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Dying Light IOTI A dead island on the mirror's edge.


I put up my thoughts recently and will probably put up a review in progress video soon but not a final. Seeing all versions I have to say I like it immensely and was really not sure what I was going to think. PC version is unoptimized but randomly will look awesome consoles do ok but have tearing. Its going to be a give and take kind of thing I think. Fun gameplay is what I am having though.

I was playing until 3am alone in my room with pulse headset on and was impressed with the game's environment and ambience. The forced tutorial area tried my patience, but after I got out into the main world I found the to be impressive. There's lots of zombies and very little slowdown (on ps4), with each zombie feeling substantive and tactile. I appreciate that fighting (at least at this point) isn't particularly easy and it's generally best to run passed everything. That aspect of the game is well done. We'll see how it goes over the longer term, though.

P.S. why the hell did we have to get a troy baker sounding douchebag main character (I'm not sure if it is him or not, hell, it probably is) and not just create our own? Co-op is genuinely funny as all four players are the same identical asshole.

P.S. 2 the zombie clothes that blow with the wind is really a nice effect.


I was playing until 3am alone in my room with pulse headset on and was impressed with the game's environment and ambience. The forced tutorial area tried my patience, but after I got out into the main world I found the to be impressive. There's lots of zombies and very little slowdown (on ps4), with each zombie feeling substantive and tactile. I appreciate that fighting (at least at this point) isn't particularly easy and it's generally best to run passed everything. That aspect of the game is well done. We'll see how it goes over the longer term, though.

P.S. why the hell did we have to get a troy baker sounding douchebag main character (I'm not sure if it is him or not, hell, it probably is) and not just create our own? Co-op is genuinely funny as all four players are the same identical asshole.

One thing I am hitting on in my video is that that sound and mixing is simply amazing as well I loved it. Also the music holy crap at points its incredible and almost John Carpenter good.
Not sure if its Troy but where most NPC's are good I found the main voice acting to be hit and miss many times right now. And agreed 4 player coop is a mess of awesome and insanely fun proportions.


P.S. why the hell did we have to get a troy baker sounding douchebag main character (I'm not sure if it is him or not, hell, it probably is)

Its not Troy. Its Chris Redfield, Batman (origins) and Sonic. I forget the guys name.


boughten and loaded- I'll start playing this evening after I fix my Grim Fandango preorder. I've enjoyed what I've seen of the game in several streams. A bit of jank here and there as far as collision detection, tearing and voiceover synch (npc lips sometimes look like they're just flapping like a puppet) but it looks to perform pretty good otherwise and most of all looks fun.
I'm really interested in coop as it tends to be my favorite mode in games. Does single player and coop progress overlap or do you have separate characters for each mode? Sorry if this has been answered. I'll try to post later tonight and see if any of you guys on PSN want to do some coop. If I recall, you can have up to a group of 4

Hope you guys are having fun with it


These things sound positive. Thanks Karak and Jobbs.

I didn't realise EU digital release is delayed until tomorrow.

Why the hell. I was looking forward to beginning the download today and playing tonight. Messed up alla my plans.
Yeah, gotta agree on the sound design being great. I've only been watching streams, but even on those I can tell that a big reason why the atmosphere is so great is due to the excellent sound design. Especially at night.


Yeah, gotta agree on the sound design being great. I've only been watching streams, but even on those I can tell that a big reason why the atmosphere is so great is due to the excellent sound design. Especially at night.

Its simply fantastic. I have played all 3 versions now and each is excellent and the PS4 version I played was using a questionable sound system and it was still simply great. I am duly impressed and that is the thing I am hardest on games about. Hell its why I got into reviewing games because people DIDN'T discuss music, sound and voice. I have some particular footage of me running down an alley and you can hear the adjustment for travel distance between the big house on one side and the smaller shanty on the other. So many games that kind of thing is almost imperceptible.

Also of particular note. I find the skills almost perfectly balanced in their overall initial usefullness. I constantly want more of them yet have not found any that I was like "I don't ever need that skill." Hats off to them for that. IMHO that doesn't happen often.
I was skeptical from the get go. The developer doesn't have a sterling reputation and the preorder and review copy fiasco didn't so anything to entice me. Add that onto the fact I only heard about the game last week, I was never going to buy it on release. If it turns out to be solid, I'll simply wait for a cheap used copy.

It's great to see people who if a game turns out solid who'll reward the developers.

