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Dyack: "NeoGAF...I would say is probably the worst forum." Response.

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Hero said:
Fixed this for you.

Skip, did you ever get that giant white board? :p

I moved some of my podcast stuff into an abandoned office with a whiteboard on it, but now I need some functional dry-erase markers.
At the end of the day NeoGaf's opinion will have ZERO impact on if the game sells, so I never saw what Dyack got worked up about. Unless of course he truly is that passionate about his work. This whole Too Human drama has gotten pretty long in the tooth. Can we please move on.......
davidjaffe said:
I don't tend to come here to promote our games. I mean, I always answer questions about them and correct people if they have some info on our games that is not correct, but I don't look at Neogaf as a PR tool. I look at it as a place to mingle with fellow fans of games we all love and to meet folks who consider themselves fans of what we do.

Exactly. The funny thing about Dyack's hunt for publicity via neogaf is not that it fucking disastrously backfired, but that he ever thought it a wise thing to do, especially when here's a website composed largely of people who are too old and wised-up to be starstruck by the novelty of a developer mingling with the common people, not to mention industry vets who can see through his bullshit.

I mean, if Dyack just wanted people to think he's smart for skimming the flap of a Nietzsche anthology or something and acknowledging it in a videogame, to think highly of his game just by virtue of fan interaction, he could have tried to pull this at gamefaqs or some such thing.

And what's the consequence? Jaffe is right, it's not in sales. Neogaf doesn't reflect mainstream sales trends. Just look at the monthly, "holy fuck, Wii Play sold HOW much?" NPD threads from earlier this year. It's reflected in bridges that are burnt, maybe for good. And intentional or not, it's probably reflected to a large extent in the game's press reaction. Critics are probably more critical and more judgmental of this game than they would have been had Dyack not gone on such a prolonged binge of hype, self-promotion, and insulting repeatedly the informed gaming community.

Edit - All that said, I think Dyack's intentions are good at heart and this is more an issue of shattered pride than anything else. I feel sorry for him. As a fellow creative type, it's fucking brutal when your pet project, magnum opus - something you honestly believe in - gets a persistently negative evaluation from the people around you. I still remember finishing a screenplay I'd been thinking about for years, and my mom and dad read it, and it was transparently obvious that they hated it. It's depressing and it fucks you up and you never forget it.

And, of course, his, "pshaw, you just don't get it" go-to response is transference and a defense mechanism, so I don't take any of those comments seriously.


besada said:
Exactly correct. Skip and Denis and the rest of 1up have been pretending for a long time that this was about something other than what it's about, which is money. They sat there and bobbed their heads because they knew it would generate hits and that questioning Dyack might lose them a connection which generated later hits.

Denis's entire purpose in coming to GAF was to sell his game. He used GAF as a sales forum, and when didn't acquiesce like 1up and the other press sites, he got upset. He's supposed to be able to come here, engage in hyperbole about his game, and then wait while the money rolls in.

Both Dyack and 1up have been using GAF to generate income, as if we existed for their benefit. We don't. We exist for our benefit. It's clear that the devs aren't looking out for the gamers, and it's equally clear the press isn't, so someone has to. That means puncturing the baloon of exaggeration that Denis tried to float and it should also mean holding 1up responsible for their role in this.

That's a very elaborate conspiracy theory you got there. That being said, I sure don't agree with what Dyack did.
Dyack just needs to let the shit go. It started out being a little scrape that would have healed over time, but he just kept picking at it and picking at it. Now its become a infected festering wound.

this entire chain of events will serve as a good example of what can go wrong when you let your pride get the best of you.

he should have just said: every games isn't for everyone; and it should have been left at that.

Tom Penny

It's pretty amusing to see such an enormous thread bashing someone who has and will accomplish more than any of you in the gaming world.


SuperEnemyCrab said:
If thats what you call "blind rage" then you must lead a very sheltered life. 1up isn't relevant enough to even evoke a serious emotional response from me. I'm just glad they are finally being called on some of their BS. They instigated, they let this douche have a soap box to bash this forum, and then pretend like they were all deer caught in the headlights. Either way it's all about the hits. Create drama to get those page counters up.

1up took a dump in your box of Cheerios and pissed in your 2% milk, right?


