Mejilan said:I can vouch for some of this story. 2 days ago, I learned from Time Warner's lawyers (they're a client of ours) that an injunction was filed against them to prevent them from releasing the film. Apparently, they only have the TV rights, not the movie rights. I expected that they'd be able to settle.
(Apparently, they are also having problems with DC regarding Superman/Superboy flicks...)
Was it a different studio that made the Christopher Reeves films? Maybe that is the reason (although not one that would win in court, as WB owns Superman)Willco said:Why is WB having problems with Superman/Superboy when they own DC?
Below is a screen cap of part of the Judges directive, which is worth reading just to see the phrase “Jessica Simpson is extremely hot right now” written down in a legal document to be recorded in the halls of justice forever.
ohamsie said:Wasn't there problems with the Pink Panther movie too? What happened with that?
android said:Was it a different studio that made the Christopher Reeves films? Maybe that is the reason (although not one that would win in court, as WB owns Superman)