On a more positive note, interested to hear thoughts of people who have played it, is it worth getting at £54 digital or waiting. Love zombie games, even playing through Return to Dead island which is total trash, but I cannot help myself. Would rather wait for the Disk version, but if it's really good then don't want to miss out. Really liked Dead Island, even if it was a bit clunky and cheesy story wise. Anyone who's played it, how does it compare to Dead Island?


It's great to see people who if a game turns out solid who'll reward the developers.

On a more positive note, interested to hear thoughts of people who have played it, is it worth getting at £54 digital or waiting. Love zombie games, even playing through Return to Dead island which is total trash, but I cannot help myself. Would rather wait for the Disk version, but if it's really good then don't want to miss out. Really liked Dead Island, even if it was a bit clunky and cheesy story wise. Anyone who's played it, how does it compare to Dead Island?

It is Dead Island with better graphics, better movement, better storage and inventory, better skills, and better combat.

FYI I loved Dead Island but ya. I have to admit with all this crap going on and even the way I was treated by the Pub I didn't think I would think that. I expected something was amiss.


I haven't got to play a whole lot (went through the first night and slept for the first time), but I'm looking this a lot.

The game looks really nice: Lighting, particles, effects. Like someone else said, the zombie clothes fluttering in the wind looks great. I noticed like one tear one time, and the frame rate seems solid enough.

Another touch I like is that instead of you swinging you weapon through a swing and the zombie simply reacting to getting hit, the weapon actually connects. It's really satisfying to whack a zombie on the head and see the impact transfer from the pipe to the zombie.

Movement is great too, the Mirrors Edge r1 jump came right back to me. I have to say, your guy does not start of as a freerunning expert, and I'm ok with that. I think it'll be fun to progress in that area. It's a lot of fun being able to climb damn near everything.

Can't wait to jump back in to this! (Xbox version here)


The music in this game reminds me of 70's and 80's zombie classics. God it's good.

John Carpenter style brother. Synth all the way.

I haven't got to play a whole lot (went through the first night and slept for the first time), but I'm looking this a lot.

The game looks really nice: Lighting, particles, effects. Like someone else said, the zombie clothes fluttering in the wind looks great. I noticed like one tear one time, and the frame rate seems solid enough.

Another touch I like is that instead of you swinging you weapon through a swing and the zombie simply reacting to getting hit, the weapon actually connects. It's really satisfying to whack a zombie on the head and see the impact transfer from the pipe to the zombie.

Movement is great too, the Mirrors Edge r1 jump came right back to me. I have to say, your guy does not start of as a freerunning expert, and I'm ok with that. I think it'll be fun to progress in that area. It's a lot of fun being able to climb damn near everything.

Can't wait to jump back in to this! (Xbox version here)

agreed. Combat is just simply improved from say Dead Island. That first zombie head burst feels satisfying.


One thing I am hitting on in my video is that that sound and mixing is simply amazing as well I loved it. Also the music holy crap at points its incredible and almost John Carpenter good.

Good to read that about the music. Too little games make us of that genre of music. I heard some of it in a demo already & it really stood out. You know he's bringing out an album soon, no? That is sounding great as well.
It is Dead Island with better graphics, better movement, better storage and inventory, better skills, and better combat.

FYI I loved Dead Island but ya. I have to admit with all this crap going on and even the way I was treated by the Pub I didn't think I would think that. I expected something was amiss.

Awesome - thanks for the info... need to think carefully if I have the time or money this month to buy it.... so many games still to play/complete.


Good to read that about the music. Too little games make us of that genre of music. I heard some of it in a demo already & it really stood out. You know he's bringing out an album soon, no? That is sounding great as well.

Ya I even talked about it in my review in progress video for DL. Odd timing because his music is fairly unique and when DL started it hits you like a damn brick that they are similar.

Awesome - thanks for the info... need to think carefully if I have the time or money this month to buy it.... so many games still to play/complete.
I mean waiting can improve the tech(patches) if you do MP than maybe get it now when people are playing it more. If not than no harm in waiting you know.

Some things they DO need to improve.
Tearing on consoles
FPS on consoles

It is not a technical disaster but the game seems like it WANTS you to not be able to see it at its best for longer than like 3 minutes lol


John Carpenter style brother. Synth all the way.

I tried searching who did the music (after I heard some in the demo), but couldn't find anything. Carpenter is King. Love his synth work (I actually have a LOT of that kind of music).


Found the composer.
Pawel Blaszczak

I am also interested if people feel that the two major NPC characters are VERY similar to the 2 in Far Cry 4. I swear it felt like parallel writing at times.


I was skeptical from the get go. The developer doesn't have a sterling reputation and the preorder and review copy fiasco didn't so anything to entice me. Add that onto the fact I only heard about the game last week, I was never going to buy it on release. If it turns out to be solid, I'll simply wait for a cheap used copy.