Nolan. said:
You can't really blame them for playing it the way they do though. They know the hardcore love any sign of drama etc. Thats why there was the ''Oh wait till the next 1up yours''. Insinuating that they're acknowleding how ridiculous his whole behaviour is. Then when you listen to it the entire thing comes of so biased bar a couple interjections from Garnett. Whilst behind the scenes they're all probably spurring him on to do more absurd ramblings so they can post and get hits by pretending to be on his side. It's semi-genius, in with the hounds and running with the foxes. Similar reasons make me unable to take even reviews seriously because so many seem to be trying to not offend certain parties. Plus people worrying about what devs would think when it comes to gaf really shouldn't be.

Dyack's sermon was spur of the moment and 1UP has always treated their guests gracefully and professionally, at least as long as I've been paying attention. 1UP podcasts are always informal, not some great stage for formal debate. They let the man speak his mind (and speak and speak), questioned him on a few of the crazier points, and went on their merry way letting others formulate their own opinions on the matter.

I fail to see any evidence of a conspiracy and therefore shun my tin hat.


"industry expert"
firen said:
That's a very elaborate conspiracy theory you got there.

As opposed to what?

1up could have stopped him in the middle of his rant, or could have chose not to air it, or could have tried to present the other side.

There's no conspiricy theory, because no one conspired. Everyone was always out for money from the begining, and no one has ever denied that.


Concerning what Dyack said in the OXM interview;


But what we're also seeing is for the people who don't like it, generally just don't get it. And it's because we've created something so innovative and different. It's ironic, it just shows that human nature of if you don't understand something, you immediately attack it. It's pretty interesting in that regard.

It's this kind of complete disregard to criticism, constructive or not, that is incredibly dangerous for his future in the industry. He needs to realise that knowing what he did wrong with this game will be invaluable in the future if he's to avoid making the same mistakes again due to complete ignorance.


Has this been posted yet? TooHuman.net's thread on the fiasco. It's pretty goddamn hilarious.


All I gotta say is that site is pretty pathetic, there's so much immaturity there that it's just right down sad.

They just lost one of the best hooks they had.


If he said it, kudos to him. Most of the people that post there are foul-mouthed idiotic fanboys who wouldn't know a good game if it crawled up their arse.

16pgs in one day is kidda sad lol do they not have jobs lol



Batteries the CRISIS!
Shins said:
Good, specific moderation ought to be as invisible as possible. There is an FAQ forum readily avaiable stating what will and will not be acceptable. Just ban the person, remove them from all further discussion, edit out whatever offensive material they were banned for, and move on.

Topics like this one, similar the moderator comments that pop up when banning someone are unnecessary and cause the same kind of annoyance and degradation for the forum as the offenses the banned members committed in the first place.

More Gestapo, less three ring circus, please. No one needs reminding who runs things.

This wasn't just any banning, though. This has been a public feud for two years. A special case. The thread is justifiable.


Tom Penny said:
It's pretty amusing to see such an enormous thread bashing someone who has and will accomplish more than any of you in the gaming world.

It's the equivalent of being a Hollywood celebrity. The public will have its eye on you and won't hold back the scrutiny. If you can't take the heat, you shouldn't have put yourself out there in the first place.


Tom Penny said:
It's pretty amusing to see such an enormous thread bashing someone who has and will accomplish more than any of you in the gaming world.

Lots of historical figures/celebrities were in serious need of an attitude adjustment and that's what we're talking about.

When you put down legions of people from the anonymity of your computer do you gain a Highlander-like surge of power? Is that why you're doing it? Surely there must be some kind of tangible gain that justifies you being a jerkwad.

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
Evander said:
There's no conspiricy theory, because no one conspired. Everyone was always out for money from the begining, and no one has ever denied that.

This conspiracy assumes podcasts are some glorious moneymaker for 1UP.
Flavius said:
1up took a dump in your box of Cheerios and pissed in your 2% milk, right?

No, but they facilitated an attack on the forum I visit almost daily without giving both sides of the story or attempting to inject some sanity into the rantings of this lunatic. I don't see why I should support them with page hits. Ya i was being dramatic, but I wanted people to see my post.


besada said:
That's quite a non-response you have there.

Well then here is mine.

