN episode they put out. mentioned that in here the other day.

Man the outside areas look awful compared to the inside ones.


bish gets all the credit :)
Finished it just now. Like I said prior, it has terrible tech issues (terrible graphics for the most part, insanely long load times) and is super dated, but it's still fun. It loses a little momentum the last 3rd of the game, but I enjoyed myself through the whole thing. I'll give it a solid 6.

Looking at the extra stuff they included, the Triptych office was somebody's apartment. lol. Watching the old trailers, basically nothing made it into the final game (that I noticed), which was pretty odd. This is probably not worth full price, but $20-$30 is probably the sweet spot.


alr1ghtstart said:
Watching the old trailers, basically nothing made it into the final game (that I noticed), which was pretty odd.
Has everyone watched completely different trailers to me? Much of the original game made it in judging from what I've seen. Nearly all the environments match up to those in the trailers, although most of the NPCs seem to have gotten turfed along the way.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
At the Dam levels now. Been enjoying it so far, but shit's getting hard now. Also, I found a reference tio Shadow Warrior and what I think might be a reference to Bioshock. Good stuff :D


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
FGMPR said:
DNF is GAF's new Alpha Protocol.

Cept AP was actually good. And not cringeworthy shit.

You be better off playing DN3D. Go buy the Atomic edition off of GOG. Its cheaper.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
saunderez said:
Has everyone watched completely different trailers to me? Much of the original game made it in judging from what I've seen. Nearly all the environments match up to those in the trailers, although most of the NPCs seem to have gotten turfed along the way.

Yeah, just take a look at the trailer from 2001.

I only played the game for a little over an hour last night and saw plenty of that stuff in the game.


Just finished the Duke Burger level earlier today. Definitely the best level so far. As dated as the game is, I'm still having a good time with it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Zenith said:
Seriously? Even Yahtzee made fun of it. Like when the psychotic ex-agent helps you out and later brags on your TV link how cool it was to gun down all those security guards, I picked "angry" thinking whatshisface'd tell him to fuck off. Instead he goes off on a completely different tangent about the mission objectives. Or any time you picked the "dossier" option. Or any time involving the spymaster and his mute bodyguard.

Talk about rose-tinted glasses. Don't be such a fanboy.

I played through it three times and don't remember feeling that my decisions weren't accurately reflected. It appears I may have forgotten some things, though.

Either way, it's hardly a case of "None of the choices ever matched up with the responses."


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Zefah said:
I played through it three times and don't remember feeling that my decisions weren't accurately reflected. It appears I may have forgotten some things, though.

Either way, it's hardly a case of "None of the choices ever matched up with the responses."

Dont be such a fanboy.
I can't believe they ruined duke so badly by restricting him to TWO weapons. WORST IDEA EVER!!

Is there anyway to mod this out? I'm going to return the game if I can't hold all the weapons at once...


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
ColonialRaptor said:
I can't believe they ruined duke so badly by restricting him to TWO weapons. WORST IDEA EVER!!

Is there anyway to mod this out? I'm going to return the game if I can't hold all the weapons at once...

Not at the moment, no.


Dance In My Blood said:
I see more stuff that isn't in the game than is in that trailer. And the stuff that did make the transition looks way cooler in the 2001 version.
All I see is a bunch of vehicle segments I'm glad didn't make it into the game.
Combichristoffersen said:
Not at the moment, no.

This decision by the developers just epitomises everything that is bad about this game. They've tried SO HARD to make this game "cool" and tried to do everything they can to do EVERYTHING the "cool" way and by doing that they've made everything so crap.

I am glad I picked it up from EB and I have 7 days to return it, hopefully I can power through it and finish the SP in 7 days and bring it back and get store credit back for this abomination. I want to be able to say I have the experience of saying I finished it, I want to be able to laugh at how bad it is, it's almost one of those games that is "it's so bad it's good" but I find it so hard to play because its so crap that I'm bored. If I had a large variety of awesome weapons then perhaps I would almost be able to weather it but it seems like they ripped the exact same weapons without any smart or intuitive and cool thinking from the last game in the series... i mean come on you cant think of any more awesome weapons and mostly just recycle the same ones from the last game... that is the worst part. These couple of things could have made all the difference to me, but instead it just adds to the botch job that they made of this POS. I certainly agree with a lot of the reviews of this game it's a big fat FAIL of a game.


ColonialRaptor said:
This decision by the developers just epitomises everything that is bad about this game. They've tried SO HARD to make this game "cool" and tried to do everything they can to do EVERYTHING the "cool" way and by doing that they've made everything so crap.
They haven't tried to make the game "cool". Duke is a parody of 90s action heroes. Always has been, always will be. If you take him as a serious character then thats only part of your problem.


saunderez said:
All I see is a bunch of vehicle segments I'm glad didn't make it into the game.

Yeah sitting on a turret is such an improvement

Nothing was saved from the old trailers. Not a single fucking thing.

The levels are short, simplistic and linear. It is clear they were rushed and made very recently. Game is so dumbed down compared to dn3d and what was seen in the old trailers it's not funny.