Good for you, sir.
Wall of impressions (from Xbox One version) as many folks would like to see what this game is about since reviews are lacking. (current time playing about 3 hours deep. 2 hours co-op. 1 hour single player) Also for those looking into the co-op 4 player madness, you need to get past the first 30 minute intro before it unlocks.

First thing first. Dying Light is by and large a Dead Island game and works off the cotails of what they already established. Wether this is good or bad, will be largely up to the individual player and their preference. So what does this mean.

Story in Dying Light is provided via cutscenes and showcases that the area the main character you play as is dealing with zombies in an open fashion. The outbreak has already occured for a unknown ammount of time and now you have two different factions fighting for power in the contained area. There is rumor of a cure or half cure that could cause issues and your sent into the containment zone. Unfortunatly things go bad from the start and you find yourself working with the locals to infiltrate their system for your gain.

Dying Light is a first person zombie, open world, melee based, game with some minor shooting gameplay. The huge boost in gameplay to this one is the verticality and parkour. Now you can run, jump, slide, climb, and work your way through the zombie hordes. Moves you can unlock that allow much more fluidity in combat from drop kicks, to jumping over zombies.The level up system seems robust with three skills trees. Your exp is ganied depending on what your doing. Fighting, looking for supplies or climbing around. So if you disliked the lack of mobility in Dead Island, which was server lacking imo, Dying Light is a playground in this sorts.

Fighting is melee based mostly but we know that there is gun. I've not been able to tackle the guns as I'm still too early to comment on that. There is a stamina bar down at the bottom of the screen that is similar to the one in Dead Island and each swing takes away from it. Not letting it recover will lead to the character running short of breath. As you fight, weapons do indeed take damage but now you can at least repair them on the fly, by simple holding a button, granted as long as you have the materials to repair them. I do believe some weapons eventually break all together and then can only be discarded or dismatled for parts. Weapons can also get modifications on them like electricity, etc. Combat feels fun, fast, and curb stomping viceral at times. You can knock a zombie down and literally go ape shit on them once on the ground. That being said zombies take a lot more hits and if you have a huge group of them, especiall the fast moving ones. Your in for some hurt.

The parkour elements start of a bit rough simple because your not used to the sort of verticality in first person that this game offers. After a short while with it though, you will find yourself jumping from ledge to car to buildings and you almost get in a zen like flow. The scariest thing being high up is running from a mob of zombies and not knownig what is at the bottom after you've run out of room to run. Luckily there are dumpsters and trash piles in a lot of places that allow you to jump from great distances and survive. There can be quite the feeling of anxiety being high up that I don't get from most games personally. I dig it though and it adds to the already anxious feeling.

Now the missions so far seem to be very typical of this games nature. Go hear, turn this on, collect this, do my bidding, etc. It actually makes sense from the story perspective as your earning your way in the camp, so I'm hoping this changes a bit as you prove your worth more but I doubt it.

Day and Night. During the day there can be a lot of zombie on your ass, but they move slow, are easy to get by, and can be dangerous in numbers. I've seen at least 20+ zombies on the screen at once if not more. At night, the more wild and crazy zombies appear and they can haul ass after you. There is nothing like hitting the button to look back and see a group of zombies chasing after you in slow motion as game then resumes normal play. I'd say the mechanics of the night and day system work well and it can be really scary at night if hordes of enemies relentlessly chasing you make you nervous. It also appears you can outrun or evade and loose some of these types but I'd need to play more to confirm. Luckily if you can make it to a save house, you can sleep to get back to daylight, but guess what... if you play during nighttime you get more exp gaining boost. So it's that reward/risk feeling.

The only negatives at the moment I forsee are the following:

You seem like an erand boy at the start and the missions haven't been anything super interesting yet. Very typical. I don't mind but for those seeking more, I can't tell you if it offers that yet. Time will tell.

The melee weapons breaking seems to be hit or miss with fans of Dead Island and I see the same reaction to Dying Light. I think this is offset though by the fact you don't have to go to a work bench and can be done right on the spot.

The voice acting is hit and miss. Some sound really good, some accents sound really bad. Otherwise it's fine.

That's about it so far for me otherwise I'm enjoying the more serious story. The setting is dark and drab. Def enjoy the day and night system and it rains and storms also. The parkour is great and once you get the feel for it, adds a ton to the gameplay and funfactor. Also I LOVE the music. Very 80's synth style. Reminds me of John Carpenter which I'm a huge fan of his movies and soundtracks. I'm sure there are some things I missed talking about in this wall-o-text but questions can be answered if folks have them. The framerate on xbox one seems decent, I've seen some dips here and there, or at least it felt like it. Also there is screen tearing for sure but it's not constant. Thanks for reading everyone.


