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Dust: An Elysian Tail |OT| Become the Storm


Wow, I can't believe I was completely oblivious to this game until literally 2 minutes ago. I just happened to see a review for it on another website while searching for something else and now I am head over heels excited for it tomorrow. What a beautiful looking game.


Wow, I can't believe I was completely oblivious to this game until literally 2 minutes ago. I just happened to see a review for it on another website while searching for something else and now I am head over heels excited for it tomorrow. What a beautiful looking game.
This is pretty much me before watching the trailers. If you were to ask.me what Dust: AET was half a week ago Is have absolutely no idea. Now I'm hyped.


That VentureBeat review is pretty lame. I don't think he's ever played an action/adventure game before Muramasa.

The developer lifted most of the game’s structure directly from that Vanillaware-developed title. Dust, the hero in An Elysian Tail, is capable of 1,000-hit combos. Each level is a series of connected arenas, and the overworld map allows you to select your next destination in whichever order you choose. Non-player characters who provide Dust with information and quests reside in peaceful towns. All of these design decisions are implemented almost exactly as they are in Muramasa.

What a fucking jerk.


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That VentureBeat review is pretty lame. I don't think he's ever played an action/adventure game before Muramasa.

What a fucking jerk.

Now now, he is entitled to his opinion.


Wow, I can't believe I was completely oblivious to this game until literally 2 minutes ago. I just happened to see a review for it on another website while searching for something else and now I am head over heels excited for it tomorrow. What a beautiful looking game.

part of me wishes that this is how it was for me. as I mentioned earlier my first look at this game was back at e3 2011 when they showed it off in the stuff leading up to MS' conference. I had been checking from then for more news on it and developed hatred towards ubisoft's From Dust just because it shared the name Dust in it and it was being shown off lol. I would repeatedly grumble "I don't want to see stuff from the shitty Dust game, I want stuff from the awesome looking Dust game" lol

At least the wait is almost over.


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Faxanadu did it 20 years ago. Straight up claiming the game's structure is lifted from another game is really obnoxious.

I don't think anyone would know what the heck he was talking about if he name dropped Faxanadu. Muramasa is a much more relevant example.


Sketchbook Picasso
Good structure is stolen, Somewhere else also did it! -_-; Not because it works, or because it makes sense. Oh no, Muramasa stole it from Castlevania II! And they stole it from Zelda II! Oh noes, creativity is DEAD!

I'll be happy when "repetative" is taken out of "action game review" vocab. Really. Because as soon as a dev offers something different (A surfboarding scene, a car racing scene), all that happens is people complain about the under-developed mini-games that they think the devs should have never wasted time on. What happened to appreciating when people focus, and get something RIGHT?

Good grief. Some reviews are so trite with their samey, expected whines and moans... but I'm glad a lot of Dust reviews seem to look at the game in more of a fully realized, understanding-of-the-game light, so far. Even the Venturebeat one can't dump on the artistry as much as they'd possibly like (and I find it funny how disturbed he is by Fidget. Wow, "Robin Red Breast" birds must make him feel uncomfortable, too!)
There's literally nothing sexual in Dust. Anyone that has a problem with the art really needs to look at themselves rather than the game.

When I look at Fidget I see a flying orange cartoon bat-thing. When the guy from Venturebeat looks at Fidget he sees HIPS and BREASTS. I don't think that's a problem with Dust: AET so much as the reviewer at Venturebeat.


If you want to get technical, Odin Sphere was a ripoff/spiritual successor of Princess Crown on the Saturn. Either way that review sounds really skewed.


benevolent sexism
There's literally nothing sexual in Dust. Anyone that has a problem with the art really needs to look at themselves rather than the game.

I just try to think of it as being reminiscent of Disney's animated Robin Hood, which is bad ass.

Hope a $100 360 model gets announced soon, since it sounds like a PC port is not in the cards anytime soon.


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There's literally nothing sexual in Dust. Anyone that has a problem with the art really needs to look at themselves rather than the game.
The internet looks at furry characters as a sexual statement, regardless of whether they are or not. This is also a huge generalization on my part, so yeah.


is he wrong?

Not really wrong, but just wrong :)

Sure mostly all similar games are a bit repeatitive, but if they are fun and have elements to take away from that like the RPG aspect, why would that be a big minus ?

Plus it comes in direct contrast with almost every other review, so i think the fun factor will outweight any repeatition

Great reviews all around, totally deserves it, the game looks phenomenal


My review won't likely be live until tomorrow (thanks to a queue).

I don't get the repetitive as a negative comments, it is a 2D sidescroller with hack 'n' slash elements. It is bound to have some repetition, but it still feels varied and is so much fun. The pacing is all kinds of amaze.
I don't get the repetitive as a negative comments, it is a 2D sidescroller with hack 'n' slash elements. It is bound to have some repetition, but it still feel varied and is so much fun. The pacing is all kinds of amaze.

Yeah. I've got nearly 18 hours on the clock and I never once felt that the combat was boring, I didn't even notice it was repetitive while I was playing it though I can see why some would.