After finishing the game you can unlock
all old versions trailers and vids. So fucking funny to see that 2004 version looked way better then this.
saunderez said:
They haven't tried to make the game "cool". Duke is a parody of 90s action heroes. Always has been, always will be. If you take him as a serious character then thats only part of your problem.

I'm definitely not taking him seriously... but the developers HAVE tried to take all the parts of Duke Nukem 3D that were seen as 'cool' and expand on them and it has made this game cringeworthy (I don't think I'm alone in this).

It's so bad it's good, almost funny that I'm rolling my eyes at how bad it is - some of the parts that are supposed to be funny now are not even funny, they're just embarrassing rather than funny now. Here is a quote from a review somewhere that sums it up well. If Bulletstorm is an equally not take itself serious "funny / parody" game then this is how I think they sit with each other "Bulletstorm is the funny guy at the party who has a bit too much to drink. DNF is the guy who gets plastered, runs around naked with a lampshade on his head makes a complete fool of himself, annoys the shit out of everyone and doesn't understand that everyone is laughing at him, not with him."
GrayFoxPL said:
The levels are short, simplistic and linear. It is clear they were rushed and made very recently. Game is so dumbed down compared to dn3d and what was seen in the old trailers it's not funny.
just, no. it isn't remotely clear that the levels were made recently. you think the ruins of vegas bit after you get out of the first area was made recently?
plagiarize said:
just, no. it isn't remotely clear that the levels were made recently. you think the ruins of vegas bit after you get out of the first area was made recently?

This game seems like bits and pieces of it were made ALL OVER the place... it really feels like someone was constipated for 14 years and then crapped out that mix of everything all at once with no real cohesion.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The beginning is so slow and boring I can't believe they left it in, but I really liked it. It's so bizarre.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
saunderez said:
All I see is a bunch of vehicle segments I'm glad didn't make it into the game.
Things I see in the trailer that aren't in the game:
Zombie Things
Fighting the EDF
Enemies with Riot Shields
Donkey Riding
Speed Boats
Dodging Traffic
Wieldable Lobsters
Minecart Section that actually goes somewhere
Crazy Old Miner
And some sand worm that looks like it got repurposed into the underwater section.

Other videos show vast amounts of content that isn't in the game. Like a female version of Duke, rolling boulders, etc.


Do you like my tight white sweater? STOP STARING
Dance In My Blood said:
Things I see in the trailer that aren't in the game:
Zombie Things
Fighting the EDF
Enemies with Riot Shields
Donkey Riding
Speed Boats
Dodging Traffic
Wieldable Lobsters
Minecart Section that actually goes somewhere
Crazy Old Miner
And some sand worm that looks like it got repurposed into the underwater section.

Other videos show vast amounts of content that isn't in the game. Like a female version of Duke, rolling boulders, etc.

Enemies with riot shields are actually in the game; they're just ROBO SPACE SHIELDS now instead of traditional military counter-terrorism riot shields.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Campster said:
Enemies with riot shields are actually in the game; they're just ROBO SPACE SHIELDS now instead of traditional military counter-terrorism riot shields.
You're right. I've already forgotten the campaign.


I'm enjoying the game for what it is, I picked it up on PC and the load-times and graphics are not terrible by any means. I would say it's a 6/10 type of game. Some of the reviews are overly critical just because of the name
Neuromancer said:
Yeah... They didn't go as far though
I don't know, seems like pretty much the same shit but with upgraded visuals and audio quality to me. Maybe they left a little more to the imagination in D3D, but the idea was always there.
Holy shit. The multiplayer progression speed needs to be upped by about 800%.

I just spent 30 minutes running around a shitty, laggy box map punching guys and I'm only a quarter of the way to level 2.


When I said DNF was the new AP, I just meant that like Alpha Protocol, GAF, mostly, seems to enjoy the game whilst it's being torn to shreds by the press (although AP wasn't as harshly received).

I actually like DNF and AP quite a bit.


bluedeviltron said:
Holy shit. The multiplayer progression speed needs to be upped by about 800%.

I just spent 30 minutes running around a shitty, laggy box map punching guys and I'm only a quarter of the way to level 2.
I am almost level 20 after about 2 days so maybe try a different gametype.


bluedeviltron said:
Holy shit. The multiplayer progression speed needs to be upped by about 800%.

I just spent 30 minutes running around a shitty, laggy box map punching guys and I'm only a quarter of the way to level 2.
I got to level 4 in one match. There are challenges that give you huge boost of experience. Stuff like blowing yourself up with RPG etc.


I'm suprised how short the game is, beat it in a little over 6 hours. I wasn't rushing through it and goofed off some. Was on normal mode.
Tanolen said:
I'm suprised how short the game is, beat it in a little over 6 hours. I wasn't rushing through it and goofed off some. Was on normal mode.

Good, I'll be glad to get through it as quickly as I can!

Funnily enough, I liked the slow arse start before I had weapons.

ColonialRaptor said:

Seriously. I loved using the whole arsenal to my advantage in every big gunfight.
well i finished it and i really still can't get over they even released it.

guy can't even drink a single beer without getting completely fucked up

as duke would say in his horribly weird new voice, "what a mess". the length of the credits only make the game more hilarious.
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