I haven't seen many X1 performance impressions - anyone have anything to share?

I have both the X1 and PS4 version on hold but will only get one of then after work, hoping to hear more impressions or comparisons. I've read a lot of positive things re: PS4 version so far. Can anyone provide more insight on the X1 performance compared to the PS4?

I usually get multiplat releases on PS4.
Wall of impressions (from Xbox One version) as many folks would like to see what this game is about since reviews are lacking. (current time playing about 3 hours deep. 2 hours co-op. 1 hour single player) Also for those looking into the co-op 4 player madness, you need to get past the first 30 minute intro before it unlocks.

First thing first. Dying Light is by and large a Dead Island game and works off the cotails of what they already established. Wether this is good or bad, will be largely up to the individual player and their preference. So what does this mean.

Story in Dying Light is provided via cutscenes and showcases that the area the main character you play as is dealing with zombies in an open fashion. The outbreak has already occured for a unknown ammount of time and now you have two different factions fighting for power in the contained area. There is rumor of a cure or half cure that could cause issues and your sent into the containment zone. Unfortunatly things go bad from the start and you find yourself working with the locals to infiltrate their system for your gain.

Dying Light is a first person zombie, open world, melee based, game with some minor shooting gameplay. The huge boost in gameplay to this one is the verticality and parkour. Now you can run, jump, slide, climb, and work your way through the zombie hordes. Moves you can unlock that allow much more fluidity in combat from drop kicks, to jumping over zombies.The level up system seems robust with three skills trees. Your exp is ganied depending on what your doing. Fighting, looking for supplies or climbing around. So if you disliked the lack of mobility in Dead Island, which was server lacking imo, Dying Light is a playground in this sorts.

Fighting is melee based mostly but we know that there is gun. I've not been able to tackle the guns as I'm still too early to comment on that. There is a stamina bar down at the bottom of the screen that is similar to the one in Dead Island and each swing takes away from it. Not letting it recover will lead to the character running short of breath. As you fight, weapons do indeed take damage but now you can at least repair them on the fly, by simple holding a button, granted as long as you have the materials to repair them. I do believe some weapons eventually break all together and then can only be discarded or dismatled for parts. Weapons can also get modifications on them like electricity, etc. Combat feels fun, fast, and curb stomping viceral at times. You can knock a zombie down and literally go ape shit on them once on the ground. That being said zombies take a lot more hits and if you have a huge group of them, especiall the fast moving ones. Your in for some hurt.

The parkour elements start of a bit rough simple because your not used to the sort of verticality in first person that this game offers. After a short while with it though, you will find yourself jumping from ledge to car to buildings and you almost get in a zen like flow. The scariest thing being high up is running from a mob of zombies and not knownig what is at the bottom after you've run out of room to run. Luckily there are dumpsters and trash piles in a lot of places that allow you to jump from great distances and survive. There can be quite the feeling of anxiety being high up that I don't get from most games personally. I dig it though and it adds to the already anxious feeling.

Now the missions so far seem to be very typical of this games nature. Go hear, turn this on, collect this, do my bidding, etc. It actually makes sense from the story perspective as your earning your way in the camp, so I'm hoping this changes a bit as you prove your worth more but I doubt it.

Day and Night. During the day there can be a lot of zombie on your ass, but they move slow, are easy to get by, and can be dangerous in numbers. I've seen at least 20+ zombies on the screen at once if not more. At night, the more wild and crazy zombies appear and they can haul ass after you. There is nothing like hitting the button to look back and see a group of zombies chasing after you in slow motion as game then resumes normal play. I'd say the mechanics of the night and day system work well and it can be really scary at night if hordes of enemies relentlessly chasing you make you nervous. It also appears you can outrun or evade and loose some of these types but I'd need to play more to confirm. Luckily if you can make it to a save house, you can sleep to get back to daylight, but guess what... if you play during nighttime you get more exp gaining boost. So it's that reward/risk feeling.

The only negatives at the moment I forsee are the following:

You seem like an erand boy at the start and the missions haven't been anything super interesting yet. Very typical. I don't mind but for those seeking more, I can't tell you if it offers that yet. Time will tell.

The melee weapons breaking seems to be hit or miss with fans of Dead Island and I see the same reaction to Dying Light. I think this is offset though by the fact you don't have to go to a work bench and can be done right on the spot.