You're constantly in new areas facing new enemies and even if your moves stay mostly the same, there's a bunch of enemies that you have to adapt your style for so you can never just do the same thing all the time. This is alongside having to adapt to how strong your opponents are and how strong you are in relation to them. Maybe those reviewers who really feel that it's repetitive were playing on Casual.


for the people in here who have played the game I have a simple to answer question. Is there a jump button or is jumping like Muramasa where you have to hit up to jump. I know it sounds silly to ask but having to hit up to jump in muramasa took away from the game for me because it made it hard to jump straight up in a hurry as I would always be off center a little and thus go slightly left or right... and with the 360 D Pad as it is I imagine it would be an issue there as well.

It's in no way a deal breaker for me but people bringing up Muramasa reminded me of my dislike for using up to jump lol.
Good scores! Had no idea it was like Metrovania. And the game has a lengthy single player campaign. Awesome!

Wonder how it's like Metrovania, proabably similar to Muramasa with connected areas? Looks like an amazing game.
I've played about 3 hours or so and yeah, I think the combat is fairly repetitive (I'm playing on one of the harder difficulties). Your magic bar regenerates so quickly with regular attacks that there really is no reason not to spam magic. Despite being repetitive, the combat is still fun though.

Yes, there is a jump button.

It's more like something like Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia or Zelda 2 where you travel to individual areas that are mostly linear but have various secrets and side-paths here and there than something like Metroid which has more big, open areas.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
The internet looks at furry characters as a sexual statement, regardless of whether they are or not. This is also a huge generalization on my part, so yeah.

To loosely quote Tycho mocking Internet attitudes* by describing chatting on the phone to a woman who was a furry convention goer: "After the conversation, I wondered... had I... yiffed?"

*doubly ironic considering his team had joined in with those attitudes a few years prior.


for the people in here who have played the game I have a simple to answer question. Is there a jump button or is jumping like Muramasa where you have to hit up to jump. I know it sounds silly to ask but having to hit up to jump in muramasa took away from the game for me because it made it hard to jump straight up in a hurry as I would always be off center a little and thus go slightly left or right... and with the 360 D Pad as it is I imagine it would be an issue there as well.

It's in no way a deal breaker for me but people bringing up Muramasa reminded me of my dislike for using up to jump lol.

That is the worst problem sidescrolling games for me. Trine 1 and 2 allowed the player to jump using both spacebar/A on controller and w/up on d-pad which along with the terrible physics based combat made things play really loose for me.


I've played about 3 hours or so and yeah, I think the combat is fairly repetitive (I'm playing on one of the harder difficulties). Your magic bar regenerates so quickly with regular attacks that there really is no reason not to spam magic. Despite being repetitive, the combat is still fun though.

Yes, there is a jump button.

It's more like something like Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia or Zelda 2 where you travel to individual areas that are mostly linear but have various secrets and side-paths here and there than something like Metroid which has more big, open areas.

thanks for the response, makes me all the more excited for the game.
Also don't mind one bit that it's more linear, with art this beautiful I imagine making a big open area would have taken a lot more time or not been as detailed. It's still mind boggling that one person could create this... just amazing.
It's more like something like Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia or Zelda 2 where you travel to individual areas that are mostly linear but have various secrets and side-paths here and there than something like Metroid which has more big, open areas.
That sounds great to me, Order of Ecclesia has fantastic level design in my opinion. I get a little bit worried at Muramasa comparisons because that game basically didn't even have level design (most areas were just completely flat) and even though I really did enjoy the game I was hoping for something more like OoE in terms of the game's structure.
I don't expect to actually be Metroid, but with Muramasa it was like, walk forward, enemies spawn, mash A and D-pad for crazy combos, look around for secrets, rinse and repeat for the whole game. I don't think I ever finished it. The structure of the game, it's flat flaccid level design, it's combat mechanics were like a small sliver of jelly spread across an entire loaf of bread.

I'm hoping Dust isn't that. We'll see soon enough.


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It suddenly kind of sucks that we have to wait until Wednesday to try this out.
Gamestyle 10/10

In a year that has Trials Evolution, Spelunky, Minecraft and Fez, this is the standalone best game on XBLA. If you only buy one game this year buy Dust: An Elysian Tail, there simply isn't enough superlatives to describe just how good it is.


Played through on my hidden account (so as not to be bothered by friends when playing games early), now playing through again on my account


The Amiga Brotherhood
I cannot wait I booked time off of work from Wednesday to Friday so I have maximum amount of time to enjoy it!


Watching that launch trailer again and again.

When dat music starts.

You sure that your friend isn't Hans Zimmer? Getting them Batman vibes.


I love the art and style in all of the Vanillaware games but those games are truly the bottom of the barrel in terms of map design, performance (on ps2 at least), and most of their games are super repetitive and boring.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Probably doesn't help with Tomat's wait until Wednesday, in hindsight =P

Just got back from grabbing a point's card. If this game doesn't meet my expectations Noogy owes me money. I'll hold him to it.
Just got back from grabbing a point's card. If this game doesn't meet my expectations Noogy owes me money. I'll hold him to it.

It's funny I did the same thing just for this game but it was months and months ago now i have like 3000 plus microsoft points because games like this don't come by very often...I am honestly enjoying XBLA games more lately and I am excited to see how much this motivates other developers creating their own games.


It's just those tailored-to-you trends, but still, that's pretty cool.


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