I think you are off-base and semi-delusional if you think this is planned.
I also think your critique of 1up just using neogaf to promote is a pretty one-sided critique of their roles here.


skip said:
I moved some of my podcast stuff into an abandoned office with a whiteboard on it, but now I need some functional dry-erase markers.

Oh god, skip's gonna be "let go" for being Mr. Fancypants and ordering up a box of Expo Vibrant Color Dry Erase markers. Later on, he'll be the target of numerous hate posts because it was discovered that Ziff couldn't pay Luke Smith's, Sean Molloy's, Mark McDonald's, and John Davison's salaries due to all of the markers he ordered up to support his marker-sniffing fetish.

Damn you, skip!


This is getting ridiculous. Why is there a thread on this? Why are mods allowing some kind of personal crusade Against a Game developer??

So what if he says 'this or that?, can't we be mature adults about this and let it be water on a ducks back? This is bordering on childish bickering, and I really thought this forum was better than this.

Almost reminds me of Gamefaqs....


eXxy said:
This conspiracy assumes podcasts are some glorious moneymaker for 1UP.

1up is a company. They hire people to produce content to drive ad revenue. The podcast is part of that content. Their entire job is to produce ad revenue, via reviews, previews, podcasts, etc. I'm not sure how that's a conspiracy. It's a simple understanding of business.
Good fucking riddance.

(In my opinion) He should have been banned after his For or Against bullshit thread. I'm so glad I didn't post in that thread or should I say "social experiment" :lol

Anyways when I first saw that thread I thought "What if every developer came onto this forum and made a thread asking if you are for or against their upcoming game?"

You don't do that shit.


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
dark10x said:
Honestly, I believe that the majority of NeoGAF would have embraced the game had it turned out to be something truly great. There have been plenty of examples of AAA games that had poor initial showings. Heck, Gears of War received a LOT of negative attention early on from many folks (including myself), but it is a highly regarded game series nowadays. Upon release, those who had previously slammed early builds of the game turned around and enjoyed the final product. I'm positive that the same would have occured with Too Human regardless of what Denis had posted.

Exactly. As I posted in the for or against thread, I would have gladly bought Too Human if it was a great game. I mean, if the game were getting 97% reviews, I would be all over the thing despite this mess. So I agree, and Jaffe definitely gets it. I too hope Dyack takes this as a learning experience and goes on to make a great game next time, which I will gladly buy. We know he's capable of it for sure, I just hope he learns from this and I hope he listens to the criticisms being made of Too Human in the reviews.
Tom Penny said:
It's pretty amusing to see such an enormous thread bashing someone who has and will accomplish more than any of you in the gaming world.

I'd say Jaffe's already proven this statement terribly false.
davidjaffe said:
Well I don't lurk, I post, thanks very much :)

And my take on it is:

a- I feel bad for the SK team because it sucks to work hard and get poor reviews.
b- I feel bad for Dennis- even tho I don't know him beyond a few emails over the years- because clearly he is a passionate man who is having to deal with two tough situations right now (the mediocre reviews of a game he clearly loves, as well as the situation of being made out to be a bad guy amongst the core fans he is- one assumes- trying to please). He may also be dealing with a third tough situation if the sales of his game are poor.

All that said, my life experience shows that often times, failure is a great thing because it allows you to either learn from mistakes and recommit to your passions OR it allows you to realize that you are not really on the path you need to be on in the first place. So I think, for Dennis, this will end up being a great situation where he's able to reassess what he wants. But again, I don't know him. That's just how I would deal with it.

As for posting here, I still plan on doing it. I still plan on defending myself when someone attacks me without clear reason. But I don't tend to come here to promote our games. I mean, I always answer questions about them and correct people if they have some info on our games that is not correct, but I don't look at Neogaf as a PR tool. I look at it as a place to mingle with fellow fans of games we all love and to meet folks who consider themselves fans of what we do. And I love that. I love neogaf, always have.

As for being more influential, well no offense, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. If TOO HUMAN had been getting 97% scores and selling great, even if Dennis had insulted some of you guys 1000 times worse, it would not matter if you not only banned him but changed the name to NEO-FUCK-YOU-DYACK-GAF (dude, fuck off, I get PAID to be creative, I ain't giving it away for free!!!! :) ...I mean, but if all that had occurred but the game rocked to many people, this would not make a difference. And frankly it still won't, from a nuts and bolts sales standpoint. Too Human will sell how well it sells based on many things. Dennis being a current 'enemy' of Neogaf is not one of them.