The voice acting is hit and miss. Some sound really good, some accents sound really bad. Otherwise it's fine.

That's about it so far for me otherwise I'm enjoying the more serious story. The setting is dark and drab. Def enjoy the day and night system and it rains and storms also. The parkour is great and once you get the feel for it, adds a ton to the gameplay and funfactor. Also I LOVE the music. Very 80's synth style. Reminds me of John Carpenter which I'm a huge fan of his movies and soundtracks. I'm sure there are some things I missed talking about in this wall-o-text but questions can be answered if folks have them. The framerate on xbox one seems decent, I've seen some dips here and there, or at least it felt like it. Also there is screen tearing for sure but it's not constant. Thanks for reading everyone.

Sounds like it's exactly what I was expecting from it. Oh well, it's a month away now for me so no point in worrying about it. I'm just happy to absorb more impressions.
Does this game feature a full RPG system like dead island? Do weapons have stats in the same way for example, and a big variety like the original?

Also can you see hit damage numbers?

Also can I opt out of night missions and especially the invasions? Invasions in games are not my thing.


I haven't seen many X1 performance impressions - anyone have anything to share?

I have both the X1 and PS4 version on hold but will only get one of then after work, hoping to hear more impressions or comparisons. I've read a lot of positive things re: PS4 version so far. Can anyone provide more insight on the X1 performance compared to the PS4?

I usually get multiplat releases on PS4.

I was happy with both and though I didn't framecount they seemed to be very close.
So, before i buy, is this game all fucked up and needs major patches?

Have had no bugs other than a couple animation issues with like zombies getting stuck after dying. That kind of thing. Did read that occasionally someones face will be textured wrong. Other than that nada.


If you guys like the music in this check out a new movie that just came out called "The Guest". I literally just watched it this morning and then immediately started playing Dying Light. Both have similar and awesome music. The Guest will no doubt be movie soundtrack of the year for me. Solid movie too.


Might push me over the fence

Seriously its epic good and I found out that many people thought it was Carpenter who did it.

If you guys like the music in this check out a new movie that just came out called "The Guest". I literally just watched it this morning and then immediately started playing Dying Light. Both have similar and awesome music. The Guest will no doubt be movie soundtrack of the year for me. Solid movie too.
Thanks! Checking it out.


So, before i buy, is this game all fucked up and needs major patches?

I'm playing the PS4 version, a few hours in and I've had no issues at all so unless things go to shit further in it seems fine so far. I'm not seeing any obvious tearing, so if its there its not enough for me to notice.
I hope the game's story stops getting in the way of me doing whatever I want pretty soon here. It's kind of just frustrating to have to wade through, especially considering how bad it is. Only like an hour in, but
when you have to destroy the Antizin, I was just like... Why do you have to destroy it in order to get the attention of the opposing faction? Won't the fact that you stole it and used it to benefit your faction anger them enough? It's literally just a frustrating good or bad karma spot in the game, that makes me feel like there used to be a choice there for the player to make, and then they got rid of it.


Looks like I'm getting this in the mail tomorrow from Gamefly. I really haven't been following this release but it sounds like it could be a lot of fun. I'll check in more after I've played a bit.
Watching the Giantbomb ql and the framerate on the ps4 version looks terrible, I hope for ps4 owners it's just the video, was going to get it on PC anyway, but that looks shit too. Guess I will have to wait.


Does this game feature a full RPG system like dead island? Do weapons have stats in the same way for example, and a big variety like the original?

Also can you see hit damage numbers?

Also can I opt out of night missions and especially the invasions? Invasions in games are not my thing.

Skill trees are in.

Weapons have stats and are upgradable.

No numbers above enemies when hit.

Pretty sure you can opt out of invasions.


Well, the jumping and grabbing took a bit of getting accustomed to, but it works wonderfully. The game just feels good to play and looks and runs great to boot. As I suspected, it is a better version of Dead Island that features some neat new mechanics and I could not be more pleased. Very solid thus far.


aww can't do digital? :p

I always do physical copies if there is a physical release.

My hard drive is already full on Xbox One and I hate downloading and reinstalling games. Don't want this for PS4 the PS4 controller cramps my left hand after some time.


I always do physical copies if there is a physical release.

My hard drive is already full on Xbox One and I hate downloading and reinstalling games. Don't want this for PS4 the PS4 controller cramps my left hand after some time.

Understandable, my PS4 HDD is full as well, but I still have to install games from the physical copies anyhow. I just get tired of swapping discs around all the time. At least with physical you can resell/trade in later for some cash.
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