Slurpy said:
You know, I really want to say a few things about this post, but I'd probably get banned. I couldn't care less about Too Human, but all I'll say is that the tone and intent of the initial post is rather pathetic, and self-righteous to a humorous degree.
DD has acted like nothing more than a child, until recently I have avoided his spiral of stupidity but in all honesty he DESERVED this.
This forum is well run, sure some people get banned and dont really deserve it, others get away with stupidity (Dri*cough*nky) after it stops being funny and starts being kind of... well sucks the joy out of everything.
The fact of the matter is, Nintendo gets bashed for the treatment of the VC, they deserve it, I think they have turned a service that I used to get at least 1 classic a month minimum into something where its usually wednesday before I am like "shit... new game, wonder what it was" only to find out it was a letdown
Perfect Dark Zero got bashed for its mediocrity, DD's little game got bashed for mediocrity as well.
With some games mediocrity is expected, no one is claiming the next Mario Party game with revolutionize the gaming scene and change the world, it will be the same thing, still a lot of fun, and it will still sell a lot of hotcakes. DD has decided to make his game be seen as the greatest game known to man when in reality the game does not live up to that hype.
Whether or not the game bombs is yet to be seen, No More Heroes did not do fantastic but the game is amazing, I was as hooked on that game as any (and many times MORE) than AAA material with massive budget, because the game was FUN first and foremost.
Too Human is just not fun, there is no fun to be had, regardless of everyone saying that 'you have to like the type of game it is' as a bailout *coughIGNcough* when Diablo 3 will get raving reviews (hopefully) for being a good game (or else because its Diablo :/ but hopefully its a good game)
All these factors, combined with DDs constantly bashing GAF, being so cocky about his 'moderated' thread (which was utter BS, but that was again admins decision) and constantly bashing this thread, he was lucky he got this long until he was banned, but I think maybe Evilore was hoping the game would be good and things would settle down, that failed and DD blamed his abysmal game on GAF, imagine if GAF had that kind of power so many niche titles would sell like hotcakes >.<