Not to say sites like this- and this one in particular- can NOT be influential but I tend to think the influence of hard core sites like this help bring a more obscure game up into the more semi-hard core consciousness- which in turn- will help sales. I do not see it working in the opposite direction.

But we'll see...just my take.

You seriously are the fucking man.
Kudos, David.


GSG Flash said:
I don't think that site deserves all the hits it's gonna get from your link.

I had it in my history from some link I got from here. For some reason, I thought it was the official site so I was looking for a comment.

I then noticed the front page only had posts for the positive reviews and complete character bashings of the people who gave negatives. I just had to delve deeper, hehe.


Flavius said:

Oh god, skip's gonna be "let go" for being Mr. Fancypants and ordering up a box of Expo Vibrant Color Dry Erase markers. Later on, he'll be the target of numerous hate posts because it was discovered that Ziff couldn't pay Luke Smith's, Sean Molloy's, Mark McDonald's, and John Davison's salaries due to all of the markers he ordered up to support his marker-sniffing fetish.

Damn you, skip!

nah, I always buy my own writing devices. they might fire me for squatting in that office, though.


Dirtbag 504 said:
Well then here is mine.

I think you are off-base and semi-delusional if you think this is planned.
I also think your critique of 1up just using neogaf to promote is a pretty one-sided critique of their roles here.

I never said there was a marketing plan in place between 1up and Denis. I said that 1up failed in their job as journalists and let themselves be used by someone who clearly does have a marketing plan -- Denis.

And it's undeniable that 1up, in this one instance, which is all I'm talking about, did use GAF and the spat between GAF and Dyack to generate hits. I don't think I've addressed anything else 1up does, in either a positive or negative way in this thread.


Way late to the party here, but that Dyack is something else. Always seemed concerned to get the approval of GAF on his game. You could tell he was passionate about Too Human, but he just went about it the wrong way... I guess his little social experiment backfired on him. What's a shame is a lot of devs post here but they're just one of the guys (girls) and don't post in a condescending way. "Like my game, dammitt!" And GAF is far from "the worst forum out there". Well, won't have to worry about him anymore....


Gold Member
Tom Penny said:
It's pretty amusing to see such an enormous thread bashing someone who has and will accomplish more than any of you in the gaming world.

Maybe some of us don't care? I know it's fun to think of everyone on a gaming message board as some sort of dweeb who longs to break into the industry, but that's not the case. Believe it or not, there are probably tons of people on this board who post here because they like games sales, not because they want to accomplish something in the industry.


I always come into great threads 800 responds too late. Actually it's more like 50 responds before it gets locked.


Danthrax said:
This wasn't just any banning, though. This has been a public feud for two years. A special case. The thread is justifiable.

It's a fued because both sides just want to whine and get into a pissing contest. The whole thing could have been over and done with by just wordlessly banning him and locking that first thread. No fuss, nothing else to come out of it. Instead we get a crap ton of threads about the guy that turn into shit.

Ploid 3.0

Tom Penny said:
It's pretty amusing to see such an enormous thread bashing someone who has and will accomplish more than any of you in the gaming world.

I don't think most of the people in this thread aspire to accomplish more than a game developer in the gaming world. Most of them love playing games though. Whether they be a doctor, or a student.


SuperEnemyCrab said:
No, but they facilitated an attack on the forum I visit almost daily without giving both sides of the story or attempting to inject some sanity into the rantings of this lunatic. I don't see why I should support them with page hits. Ya i was being dramatic, but I wanted people to see my post.

In these situations, there are really only two options:

1. Point at the elephant in the room.

2. Let everyone else figure it out for themselves.

The "other side of the story" was simply logic. If you are a logical being, then it was present. That you didn't notice it's presence is startling.


Bizzyb said:
This is getting ridiculous. Why is there a thread on this? Why are mods allowing some kind of personal crusade Against a Game developer?

Because he went on a personal, unjustified and ridiculously juvenile crusade against this very forum?
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